Outline: An Abridged Presentation of Richard Baxter's Classic Work. Originally written in 1656 and endorsed by generations of leading pastors as an essential book on the work of ministry, this abridged version of The Reformed Pastor presents the best of Richard Baxter's timeless advice in simple, modern language that's more accessible to a new generation of church leaders. In inspiring communic…
Outline: Life is full of mystery. Is it possible that there is order in the midst of chaos? Are there solutions to everyday problems? Can there be meaning or purpose in life? Is it possible to know why we are here and where we are going? Why is there so much suffering and death? Is there life after death? Can we be enlightened there and now? Am I destined to lose all identity - to become part o…
Outline: What does God have to do with mathematics? Everything. In this book, Vern Poythress argues that the harmony of abstract mathematical truths, the physical world of things, and the personal world of our thinking depends on the existence of the Christian God. Poythress shows that these distinct "perspective" on mathematics cohere because all three find their origin in God's consistent cha…
Outline: Psikoterapi, Kesehatan mental, Psikologi & Psikiatri; Agama & Pelayanan Pendampingan Pastoral; Pernikahan dan Keluarga. Buku ini berisikan materi pelayanan konseling berikut kasus, catatan, kegiatan, dan pekerjaan rumah yang sangat membantu pemulihan klien Anda. Orang Kristen dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah yang juga dialami oleh orang lain di sekitarnya. The Christian Therapist's Not…
Outline : Masih di ibukota Mataram, Cebolang belajar berbegai macam ilmu. Diantaranya, Sastra Jendra Hayuning, ilmu nepton, dan petungan dan pasaran, ilmu bermain kartu, menilai dan memilih wanita, ilmu asmaragama, sejarah ilmu makrifat Jawa, jugga sejarah Islam di Jawa. Di Prambanan, Cebolang belajar tentang Babad Pengging dan asal usul candi Prambanan, Suluk Hartati, asal usul manusia, Wirid …
Outline: In the mid-seventeenth century, persons on both sides of the Atlantic wishing to join a Puritan church had to appear before all of its members and tell the story of their religious conversion - in effect, to give convincing verbal evidence that their souls were saved. New England's Puritans widely adopted this practice, and in this book Patricia Caldwell attempts to unravel the mystery…
Outline: Everlasting Dominion is the magnum opus of the greatly esteemed Dr. Eugene H. Merrill, an exceptionally researched theology of the Old Testament based on decades of study and teaching experience. He takes a high view of Scripture as the inspired, authoritative Word of God and guides readers to a deeper understanding of our Creator and the Old Testament's very nature. Employing a well-b…
Outline: Masalah yang selalu dihadapi oleh para pelayan Allah (pendeta) atau orang yang mendapat tugas dalam jemaat untuk melayani di bidang pastoral adalah: bagaimana menerapkan teori-teori pelayanan bimbingan pastoral yang sudah mereka ketahui? Untuk itulah buku ini hadir guna menjawab kebutuhan tersebut. Dengan demikian dapat membantu para pelayan dalam melakukan tugas bimbingan pastoral. A…
Outline: Salah satu pelayanan pastoral yang dianggap penting adalah pelayanan kepada orang berduka. Kedukaan terjadi saat seseorang kehilangan sesuatu yang ia cintai, entah itu orang, barang, atau bahkan peluang, dan lain sebagainya. Reaksi terhadap kehilangan ini juga tidak selalu sama. Ada yang bersikap pasif, yaitu menyerah dan memandang semua peristiwa sebagai "kehendak Allah". Ada yang be…
Outline: Apakah Penggembalaan itu? Gembala (budak angon) di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sudah banyak yang mengenalnya. Tetapi, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan gembala dan penggembalaan dalam kehidupan kekristenan? Apakah ada hubungannya dengan gembala (budak angon) tadi? Atau, dengan Gembala yang Baik dalam Yohanes 10? Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu dapat Anda temukan dalam buku ini, bu…
Outline: French Jesuit Henri de Lubac (1896 - 1991) was arguably the most revolutionary yet underacknowledged theologian of the twentieth century. He proposed that Western theology since the early modern period has lost sight of the key to intergrating faith and reason -- namely, the truth that all human beings are naturally oriented toward the supernatural. Originally published in 2005, The S…
Outline: How are God and creatures related? How can one reconcile the sovereignty and power of God with creatures? capacity to act freely? Kathryn Tanner's important and original work seeks an answer in the features and limits of traditional Christian discourse. Her search for a unique kernal or regulative dimension of the Christian doctrine of God-world relations leads her to identify in the t…
Outline: For both Maximus The Confessor (C. 580-662) and Jurgen Moltmann (B. 1926), understanding what it means to be human springs from a contemplative vision of God. This comparative study explores suprising parallels between the theological anthropology of the seventh-century Byzantine monk and the contemporary German Protestant. Bingaman argues that Maximus and Moltmann root their understa…
Outline: A Revolutionary Message: "I've been married 35 years and have not heard this taught". "This is the key that I have been missing." "A lightbulb moment." "You connected all the dots for me." "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material." "You're on to something huge here." A Simple Message: A wife has one driving need - to feel loved. When that need is met, she is …
