Outline: The Bible tells us that Christ has three "offices" - those of Prophet, Priest, and King. Viewed alongside his humuliation and exaltation, they provide a fully rounded understanding of his work and insight into the ongoing roles of the church. In this biblical theology, Richard Belcher explores and defines the basic funcations of prophets, priests, and kings through an analysis of key O…
Outline: They're pushy, forceful, impatient, always in a hurry, and they're always ready to tell you how to do your job better. They're control freaks. Maybe you know one. Maybe you are one. We can learn to cope with the Control Freaks around us. Better yet, we can change. This book will show you how. You'll discover ... - How to Know When Control Is Good or Bad - How to Recognize the Top Ten…
Outline: Women worry a lot. We worry about our children, our friends, our careers, our families, our spouses - the list could go on and on. Yes, we want to be content and trust God with our worries, but it's a struggle to let go and free ourselves from the burden of anxiety. If you're tired of worrying about all the what ifs in your life and want to experience the calm and contentment promised…
Outline: Readers will understand a book's final chapter only if they have understood all that came before it. Likewise, " in order to undersand biblical eschatology," writes Ketih Mathison, "we must understand the entire Bible." From Age to Age looks not only at the fulfillment of God's purposes at the end of history, but also at the stages along the way. The millennium and second coming of Chr…
Outline: Christians instinctvely desire to be like Jesus. Yet evangelical and Reformed thinkers have done little to wed this desire to sound theology and responsible biblical interpretation. With careful attention to Luke's gospel, Jimmy Agan demonstrates that we can - and must - follow Christ's example precisely because we embrace him as Savior.
Outline: "Pluralisme sekarang ini, seperti yang ditekankan oleh golongan postmodernis, adalah ciri khas masyarakat dewasa ini." "Seseorang tidak boleh menghakimi kelompok minoritas dengan menggunakan rumusan-rumusan universal tetapi mendengar mereka dari perbedaan yang mereka mau ungkapkan. Jadi hal yang ditonjolkan adalah pluralitas penalaran, bukan kesatuan penalaran." "Unsur-unsur dalam keny…
Outline: The book of Daniel is both familiar and unfamiliar to many Christians. The stories of the fiery furnace and Daniel in the lion's den are the staples of children's Bible story books and Sunday scholl classes. Yet the latter chapters of Daniel's vision are more unfamilir and daunting to most believers, who may have been exposed to a variety of end-times speculations constructed from an a…
Outline: Speaking the Truth in Love : The Theology of John M. Frame, is a festschrift honoring Professor Frame'a career in seminary teaching and publishing. Unlike many festschrifts, this book does not merely collect essays on subjects of interest to the honoree. Rather, it analyzes Frame's own work in the fields of theology, apologetics, ethics, worship, the church, and other areas. Containing…
Outline: Dalam buku ini, Kevin Vanhoozer memperkenalkan pembaca kepada cara berpikir tentang theologi Kristen yang membawa usaha yang dimulainya dari buku Drama Doktrin ke tingkat berikutnya. Vanhoozer berpendapat bahwa theologi bukan hanya seperangkat keyakinan kognitif, tetapi juga melibatkan ucapan dan tindakan. Dia menggunakan model teater untuk menjelaskan cara doktrin membentuk pemahaman …
Outline: Blessed through God's anointing, King David binds together a broken nation and gives his people victory - until, distracted, he is overcome by sin. The sword of God's judgment then falls on David and his house, but even as David is humbled, he returns penitently to the Lord. Richard Phillip's expository commentary carries us with David up to the heights and down to the depths, noting t…
Outline: Heaven : Better By Far is a rare digest of biblical insights into the timeless ropic of heaven, and the finale of one who prepared himself for nearly a century for that day when he would experience how heaven is better by far. If your idea of heaven is having a "mansion just over the hilltop," J. Oswald Sanders has important news for you. While heaven will provide a final home for thos…
Outline: Author William Backus, a clinical psychologist and associate pastor in a large psychologist and associate pastor in a large suburban church, shows counselors how to apply his revolutionary Misbelief Therapy as introduced in the bestseller Telling Yourself the Truth (nearly 200,000 copies sold!). In Telling the Truth to Troubled People, Dr. Backus integrates both biblical and psychologi…
