Outline: Reformasi Luther merupakan peristiwa penting dalam sejarah gereja dan memberikan dampak khusus bagi perjalanan teologi selanjutnya. Namun Luther tidak terlalu mengembangkan teologi, perkembangan teologi dilakukan oleh Melanchton dan Calvin. Khususnya teologi yang dikerjakan oleh Calvin dengan begitu agung dan ketat kini menjadi dasar dari Gereja Reformed yang dikenal sebagai Teologi Re…
Outline: Islamic radicalism has commanded attention in recent years, to the neglect of more moderate voices and trends. This compelling volume introduces the current generation of reformist thinkers and activists and the intellectual traditions and activists and the intellectual traditions they carry on. Richly detailed, regionally focused chapters cover Iran, the Arab East, the Meghreb, South …
Outline: The Gentle Answer is a scholarly to a claim that many Muslims have made in relation to non-Muslims for mote than 1200 years; that the text of the Bible is corrupt and/or falsified. Since critical writing on the Bible is more abundant and has a longer history, Muslim polemicists have selectively used Western biblical criticism in an attempt to support the traditional Muslim accusation o…
Outline: - Is there a God? - What is the evidence for belief in such a being? - What is God like? - Or, is God a figment of human inspiration? - How do we know that such a being might not exist? - Should belief or disbelief in God's existence make a difference in our opinions and moral choices, in the way we see ourselves and relate to those around us? These are fundamental questions, and…
Outline: With Protestant missions passing through a time of rapid change, there is a need for a reassessment of planting churches. This book is an appraisal of the methods used in planting and advancing churches in these changing times. It begins with an examination of the New Testament church and the Biblical basis of missions in the Book of Acts. After the Biblical characteristics are determi…
Outline: You're trapped. You don't know how you ended up in such a mess - locked in habits you can't seem to break or caught in sin. You're a Christian and this sort of thing doesn't happen to Christians ... or so you've been told. You are not alone. The Bible warns repeatedly that all Christians will struggle against Satan and his spiritual forces of darkness. While the spiritual conflict th…
Outline: Sejarah Filsafat dan Theologi Barat adalah buah karya John Frame selama empat puluh lima tahun mengajar mata pelajaran filosofis. Tidak ada survei lain tentang sejarah pemikiran Barat yang menawarkan perpaduan yang menyegarkan antara kejelasan eksposisi, wawasan kritis, dan hikmat alkitabiah. Rangkaian pertanyaan studi tambahan, bibliografi, tautan ke kuliah audio, kutipan dari para pe…
Outline: This book is a handy tool for pastors, theological students, and laity seeking a better understanding of the teaching of John Calvin. With the new study guide, it is a comprehensive, easy-to-read introduction to the most influential book of the Protestant Reformation: Calvin's Institute of the Christian Religion. The translation used is that of Ford Lewis Battles. The brief quotations …
Outline: This resource book features 52 reproducible graphics and activities connected to lessons in The New City Catechism Curriculum.
