Outline : It used to be that providing clear evidence for the resurrection of Jesus or the reliability of the Bible was a pretty effective way to reach people with the Good News. But today, many folks think all truth is relative, even our historical and scientific data about Christianity. So how can we reach them? We need new ways of telling people the old, old story. We need to look again at o…
Outline: Haddon Robinson has influenced generations of students and preachers through his widely used classic text, Biblical Preaching, in which he contends that "a sermon should be a bullet and not buckshot." With the passing of years, does Robinson's "big-idea" approach to expository preaching still work in today's diverse cultures and fast-paced world? The Big Idea of Biblical Preaching pres…
Outline : HIDUP SEBAGAI PARA PENGIKUT YESUS. Panggilan yang paling mendesak kepada umat Allah adalah untuk hidup sebagai para pengikut Yesus. Kritik yang paling mendakwa gereja sangat sederhana: kegagalan untuk melakukannya. Sebagai seorang presiden dari Fuller Seminary yang melatih pria dan wanita sebagai pemimpin bagi gereja dan masyarakat, Mark Labberton menulis: "Apakah ada alasan mengapa k…
Outline : Ada kelompok Kristen yang mendiskreditkan intelek, ada juga yang menjunjung tinggi intelek. Kelompok pertama membatasi peran intelek hanya dalam perkara sains. Dalam hal rohani mereka lebih mementingkan pengalaman daripada pemahaman doktrin. Memainkan peran intelek berarti menggeser peran Roh Kudus. Bagi kelompok kedua akal budi adalah segalanya. Mereka percaya bahwa akal budi dapat m…
Outline: The Christian Character Library helps Christians shine to their fullest brightness as God's treasures in jars of clay. The focus of these books is not self-improvement but inner transformation by the power of God. Where do you fall short in Christlikeness? Is it holiness? Commitment? Love for God? The books in this series will help you model Christ's character in practical ways that pl…
Outline: Cerita dongeng tetaplah menarik bagi siapa saja; tidak hanya anak-anak! Dongeng dan cerita-cerita rakyat mempesonakan tetapi juga membuka pikiran serta menyadarkan diri betapa cerita-cerita memiliki kekuatan untuk membentuk diri seseorang, bahkan masyarakat yang mendengarnya. Dalam dongeng dan cerita-cerita rakyat terkandung nilai budaya dan spiritual yang mendalam. Di dalamnya tergamb…
Outline: Muslim women, symbols of honour for their men, speak out in this timely and provocative book that takes us into the volatile heartland of Islam, the world's fastest growing religion. With a wide range of telling, often horrific stories about the ways in which Muslim women are abused and oppressed by their menfolk, PRICE OF HONOUR shows how restrictions on women act as a barometer for m…
Outline : SEBUAH PENYELIDIKAN KE DALAM HATI ALLAH. Apa sebenarnya kasih karunia itu? Dapatkah kasih karunia mengubah hidup seseorang, atau itu hanyalah sebuah angan-angan semata? Dalam buku The Case for Grace, Lee Strobel mengukir suatu pembelaan yang sangat kuat dan sangat pribadi bagi Allah, berfokus pada karya Allah yang mengubahkan dalam hidup para lelaki dan perempuan sepanjang masa ini. M…
Outline : Buku ini bercerita tentang bagaimana Injil dapat mengubah segalanya dalam hidup penulis muda berbakat Jaquelle Crowe. Allah telah menyelamatkannya sebagai seorang anak kecil, dan hidupnya tidak akan pernah sama lagi. Segala hal tentang hidupnya yang lama tidaklah menarik lagi. Dan seperti orang kristiani lainnya, ia terus belajar. Jaquelle masih melakukan kesalahan, kegagalan, frustra…
Outline : Ketika ada orang Kristen yang memiliki ketertarikan pada sesama jenis, bagaimana gereja seharusnya meresponsnya? Pendeta Ed Shaw adalah seorang Kristen sejati, berpegang teguh pada Alkitab dan mempertahankan kesetiaan pada pengajaran tradisional gereja tentang etika seksualitas. Dalam buku yang jujur ini, dia membagikan pergumulannya sebagai seorang Kristen sejati yang memiliki ketert…
Outline: Anda pasti tahu tentang ini…. Tapi sebenarnya, mungkin juga Anda tidak tahu. Meski Anda pergi ke gereja, tidak berarti Anda telah diberikan Injil yang jelas. Sebagian besar orang memang bicara tentang Yesus, menjadi orang baik, dan menghindari yang jahat, tapi berita Injil tidak ada di sana – setidaknya tidak secara spesifik dan menyeluruh.Terinspirasi oleh kebutuhan orang yang ser…
Outline: Where was God on September 11? The terrorists who brought death to thousands said they did it in God's name. On the heels of the carnage, thousands on Christians around the world gathered in churches to pray for peace - while others blamed the very idea of God for the tragedy. Just as the smoke for weeks from the smoldering debris, questions still burn inside every American. Now, accla…
Outline: In this installment of the Family Guidance series, Joel R. Beeke presents a heartfelt plea for the renewal of family worship in Christian homes. The family is modeled after the very being of God, providing a divine foundation for family worship from creation. This is not a mere idealistic suggestion for the godly family, but is presented in Scripture as a solemn duty. With great pastor…