Outline: The subject of Christ and Culture has occupied the church since its inception. Some emphasize the reality of redemption and the imperative of cultural transformation; others critize this approach because of the transient nature of this current life and the specific function of "kingdom" activity. This project focuses on the two competing compositions rooted in the Reformed tradition; n…
Outline: The Explorations in Biblical Theology series addresses the need for quality literature that attacts believing readers to good theology - and builds them up in their faith. Each title in the series combines satisfying content with the accessibility and readibility of a popular book. The result is a valuable addition to the library of any college senior, seminarian, pastor - indeed anyon…
Outline: The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as a minister's friend and a student's guide. The New American Commentary assumes the inerrancy of Scripture, focuses on the intrinsic t…
Outline: Tidak pernah terlalu cepat untuk mulai memberikan pemahaman praktis kepada anak Anda tentang tubuh mereka yang unik dan indah mengapa Allah merancangnya sebagaimana adanya. Kisah tentang Diriku adalah buku pertama dalam seri MAKSUD ALLAH MENCIPTAKAN SEKS, ditulis untuk dibacakan bagi anak usia 3 sampai 5 tahun. Dengan bahasa yang sesuai dengan usianya, jujur, dan ilustrasi yang realist…
Outline: Berbagai umat beragama di Indonesia sementara ini berhadapan dengan beragama masalah yang sangat peka. Sebagian masalah itu menyangkut kehidupan intern masing-masing umat, orientasi spiritual dan iman serta hubungan interaliran yang berbeda. Sebagian masalah lain berkaitan dengan posisi dan peranan agama-agama dalam masyarakat dan hubungannya dengan pemerintah. Di samping itu, karena u…
Outline: This book is the first to describe not only what competent mentors do but the skills they need to be effective. It is a step-by-step guide to being a good mentor and will be invaluable to anyone who wants to help another to learn more from their work or other experience. It is also essential reading for anyone contemplating introducting mentoring into their organisation.
Outline: "This is interpretation at its most daring and at its best" Widely respected scholar J. Richard Middleton suggests we have misread and misapplied the story of the binding of Isaac and explains that God desires more than silent obedience in difficult times.
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: Many Christians around the world today face severe persecution, while others daily feel the weight of coultural pressure against them. The apostle Peter speaks to this as he reminds us that Christians are aliens and exiles in an often-hostile empire. Yet we are simultaneously the chosen of God, equipped by Jesus's work for us and in us to live faithfully in our dual identity. In this e…
Outline: By the year 2050 only one Christian in five will be non-Latino and white, and the center of gravity of the Christian world will have shifted firmly to the Southern Hemisphere. The Next Christendom is the first book
Outline: "Dalam hal inilah Bapa-Ku dipermuliakan, yaitu jika kamu berbuah banyak dan dengan demikian kamu adalah murid-murid-Ku" - Yohanes 15: 8 Pada waktu Tuhan menciptakan tumbuhan, Dia menghendaki tumbuhan itu menghasilkan buah yang mengandung biji di dalamnya, sehingga selain menjadi hasil pertumbuhan, buah-buah itu juga boleh menjadi tumbuhan yang baru; inilah dalil hidup. Biarlah orang K…
Outline: Kamu ingin melakukan hal-hal sulit, mengubah dunia sekitarmu, dan terpanggil untuk melakukan hal-hal yang luar biasa bagi Allah - tetapi kamu tidak tahu dimana harus memulainya, merasa lelah, letih lesu, dan terjebak pada hal-hal yang biasa saja. Melakukan Hal-Hal Sulit telah menginspirasi ribuan orang muda di seluruh dunia untuk melakukan hal terbaik selama masa remaja. Kini Alex dan …
Outline: Paul urges Philemon to challenge social barriers and establish new realities of conduct and fellowship. His letter is nevertheless a disturbing text that has been used to justify slavery. Though brief, the letter to Philemon requires and rewards close scrutiny. In this commentary Scot McKnight carefully analyzes the text of Philemon and brings its entanglement with ancient Roman slaver…
