“A gospel-infused framework for the kind of loving correction that will help all of us train up a child in the way he or she should go.” —Bob Lepine, Cohost, FamilyLife Today Parenting can be a challenge. Sometimes it seems like all we do is give directions and all children do is disobey. How can we promote good behavior and a peaceful home without becoming harsh drill sergeants on…
Augustine is widely considered to be the most influential theologian in church history after the apostle Paul. Dramatically converted from a life of licentiousness to one of wholehearted devotion to Christ, the humble North African pastor quickly established himself as a leading figure within the ancient church. In Augustine on the Christian Life, historian Gerald Bray explores the rich spiritu…
Pornography may seem inescapable, but God can free us from its destructive power. The gospel replaces the dehumanizing lies of pornography with this surprising truth: God created us as royalty. How then can we reclaim our God-given identity to take a stand against—and ultimately starve—the predatory porn industry? In The Death of Porn, Ray Ortlund writes six personal letters, as from a f…
If you have experienced anxiety or depression, you may have asked yourself, Why am I feeling like this? You are not alone. In this companion guide to his book for parents Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?, pastor and counselor David Murray introduces you to the personal accounts of eighteen teens who have struggled with different types of anxiety or depression. This guide will help you d…
Unlock the Chains of Anxiety or Depression Have you ever looked at your anxious or depressed teenage son or daughter and wondered, Why is my teenager feeling like this? In this companion guide to his book for teens Why Am I Feeling Like This?, pastor and counselor David Murray offers spiritual encouragement and practical direction for parents and other adults who want to help but don't kn…
Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat : Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab : Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Melalui kur…
Outline: The widespread activity of the Roman Catholic Church makes it imperative that all Christians regardless of denomination should know something about its doctrines, its practices and its goals for the future. Dr. Boettner has written an interesting and informative book from the viewpoint of evangelical Protestantism which presents the two systems in strong contrast. The present day Roman…
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: When studying a book as significant as the Bible it is important to grasp the facts accurately. By This Name was written to make the Bible straightforward and clear. This Companion Workbook takes it the next step, having been designed with the express purpose of walking one through the Bible's primary message, using By This Name. The WorkBook uses a discover-for-yourself approach to le…
Outline: The extraordinary story of how, among the Masai in Tanzania, an American missioner "rediscovers" the gospel message. Dear Bishop, ...Suddenly I feel the urgent need to cast aside all theories and discussions, all efforts at strategy - and simply to to these people and do the work among them for which I came to Africa. ... just go and talk to them about God and the Christian messag…
Outline: Bagaimanakah ketiga istilah itu dapat dipahami secara Kristen? Pertama-tama kita akan diajak untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana kita sampai beriman, dan bagaimana kita memahami wahyu? Wahyu Allah dan Iman Kita membuka pemahaman kita akan ketiga istilah tersebut. Pemahaman itu selalu dihayati dalam budaya yang konkret, dengan segala latar belakangnya. Dalam rangka itu, perjumpaan iman …
Outline: Kitab Tawarikh sering dianggap sebagai kitab yang membosankan. Hal ini wajar, karena pertama kali membaca kitab ini, pembaca disodori serentetan nama yang kadang sulit untuk dibaca, apalagi untuk memahami makna di baliknya. Namun, ketika pembaca mengetahui maknanya, maka inilah yang membuat kitab ini menarik. Buku tafsir Kitab Tawarikh berbahasa Indonesia masih langka. Kalau pun ada, i…
Outline : Maria adalah seorang perempuan yang rendah hati, taat kepada Allah, tetapi mempunyai ketabahan yang luar biasa. Kita sungguh tertantang oleh tanggung jawab serta responsnya terhadap panggilan Allah ketika mempelajari ibu Juruselamat kita. Saat ini Allah masih mencari laki-laki dan perempuan seperti Maria - hamba Tuhan yang sejati.