Outline: Selama lebih dari 40 tahun Denmark selalu terpilih menjadi negara paling bahagia sedunia, menurut World Happiness Report oleh PBB. Tak terhitung banyaknya artikel dan kajian yang berusaha memecahkan misteri ini. Setelah riset bertahun-tahun , ternyata jawabannya sangat sederhana. Ini karena gaya pengasuhan mereka. Filosofi orang Denmark dalam membesarkan anak terbukti memberikan hasil …
Outline: Dikenal dengan pesan-pesannya tentang kebangunan rohani yang mencetuskan Kebangkitan Besar Kedua pada 1800-an, Charles G. Finney menyulut api yang membakar roh orang-orang Kristen satu-persatu. "Kebenaran digunakan untuk memengaruhi manusia, dan doa untuk menggerakkan Allah. Ketika saya berbicara tentang menggerakkan Allah, saya tidak bermaksud mengatakan bahwa doa mengubah pikiran All…
Outline: Sebuah Tabernakel yang besar dibangun untuk pengkhotbah yang besar. Inilah karunia berkhotbah yang dimiliki Charles Haddon Spurgeon di London's Metropolitan Tabernacle - sebuah bangunan yang mampu menampung 6,000 orang dan dibangun pada tahun 1861 untuk dia. Ahli pidato dan pengkhotbah yang besar ini terus membuat orang memenuhi bangku gerejanya sampai kembali ke pangkuan Bapa tiga pul…
Outline: Menolong orang agar bebas dari keterikatan dosa dan bertumbuh dalam Kristus. Dibangun di atas konsep-konsep yang ditemukan dalam Victory over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, panduan pelayanan konseling dari Neil Andersons ini memberikan informasi yang jelas dan contoh-contoh yang bagus untuk membantu Anda memahami apa itu konseling kemuridan. Jika Anda seorang pendeta, konselor a…
Outline: Apakah Anda terkadang merasa kehilangan dasar pelayanan? Kewalahan dengan pelayanan? Pernah berharap mendapat tambahan kekuatan? Dalam melayani sudah pasti ada masa suka dan duka, termasuk kejenuhan. Bahkan hamba Tuhan (pendeta) sekalipun pernah mengalaminya. Bagaimana bisa? Ada saatnya kita mengalami titik klimaks ketika merasa bahwa pelayanan kita sia-sia, tidak ada hasil, tidak diha…
Overview: Volume 2 of the Annotated Luther series contains a number of the writings categorized under the theme of word and faith. Writings in the volume range from core documents The Bondage of the Will, Against the Heavenly Prophets, The Smalcald Articles, and Large Catechism to Luther's own Confession of Faith and treatments of Moses, the Gospels, and Two Kinds of Righteousness. Each volu…
Overview: Volume 1 of the Annotated Luther series contains many of the writings that defined the roots of reform set in motion by Marthin Luther, from the Ninety-Five Theses through The Freedom of a Christian. Included are a variety of compositions produced between 1517 and 1520 that reveal Luther's pastoral and theological commitments, his earliest confrontations with Rome, and his defense o…
Outline: Volume 4 of The Annotated Luther series presents an array of Martin Luther's writings related to pastoral work, including sermons, hymns, letters, writings on prayer and the Christian life, as well as his widely used Small Catechism. Prefaces to his own writings contain his reflections on his own reforming work. Each volume in The Annotated Luther series contains new introductions, ann…
Outline: The Question that Paul set before the ancient church in Corinth - Do you not recognize that Jesus Christ is in and among you? (2 Cor 13: 5) - remains a critical question for the church today. This commentary by Mark Seifrid offers a unified reading of 2 Corinthians, which has often been regarded as a composite of excerpts and fragments, as Seifrid seeks to hear Paul's message afreash a…
Outline: In keeping with the Pillar New Testament Commentary's distinctive character, this volume by James R. Edwards on Luke gives special attention to the Third Gospel's vocabulary and historical setting, its narrative purpose and unique themes, and its theological significance for the church and believers today. Though Luke is often thought to have a primarily Gentile focus, Edwards counterb…
Outline: Filling a notable fap in scholarship on 2 Peter and Jude, Peter Davids artfully unpacks these two neglected but fascinating epistles that deal with the confrontation between the Greco-Roman world and the burgeoning first-century Jesus communities. Davids firmly grasps the overall structure of these oft-maligned epistles and presents a strong case for 2 Peter and Jude as coherent, consi…
Outline: The reputation of the NIGTC series is so outstanding that the appearance of each new volume is noteworthy. This book on 2 Corinthians is no exception. Master New Testament exegete Murray J. Harris has produced a superb commentary that analyzes the Greek text verse by verse against the backdrop of Paul's tumultous relations with his converts at Corinth. Believing that Scripture cannot b…
