Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Land Grabbing atau Perampasan Tanah di wilayah Pulau Kalimantan (Borneo) adalah salah satu isu utama yang menjadi perhatian Kelompok Kerja (Pokja) Mission 21 Regio Indonesia - Malaysia. Isu telah mencuat sejak lama, bersamaan dengan munculnya perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang mendapat hak khusus untuk mengelola (baca: menebang) hutan ataupun mengelola tanah milik rakyat. Bahkan, tanah a…
Outline: Moving quickly from principle to practice, Vern Poythress helps us rethink how we interpret the Bible by showing us the implications of entering into God's presence as we study. This handbook outlines distinct steps for practicing faithful biblical interpretation by focusing on our fellowship with the God who speaks to us through his Word.
Outline: Everybody ends up somewhere in life. You can end up somewhere on purpose! Visioneering is the engineering of a vision. It's the process one follows to develop and maintain vision. "Vision" writes Andy Stanley, "is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be." In Visioneering, Stanley builds a compelling case for the necessity of a clear, God-orda…
Outline: From Global to Local, the many faces of global Christianity - As they have from the very first century, the highly diverse and creative religious lives of ordinary Christians have decisively engaged the enormous developments of the twentieth century. However tentatively they can all be pieced together, these are some of their stories. Whether in the sugar cane fields of Central America…
Outline: Exploring the Personal and Social Effects - of this momentous upheaval - Perhaps no period in Christian history experienced such vast religious tumult and rapid social change as the European Reformation, when it quickly became apparent that social and political issues - finding deep resonance with the common people - were deeply entwined with religious ones raised by the Reformers. Led…
Outline: Bringing alive the lost world of the Middle Ages - From the fall of Rome and the conversion of the Germanic tribes to the dawn of the Reformation, here is a rich and concrete exploration of the religious life ways and spirituality of medieval peasants and artisans, warriors and clerics, wives and children, and even the dead, in their daily interactions with each other, the church, the …
Outline: Christians encounter the modern spirit - After the Reformation, Christians found themselves living amidst wars of religion, Enlightenment, and colonization. The conflictive and fast-changing scene in which Christians of all allegiances were thrown yielded vase and distinct new challenges and venues to ordinary Christians. The spread of Christianity to lands outside Europe and the Middl…
Outline: Perspectives on the World Christian Movement presents a multi-faceted collection of readings exploring the biblical, historical, cultural and strategic dimensions of world evangelization. Writings from more than 150 mission scholars and practitioners (over 60 of them new to this edition) portray the history and anticipate the potential of the global Christian movement. Every one of the…
Outline: This book examines Christian ethnographic writing about the Jews in early modern Europe, offering a systematic historical analysis of this literary genre and arguing its importance for understanding both the period in general and Jewish-Christian relations in particular. The book focuses on nearly 80 texts from Western Europe (mostly German) that describe the customs and ceremonies of …
Outline: Telling people about Jesus anywhere is tough. But doing it at college has its own special problems. Peer pressures are strong, professors are intimidating, schedules are hectic, relationships are intense. And what about Greeks, non-Christian friends, roommates, international students - yes, and your parents too? How do you show them God's love even when they may not want it? What you …
Outline: The Heidelberg Catechism is one of the finest creeds of the Reformation period. A faithful teacher of millions, it has stood the test of time and and is still, today, one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. This study guide to the Catechism includes all 129 questions and answers, along with clear exposition and questions for review, further study, …
Outline: Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang menghargai nilai-nilai budaya bangsanya. Budaya warisan leluhur, wajiblah dilestarikan dalam bentuk pedoman untuk diwariskan kepada generasi muda. Buku ini menyajikan secara lengkap tentang Upacara Perkawinan Adat Sunda, diawali dengan persiapan sebelum perkawinan, upacara perkawinan, syair dan upacara adat, tata rias, dan busana pengantin, sopan sa…
Outline: Formal and contemplative services in vast cathedrals are as much a part of Christian worship today as casual and boisterous services in refurbished warehouses. Yet this very diversity raises the question, Are all forms of worship equally pleasing of God? Worship wars have erupted over so many issues - musical styles and liturgical formats, as well as more serious concerns like whether …
Outline: Di zaman post-modern ini, pikiran manusia khususnya Kristen, sangat mudah dikacaukan oleh pendapat dan cara hidup yang sangat berbeda dari zaman-zaman yang telah berlalu. Pada saat mengambil keputusan, kita mungkin dipengaruhi oleh pandangan umum. Setan, si pencoba manusia, juga tidak tinggal diam dan berusaha untuk mengacaukan pikiran kita serta menjatuhkan hidup kita dalam dosa. Dala…
Outline: Cara kita memandang Yesus ikut ditentukan oleh banyak faktor. Di antaranya pandangan tentang Dia dari orang yang pernah mengabarkan Injil kepada kita serta kebudayaan dari bangsa yang menerima pesan Inji. Kedua faktor tersebut saling mempengaruhi, sehingga menghasilkan gambar Yesus yang khas. Demikianlah agama Kristen di Amerika Latin sangat dipengaruhi oleh gambar Kristus, sebagai yan…
Outline: Home Grown Leaders aims at providing an approach for the development of Christian leaders whether they be small group leaders, supervisors of multiple small groups or pastors. It relies on both a biblical foundation and contemporary leadership theory. It seeks to introduce both well-informed lay leaders as well as pastors to the process of developing Christian leaders in context. The b…