Outline: 20 engaging, dynamic, and creative lessons for children ages 8-11 corresponding to questions 1-20 of The New City Catechism. Question 1: What is our only hope in life and death? Question 2: What is God? Question 3: How many persons are there in God? Question 4: How and why did God create us? Question 5: What else did God create? Question 6: How can we glorify God? Question 7: Wh…
Outline: This book comprehensively surveys the origin, production and reception of the canonical gospels in the early church. The discussion unfolds in three steps. Part One traces the origin of the 'gospel' of Jesus, its significance in Jewish and Hellenistic contexts of the first century, and its development from eyewitness memory to oral tradition and written text. Part Two then more specifi…
Outline: Theodore Beza's A Clear and Simple Treatise on the Lord's Supper (1559) advances a tireless defense of the Reformed perspective on the Lord's Supper, responding chapter by chapter to specific arguments raised against John Calvin by his Lutheran opponent Joachim Westphal. Beza makes great use of the concept of metonymy, or a figure of speech, in his interpretation of the words of instit…
Outline: Whether it's terrorists in the Middle East who claim inspiration from Islam and express their hatred for the West, or the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, or the violence done by the religious extremists in the United States, it seems religion too often leads to lethal results. Charles Kimball, the author of When Religion Becomes Evil, builds on his bestselling book …
Outline: 17 engaging, dynamic, and creative lessons for children ages 8-11 corresponding to questions 36-52 of The New City Catechism. Question 36: What do we believe about the Holy Spirit? Question 37: How does the Holy Spirit help us? Question 38: What is prayer? Question 39: With what attitude should we pray? Question 40: What should we pray? Question 41: What is the Lord's Prayer? Qu…
Outline: Modernist Islam was a major intellectual current in the Muslim world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Proponents of this movement typically believed that it was not only possible but imperative to show how "modern" values and institutions could be reconciled with Islamic ideals. While the movement declined after the 1930s, replaced by secular projects such as nationalism …
Overview: Penulis menulis buku ini untuk menjawab keresahan terhadap bahaya dari Kekristenan yang dangkal, bukan yang sejati. Kekristenan yang sejati mutlak harus dimulai dan didasarkan pada ajaran yang benar dari Firman Tuhan. Dan TULIP bisa menjadi sarana kita untuk mengenal dan mempelajari seperti apakah ajaran yang benar itu. Doktrin-doktrin dari Calvinisme dan Reformasi merupakan waris…
Outline: Ayub 5: 1 mengatakan, "Di antara yang kudus, kepada siapakah aku berpaling?" Inilah tantangan yang telah berlangsung ribuan tahun yang lalu. Kita merasakan tantangan dan rangsangan kuno ini tetap sangat relevan hingga hari ini, karena di antara sekian banyak agama - khususnya di tengah masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk - kita harus memilih agama mana yang harus kita anut. Dalam situasi…
Outline: Tragedi Cikeusik menyentak seluruh rakyat Indonesia, bahkan masyarakat dunia ikut prihatin. Peristiwa yang semestinya tak perlu terjadi jika kita semua mampu menahan diri. Kejadian Cikeusik adalah satu di antara berbagai kejadian menyangkut Ahmadiyah yang selama ini terus menjadi polemik. Terbitnya SKB Tiga Menteri belum secara maksimal terlaksana di semua lapisan. Untuk tataran elite …
Outline: The first of his works to be translated into English, Risalat al Tauhid, represents the most popular of Muhammad 'Abduh' s discussions of Islamic thought and belief. From its major arguments the general direction of current apology derives. The author died in 1905 but is still quoted and revered as the father of twentieth century Muslim thinking in the Arab world. Though timid and con…
Outline: "Mengapa orang baik bisa menderita?" Itulah pertanyaan sepanjang masa. Ada yang menduga bahwa penyebabnya adalah dosa tersembunyi dari orang itu. Ada yang mempersalahkan orang-orang dianggap sebagai lawan, yang cemburu kepadanya. Ada yang mengaitkan dengan perselisihan dewa-dewi. Ada yang yakin penyebabnya adalah tatanan masyarakat yang tidak adil. Ada orang yang berpendirian bahwa mu…
Outline: Berabad-abad lamanya para teolog dan mahasiswa yang mendalami studi Alkitab telah bertatap muka dengan narasi (penceritaan) tanpa memahaminya betul-betul. Mereka sudah berulang kali membaca dan mempelajari Kitab-Kitab Injil, tetapi mereka tidak cukup menyadari bahwa kitab-kitab itu merupakan narasi. Para penulis seri buku ini mencoba menyadarkan pembaca dalam berhadapan dengan Kitab-K…
Outline: Apakah Perjanjian Lama itu? Apa inti pokoknya? Apa makna Perjanjian Lama bagi kita yang hidup pada awal milenium ketiga Masehi? Temukanlah jawabannya dalam buku ini! Selain membantu para mahasiswa, buku ini juga bermanfaat bagi pembaca awam yang ingin mengenal Perjanjian Lama.