Outline: Stevri I. Lumintang adalah penulis buku yang berjudul "Theologia Abu-Abu: Pluralisme Agama", (706 halaman) yang telah diterbitkan tiga kali (2002, 2004 dan 200*), dengan memaparkan tantangan dan ancaman racun pluralisme dalam theologia Kristen masa kini. Dalam bukunya yang kedua, berjudul "Theologia & Misiologia Reformed" (780 halaman), beliau mengemukakan keindahan, keteguhan dan kese…
Outline: Dengan melakukan penyelidikan obyektif terhadap teks-teks, Maurice Bucaille telah dapat menumbangkan beberapa ide lama yang selama ini diperoleh manusia dari Perjanjian Lama, Injil dan Qur'an, yaitu dengan membedakan dalam keseluruhannya, hal-hal yang berasal dari wahyu dan hal-hal yang dinodai kekeliruan atau tafsiran manusia. Penelitiannya telah menjernihkan Kitab-kitab suci kembali.…
Outline: Has historic Christianity - the Christianity of the New Testament, of the apostles and the early church - anything to say to the modern world? In the age of existentialism, anti philosophy and musique concrete, the Happenings and the new theology, many people have assumed that a religion based on revealed truth is totally irrelevant. But in this book Dr. Francis Schaeffer contends that…
Outline: Robert Traill's treatment of Christ's intercessory prayer for His people is a masterpiece of Puritan experiential doctrine. Mining the depths of John 17: 24, Traill discovers the comforts of the doctrine of election, the blessing of our hope of heaven, and the believer's delight in the glory of Christ - all founded on the immovable love of the Father of His Son. Traill's exposition is …
Outline: "Nowhere in the whole realm of literature will you find such a Marvel, such a Wonder, such a Nonesuch of a book ..." concludes the preface to Kate Douglas Wiggin's 1909 edition of The Arabian Nights. Her elegant translation of ten classic tales for children and adults includes such favorites as the adventures of Aladdin and his lamp, Ali Baba and the forty thieves, Prince Agib, and S…
Outline: Widely used by both family therapists and family physicians, the genogram is a graphic way of organizing the mass of information gathered during a family assessment of finding patterns in the family system. Until now, however, genogram symbols have sometimes been used idiosyncratically and underlying assumptions for generating hypotheses have been fuzzy. McGoldrick and Gerson remedy th…
Outline: In the second edition of this classic work, Ira Lapidus explores the origins and evolution of Muslim societies. The book, new revised and updated, is divided into three parts. The first covers the formative era of Islamic civilization. The second traces the diffusion of worldwide Islamic societies, while the third explores their reaction to European imperialism, and emergence as indep…
Outline: Man is dead. God is dead. Life has become meaningless existence, man a cog in a machine. The only way of escape lies in a non-rational fantasy world of experience, drugs, absurdity, pornography, an elusive 'final experience', madness ... If this is the twentieth-century mentality, how did it come about? And how can the Christian faith be made meaningful today? In this highly original b…
Outline : Westminster John Knox Press is proud to offer an exciting new phase in the renowned Interpretation commentary series. Instead of focusing on individual books of the Bible, these additions focus on the Bible's most enduring passages and most vital themes, bringing to these topics the insight and faithful wisdom that are longtime hallmarks of the Interpretation commentary series. This e…
Outline: Sejumlah besar ibadah Kristen dirancang dan diatur setiap minggunya di seluruh dunia. Sejatinya, seruan pemazmur "Dari terbitnya sampai kepada terbenamnya matahari terpujilah nama Tuhan" (Mazmur 113:3) terus terjadi di antara orang-orang Kristen yang setia. Meskipun demikian, sebanyak apa pun ibadah dirancang dan sesering apa pun ibadah komunal disajikan, pemimpin ibadah tetap bergu…
Outline: Author Francis A. Schaeffer says this about his latest book: "He Is There and He Is Not Silent deals with one of the most fundamental of all questions - that of epistemology, or, how we know and how we know we know. Unless our epistemology is right, everything is going to be wrong. Epistemology, the theory of the method or grounds of knowledge, is the central problem of our generation;…
Outline: Pada abad-abad pertama pertama Masehi telah tercatat ratusan ribu martir Kristen, akibat penganiayaan kaisar-kaisar Romawi. Namun seberat apapun penganiayaan itu, tidak mungkin mampu menghapuskan kekristenan dari dunia ini. Sejauh sejarah merekam peristiwa dunia, khususnya setelah Reformasi, iman Kristen sejati telah menjadi motor pembaharuan dan kemajuan di segala bidang. Sekarang set…
Outline: Allah memanggil umat-Nya untuk bekerja. Ia mengutus kita dalam nama-Nya untuk berusaha melakukan pekerjaan baik dengan cara-Nya, untuk kemuliaan-Nya, untuk menyatakan belas kasihan Injil dalam kata-kata dan perbuatan. Ini panggilan yang tinggi, betapa pun rendahnya pekerjaan kita. Akan tetapi, kita tidak melakukannya sendirian. Kita melakukannya bersama Dia. Ada sukacita melakukannya b…
Outline: Salah satu hadiah terbesar yang dapat diberikan gereja kepada dunia ini adalah pengertian tentang kehidupan keluarga yang sehat dan praktis. Jika kita ingin berkontribusi bagi bangsa kita, maka kita harus melakukan aksi bersama! Buku ini dapat menjadi berkat bagi orang banyak, sebagai sumber dukungan kepada setiap keluarga pemimpin kristiani.