Outline: Selama ini, minoritas Tionghoa di Indonesia lebih sering diidentifikasikan sebagai sebuah kelompok etnis yang berkecimpung semata-mata dalam bidang ekonomi. Aktivitas mereka dalam bidang lain, terutama kebudayaan, sering diabaikan. Padahal, dalam kesusastraan misalnya, kaum peranakan Tionghoa di Indonesia pernah menghasilkan karya-karya sastra yang dari segi jumlah lebih besar dari yan…
Outline: "If He is not who he said He Was, and if He did not do what He said He had come to do, the whole superstructure of Christianity crumbles in ruins to the ground." What on earth did He do? What made Him do it? What good did it all do? Examine with John R. W. Stott, rector emeritus of All Souls Church, London, the historical facts on which Christianity stands. And discover what Jesus Chri…
Outline: This book has been written to stimulate the imagination. To make other life-ways more comprehensible. That is our hope. Is it really true that all people are bothers and sisters? We think so. We all laugh and we all cry; we all have our dreams and our disappointments. Yet this ancient idea, as old as mankind-appearing in sore form in all the world's religions, and written into the char…
Outline : When Moses asked God to show him his glory, the Lord passed before him and proclaimed his name. And from that name cascaded a promise of grace and love, compassion and faithfulness, forgiveness and slowness to anger. The story is told in Exodus 34:5-7, but the resonant name reverberates through the corridors of Scripture. Michael Knowles teases out the rich dimensions and implications…
Outline: For the first time in the history of missions there seems to be a global interest and concern for church planting. The Spirit of God is calling the local church to be concerned for those who are outside of the grace and mercy of God, which is manifest in the new creation called the church. This book is not a book of answers but of questions. It raises questions that need to be understo…
Outline: Orang mengira ketika Anda ingin mengubah hidup, Anda perlu memikirkan hal-hal besar. Namun pakar kebiasaan terkenal kelas dunia James Clear telah menemukan sebuah cara lain. Ia tahu bahwa perubahan nyata berasal dari efek gabungan ratusan keputusan kecil - dari mengerjakan dua push-up, bangun lima menit lebih awal, sampai menahan sebentar untuk menelepon. Ia menyebut semua tadi atomic …
Outline : The Bible was not written and received in a historical vacuum-in fact, the social and historical context of the Bible illuminates key understandings that may have been otherwise missed. Biblical scholars use many different approaches to uncover this context, each engaging various aspects of the social and historical world of the Bible-from religious ritual to scribal practice to histo…
Outline : "This was the end of the old Rome. But it would turn out to be the rise of something much more powerful, both for good and for evil." (halaman akhir History of Ancient World). Apa yang terlintas di benak kita ketika membaca ending sebuah buku seperti di atas? Imaji yang terlintas adalah sebuah akhir yang "tidak biasa" untuk sebuah buku sejarah, tidak datar, tidak monoton, tapi menyi…
Outline: Sejak ratusan tahun umat Islam menunggu-nunggu Isa bin Maryam dan datangnya Imam Mahdi. Sebagian ulama mengatakan lain Isa lain pula Mahdi. Kedua-duanya akan datang di akhir zaman. Namun bila keterangan-keterangan Hadits itu dikaji dengan cermat dan dengan pendekatan netral, akan nyatalah yang ditunggu-tunggu umat itu ternyata satu tokoh yang menyandang berbagai julukan dan sebutan. Bu…
Outline: Whether at home or abroad, communicating with people of other cultures is difficult. It requires new ways of thinking and interpreting the world. When conflict arises, as it often does, the issues become even more confusing. without a good understanding of how different cultures handle conflict, our best intentions may only make matters worse. With a particular focus on Asian and Hispa…
Outline: Denying the historicity of Adam has become increasingly present within evangelical circles. Was Adam the first historical man? Does the answer really matter? And does it affect any important doctrines in the Bible? Carefully examining key passages of Scripture, Versteeg proves that all human beings descended from Adam, the first man. He argues that if this is not true, the entire histo…
Outline: Countless book have been written on the subject of Islam, making it a daunting task for the reader to select a good one. The lack of consensus among Islamic scholars also makes Islam a very complex topic. These scholars, who supposedly have the task of clearing the confusion in Islam, tend to prevaricate when questions that could help to decipher Islam are asked. As a result, ordinary …
Outline: Indonesia kaya dengan sumber nilai pembentuk karakter bangsa, diantaranya: agama, budaya, dan falsafah negara dan tujuan pendidikan nasional. Nilai budaya dalam bentuk kearifan lokal (local wisdom) dapat digali dari berbagai etnis di Indonesia. Masyarakat Indonesia adalah masyarakat yang majemuk, multietnis dan multikultur yang telah berkontribusi positif dalam pembentukan karakter …