Outline: One hundred years ago Roland Allen authored his landmark study Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours? The 2012 annual conference of the Evangelical Missiological Society celebrated this centennial by addressing this ever relevant topic. The present volume brings to readers insights from that conference examining the theological foundations, historical predence, and practical challenge…
Outline: Make your teaching matter! For every parent, teacher, pastor, leader, coach, and mentor. Whether you are an "official" instructor or one who shares wisdom and knowledge off-the-cuff, make the most of your opportunities to inspire, to instruct, and to positively and permanently impact others with Teaching to Change Lives. This now-classic volume, written by one of the most effective and…
Outline: Division. Polarization. Strife. That's life-as-usual in today's world. But it shouldn't describe the church. It's time for Christians to listen, reach out, and work together for the common good. But how can God's people achieve true unity in a fallen world? What sort of cooperation is actually possible? Luder Whitlock has an answer - a good one - and an appeal. He shows how we can lear…
Outline: Examining a series of processes (islamization, arabization, africanization) and case studies from North, West, and East Africa, this book gives snapshots of Muslim societies in Africa over the last 1000+ years. In contrast to traditions that suggest that Africa is not Muslim, or that Islam did not take root in Africa, author David Robinson shows the complex struggles of Muslims in the…
Outline: Theodicy attempts to resolve how a good God and an evil world can coexist. The neo-atheist side of this debate has dominated twenty-first-century bestseller lists with books like The God Delusion, God Is Not Great, and The End of Faith. Their popularity illuminates a changing mental environment in which people are asking harder questions about divine goodness. Suprisingly, these books …
Outline: How much did the theological arguments of the church affect the copying of the New Testament text? Focusing on issues of textual criticism, this inaugural volume of the Text and Canon of the New Testament series offers some answers to that question and responds to some of Bart Ehrman's views about the transmission of the New Testament text. Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testamen…
Outline: The Explorations in Biblical Theology series addresses the need fro quality literature that attracts believing readers to good theology and builds them up in their faith. Each title in the series combines solid content with accessibility and readability - a valuable addition to the library of any college student, thoughtful lay reader, seminarian, or pastor. The doctrine of justication…
Outline: Setelah Yesus menyelesaikan tugas-Nya di dunia ini dan kembali kepada Bapa-Nya, seluruh pengikut-Nya hanya berjumlah 120 orang. Kelompok kecil yang pada umumnya terdiri atas orang-orang yang sederhana itu lambat laut berkembang. Hingga kini ada begitu banyak orang Kristen yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Apakah rahasia "pertumbuhan gereja" ini? Professor Barclay menulis bahwa penjelasan…
Outline: Apakah orang beriman tidak berpikir? Apakah orang yang berpikir tidak dapat beragama? Apakah mungkin seorang yang beriman kuat dapat tetap memiliki pikiran yang bertanggung jawab dalam menghadapi berbagai kesulitan, dengan berpikir sesuai dengan firman Tuhan? Buku ini menyajikan suatu pemikiran akan iman dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan pikiran dan kebenaran yang hakiki.
Outline: Salah satu harta milik kita yang paling bersifat paradoks di dalam hidup kita adalah waktu. Manusia tidak mungkin melepaskan diri dari keterikatan dan keterbatasan waktu. Sebagaimana kita diikat dan dibatasi oleh tempat, demikian juga kita diikat dan dibatasi oleh waktu. Apakah ini menjadi suatu jalan buntu bagi makna hidup? Siapakah orang yang berbijaksana dan dapat meluputkan diri, y…
Outline: Appropriate Christianity consists of 28 chapters by 18 authors approaching contextualization in three dimensions: truth, allegiance and spiritual power. Over the years, there have been quite a number of helpful discussions of the contextualization of theological truth. Though we have been helped greatly by them, it is high time we began to deal also with allegiance and spiritual power,…
Outline: Nearly sixteen centuries ago, the city of Rome was sacked by German barbarian Alaric and his Goths - a blow to the very heart of the glorious empire. Rome had dominated civilization for over a thousand years, yet now this symbol of culture, commerce, and order was brought to her knees, and her citizens stripped of their homes, their belongings, and often, their very lines. In the wake …
Outline : Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman …
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayanan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman …
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mengadakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman …
Outline: Technology shapes us, But how do we shape a digital world? As an electrical engineer, Derek Schuurman wondered, what do bits and bytes have to do with Christian beliefs? Sitting in a cubicle farm in the high technology industry, he had difficulty understanding what his work had to do with the kingdom of God. In a concise and accessible style, Schuurman explores a wide range of topics f…
Outline: Dalam dunia yang penuh dengan pembicaraan santun, taplak linen dan jadwal padat, bagaimana seseorang dapat menunjukkan hospitalitas? Dalam dunia yang penuh dengan penembakan misterius dan lingkungan yang tidak bersahabat, bagaimana seseorang dapat mengasihi orang asing? Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk memandang orang asing sebagai seseorang yang dapat membawa berkat bagi hospitalitas.
Outline: A key refrain in Reformed theology is that God's Spirit trumpets the message of salvation through Jesus Christ into every book and cranny of the universe - but now? And in what way does this cosmic truth touch and shape the mundane reality of our lives and our world? In this distillation of his Warfield Lectures, delivered at Princeton Theological Seminary in spring 2014, leading Refor…
Outline: Peacemaker Ministries President Ken Sande gives practical Biblical guidance for conflict resolution that takes you beyond resolving conflicts to true, life-changing reconciliation with family, cowokers, and fellow believers.