Outline: Widely used in personal and public worship, the psalms present multiple interpretive challenges - their poetic form has few, if any, points of contact with English poetry and the images in the psalms can seem just as distant. Furthermore, Mark Futato writes, "Their ethics at times seem to go against the grain of the teachings of the New Testament." Interpreting the Psalms, the second r…
Outline: The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell a vital story of a community revived and restored by God's grace through gifted individuals, preparing the way for the Messiah to come. Ezra, a priest, and Nehemiah, a governor, both prioritized the Word of God and the practice of prayer - commitments that are just as vital for the renewal of the church today. In his practical and devotional exposito…
Outline: Was God telling the truth when he said, "you will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart"? In his #1 bestseller The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel examined the claims for Christ, reaching the hard-won verdict that Jesus is God's unique son. In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief - the eight "heart barriers" …
Outline: The Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference (EDC) takes place every second year. The Rutherford Centre for Reformed Theology, which runs the conference, has a present interest in studying the doctrine of the church (ecclesiology). After two years of pandemic, when most churches began to take new forms or develop new ways of meeting, many questions are being asked: What is the church, and what i…
Outline: More Christians have died for their faith in the 20th century, than in the previous 19 centuries combined. Here's what's happening, where it's happening, and what America's Christians must do to stop it.
Outline: Discover how you can reach the unchurched. Looking across the landscape of our society, it is clear that there is a vast field of people who desperately need to know God, His grace and His offer of reconciliation through Christ. In this book, George Barna takes a careful look at the lives and beliefs of unchurched people across the country, and presents dynamic ways to reach them. It w…
Outline: Apakah dampak dari ide-ide Calvin dalam bidang bisnis/ekonomi/keuangan/perdagangan? Apa yang kita percaya mengenai ekonomi merefleksikan bagaimana kita berpikir mengenai Allah, masyarakat, dan orang lain. Dalam buku ini Calvin dapat mengartikulasikan ide-ide ekonomi dengan cara yang secara mengejutkan sungguh jelas, berdasarkan pada Alkitab dan, dengan demikian, menyebabkan revolusi ek…
Outline: Dalam buku yang diangat dari disertasinya ini, Karl D. Jackson menjadikan pemberontakan Darul Islam di Jawa Barat sebagai sebuah laboratorium untuk menguji sejumlah teori tentang tingkah laku politik kaum tani dengan jalan mewawancarai para pelaku pemberontakan itu. Hasilnya, ternyata meruntuhkan banyak praanggapan tentang pemberontakan petani yang selama ini dianut. Menurut Jackson, p…
Outline: Sejak memasuki masa pasca Perang Dunia II, Islam dan nasionalisme atau Islam dan proses politik di Asia Tenggara tampil sebagai tema penting yang membawakan dinamika kronologisnya sendiri; tidak hanya bagi kawasan ini sebagai suatu kesatuan, tetapi juga bagi masing-masing bangsa yang muncul menjadi negara-kebangsaan yang baru di kawasan ini. Buku ini tidak hanya merunut politik pada ma…
Outline: Current events continue to focus attention to resurgent Islam and its role in world affairs. Although many Westerners think of Islam as an Arab phenomenon, more than half of the world's 800 million Muslims live in Asia, the home of four most populous Muslim communities: Indonesia, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. In Islam in Asia, eleven leading authorities on Islam address the questio…
Outline: This stimulating gathering of representative Asian theological essays, readings, and church statements addresses the crucial issues central to the Christian faith in relation to Asia's cultural past and changing culture of the present. Presented are both ecumenical and evangelical positions as well as Protestant and Roman Catholic traditions. A revised edition of the formerly published…
Outline: Buku ini dimulai dengan menafsirkan perikop-perikop tentang silsilah nenek moyang seluruh umat manusia, dari Adam hingga Nuh. Dilanjutkan dengan perikop tentang air bah, daftar bangsa-bangsa, kisah tentang menara Babel dan perserakan umat manusia, diakhiri dengan asal-usul dan pemanggilan Abraham. Sejak semula Dr. Lempp dengan sengaja menunjukkan karya tulisnya ini kepada para mahasisw…