Outline: As the boundaries between cultures and religions blur in an increasingly globalized world, the church finds itself in need of new approaches to understanding and embracing otherness - both inside and outside of its established communities. Southeast Asia has long been one of the world's most diverse regions, with over a hundred ethnicities represented and members of every major religio…
Outline: Berabad-abad lamanya para teolog dan mahasiswa yang mendalami studi Alkitab telah bertatap muka dengan narasi (penceritaan) tanpa memahaminya betul-betul. Mereka sudah berulang kali membaca dan mempelajari Kitab-Kitab Injil, tetapi mereka tidak cukup menyadari bahwa kitab-kitab itu merupakan narasi. Para penulis seri buku ini mencoba menyadarkan pembaca dalam berhadapan dengan Kitab-K…
Outline: Kemunculan wabah Covid-19 telah menjadi ancaman bagi dunia. Setiap orang tenggelam dalam rasa takut dan khawatir akan penderitaan yang mereka alami. Jumlah korban yang terinfeksi virus kian bertambah, parahnya hingga menyebabkan kematian. Di tengah pergumulan tersebut, tidak sedikit dari umat Kristen mempertanyakan keberadaan Allah. Mengapa wabah ini harus menimpa mereka? Buku ini akan…
Overview: Beginning in the late 1960s, a biblical counseling movement sought to reclaim counseling for the church and provide a Christian alternative to mainstream psychiatry and psychotheraphy. This book is an informative and thought-provoking account of that moment. The author's historical account combines careful scholarship with a unique, eyewitness insight. This book is an invaluable r…
Outline : Sebuah pohon, baik jenis, kualitas, penyebaran, serta kecocokannya terhadap kondisi alam yang menyeputarinya, dapat menjadi lebih dari sekedar jenis dan menarik, bila kita mengetahui hal ihwalnya secara mendalam. Di situ kita bicara soal sejarah, pengalaman-pengalaman, kekuatan dan kelebihan, pendalaman dan pemekaran yang terjadi dsb. Imaji tadi perlu kita miliki bila membaca buku ini…
Outline: Reflections from a seasoned theologian. John Frame is remarkable for his ability to pair profound thought with lucid prose. On Theology : Explorations and Controversies gathers seventy-six concise reflections on wide-ranging matters of theology., philosophy, and ethics, divided into eight parts: 1. Theological Method 2. The Thomist Controversy 3. Systematic Theology 4. Essays from …
Outline; Was Adam really a historical person, and can we trust the biblical story of human origins? Or is the story of Eden simply a metaphor, leaving scientists the job to correctly reconstruct the truth of how humanity began? Although the church currently faces these pressing questions - exacerbated as they are by scientific and philosophical developments of our age - we must not think that t…
Outline: If God knows human actions in advance, do humans really have freedom of choice? Throughout the centuries various solutions have been offered as to how to retain or reconcile both the concepts of divine omniscience and human freedom. One solution focuses on the idea of middle knowledge. This theory originates with the Spanish Jesuit Luis de Molina, was contested by Reformed theologians …
Outline: Reconstructing the problem of evil - Why does God permit evil and suffering? This question, known as the problem of evil in theological and philosophical circles, has perennially vexed Christian theology. Academic studies on the problem of evil, however, have failed to move the conversation forward in recent years. In this volume, designed for students and scholars alike, Mark S. M. Sc…
Outline: Buku ini sebagai kelanjutan dari buku sebelumnya, "Theologia Reformasi Gereja Abad XXI" (2017). Semestinya, sebagai agen tunggal Allah dalam dunia, gerejalah yang memengaruhi dunia sesuai sifat dan fungsinya "garam dan terang dunia", namun kenyataannya, gereja semakin lebih serupa dengan dunia ini daripada dunia serupa dengan gereja. Mengapa demikian? Karena gereja sedang kehilangan In…
Outline: What does it take a build a successful ministry partnership? David Rickett reflected on 20 years of experience and found the essential components to be a blend of vision, relationship, and results. In Making Your Partnership Work he shows how to build a partnership by focusing on nine imperatives: - Creating shared vision - Establishing compatibility - Applying ground rules - Keep…
Outline: What is Indonesia? Indonesia is a far-flung archipelago whose people insist that its more than 3,000 islands are united - not divided - by water! One of the world's newest nations, its population also makes it the world's fifth-largest, next after the United States. Like the other countries of Southeast Asia, it is caught in the worldwide throes of economic, social and cultural change.…