Outline: Buku ini tidak memaparkan tentang "perang" ibadah, apa corak terbaik, juga tren ibadah. Mengetengahkan yang jauh lebih penting,buku ini di tujukan kepada para murid Yesus yang rindu menjadi penyembah sejatinya mengenai kemuridan ibadah. Ibadah merupakan detak jantung realasi Allah dan umat-Nya konsekuensinya ibadah juga kekuatan dinamis yang mengikat seluruh pelayanan gerejawi sebagai …
Outline: Setiap orang senang mendengarkan cerita; entah cerita itu panjang atau pendek. Akan tetapi kita perlu mengambil manfaat dari semua cerita yang kita dengarkan - membangun atau tidak. Buku ini merupakan suatu metode bercerita yang mengarahkan manusia menuju kehidupan kekal. Cara kita menyampaikannya pun perlu hidup-sederhana, alkitabiah, dan memerlukan tanggapan timbal balik dari pendeng…
Outline: Did Jesus intend to found a church separate from Judaism? Who were the very first followers of Jesus? And how did a clash between two families - the family of Jesus on one hand and the family of high priest Annas and their aristocratic allies on the other - eventually lead to the formation of Christianity? In this sutdy, best-selling author Craid A. Evans looks at how a tumultuous chai…
Outline: "Christians are being called upon increasingly to care, counsel, and cure across cultural boundaries," writes the author. Of course foreign missionaries counsel people from other cultures, but so do many pastors - particularly those in urban settings. Because Christian counseling theory presupposes that counselor and counselee share the same culture, the insights of this discipline mus…
Outline: All too often Christians, and even Christian leaders, do not know how to deal with skeptical challenges to the Bible and the Christian faith. In today's culture of doubt, Bible skeptic Bart Ehrman - professor at UNC-Chapel Hll and the author of four New York Times best sellers - has found a captive audience. Ehrman's popularity is due in large part to the fact that he is talking about …
Outline: TAMU portrays the life of a New Zealand medical couple and their young family from 1959-71. It is a tale of turmoil and tension interspersed with hilarious situations in the crowded quarter of Bandung, West Java. It highlights the reaction of people from many cultures who came to help the developing republic. Not only an excellent travel book, it is an authentic and sensitive journey i…
Outline: Sama seperti orang dewasa, seorang anak dapat berduka saat orang terkasihnya, khususnya orang tua, meninggal dunia. Namun, kedukaan itu kadang kala tidak terdeteksi karena anak belum dapat mengungkapkan kesedihannya dengan kata-kata yang lugas atau dengan cara lainnya yang dapat dipahami orang dewasa. Akibatnya, orang dewasa merasa bahwa anak tersebut baik-baik saja, padahal ia sedang…
Outline: Selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun, John Piper menggembalakan di pusat Kota Minneapolis yang berat dan penuh dengan rintangan, berkhotbah bagi jemaat ketika melalui masa-masa baik maupun sukar dalam kehidupan, dari minggu ke minggu. Keitka tiba saatnya untuk menyampaikan satu seri khotbah terakhirnya yang merupakan gambaran dari masa pelayanan yang penuh sukacita, ia mengangkat sepuluh…