Outline: Over twenty-five years in the making, this much-anticipated commentary promises to be the standard stury of Proverbs for years to come. Written by eminent Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke, this two-volume work is unquestionably the most comprehensive commentary on Proverbs available. Grounded in the new literary criticism that has so strengthened biblical interpretation of late, Wal…
Outline: Over twenty-five years in the making, this much-anticipated commentary promises to be the standard stury of Proverbs for years to come. Written by eminent Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke, this two-volume work is unquestionably the most comprehensive commentary on Proverbs available. Grounded in the new literary criticism that has so strengthened biblical interpretation of late, Wal…
Outline: The second of John Oswalt's two-part study of Isaiah for the NICOT series, this commentary provides exegetical and theological exposition for scholars, pastors, and students who seek to know the perennial meaning of the text in contemporary terms. Though Oswalt's main introduction to Isaiah is found in his commentary on chapters 1-39, this second volume opens with an important discuss…
Outline: For hundreds of years Christendom has been blessed with Bible commentaries written by great men of God highly respected for their godly walk and their insight into spiritual truth. The Crossway Classic Commentary Series, carefully adapted for maximum understanding and usefulness, presents the very best work on individual Bible books for today's believers. While other parts of Script…
Buku ini meneliti kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi di Timur Tengah kuno, dari awal munculnya perabadan tulisan (tahun 3100 SM) hingga kedatangan Aleksander Agung (332 SM). Wilayah yang diteliti meliputi Mesopotamia (Iran, Irak, Turki, Syria, Libanon, Israel) dan Mesir pada zaman modern ini. Buku in mencoba merekonstruksi asumsi-asumsi dasar yang memungkinkan terbentuknya masyarakat pada zaman kuno…
Outline: Buku ini adalah adaptasi dari seri pendalaman Alkitab bertajuk Tujuh Dosa Maut yang mulanya dibawakan di GRII Kelapa Gading, GRII Pusat, acara In Conversation With di Reformed 21 TV serta beberapa acara lainnya. Di dalamnya kita akan merenungkan tentang apa yang telah disistematiskan oleh Paus Gregorius I sebagai "Tujuh Dosa Maut," yakni: Kecongkakan, Iri Hati, Kemurkaan, Kemalasan, …
Outline: Saat membahas misi, mudah untuk mengandalkan Perjanjian Baru dan mengabaikan pentingnya Perjanjian Lama. Penulis mengoreksi kecenderungan ini dengan menjelaskan pesan misioner dari Perjanjian Lama. Penulis mempertanyakan gagasan bahwa Perjanjian Baru mewakili penyimpangan dari maksud Allah yang seharusnya hanya menyelamatkan orang Israel. Penulis berpendapat bahwa -- bertentangan d…
Outline: Buku ini menjelaskan arti penting dari akal budi baik untuk memenangkan orang-orang lain kepada Kristus dan juga untuk mengalami perkembangan rohani pribadi. Penulis menantang kita untuk mengembangkan akal budi Kristen dan menggunakannya untuk memajukan kerajaan Allah melalui penginjilan, apologetika, ibadah, dan vokasi.
Outline: Buku ini berisi 12 tema ini disunting dari materi rekaman Kelas Pembinaan Orangtua dan Remaja & Kelas Pemahaman Alkitab yang disampaikan oleh penulis, di dalam 4 periode pada tahun 2018 - 2019, di GRII Bandung. Hikmat bagi para Ayah & Ibu: 1. Tempat bagi Manusia 2. Kesempurnaan Taman Eden 3. Menghadirkan Berkat-Nya 4. Hawa untuk Adam 5. Lidah Ular di Telinga Manusia 6. Me…
Outline: Yesus Kristus berkata, "Aku datang, supaya mereka mempunyai hidup, dan mempunyainya dengan segala kelimpahan" (Yohanes 10: 10). Pernyataan ini begitu tegas dan berani, tidak pernah dan tidak boleh diucapkan oleh tokoh agung atau pendiri agama mana pun, karena hanya Yesus Kristus satu-satunya yang dapat memberikan hidup bagi dunia. Apa yang dimaksud "hidup ... dalam segala kelimpahan…
Outline: Pancaindra rohani perlu dilatih sampai mengalami tingkat kedewasaan. Hal itu hanya dimungkinkan oleh adanya makanan rohani yang solid sekaligus pelita bagi kehidupan, yaitu firman Tuhan. Firman Tuhan perlu diterima tanpa banyak keluhan. Sungguh diperlukan kemauan dan kemampuan untuk melatih pancaindra rohani supaya berani mengambil sikap di tengah segala pilihan dalam dunia ini. M…
Overview: Is it okay to call God mother? The author's book explores this intriguing question, offering an evenhanded critique of inclusive languag of God. The author closely examines how the Scriptures address God and points out the critical differences between the Bible's gendered language for God and inclusive language. In addition, the author encourages the church to follow the Bible's m…
Outline: The Preacher in Ecclesiastes reminds us that life under the sun does not play out according to neat and tidy rules. He asks us to see the world around us in all its messiness and explores what that messiness reveals about us, our world. and God. The Preacher is plainspoken, because people line in the midst of this mess and we have to talk about it. The author gives us a meditation t…
Overview: In this book, the author - master teacher, deft exegete, committed churchman, and fully attuned contemporary intellectual - takes up this challenge with extraordinary energy and intelligence. The result is a capstone volume that puts all the pieces together both for students who read it straight through it at their own pace. For all who read it, the book will become a standard refe…
Overview: A long-awaited major statement by perminent analytic philosopher Alvin Plantinga, this book illuminates one of our society's biggest debates-the conflict between science and religion. Plantinga examines where this conflict is said to exist-looking at areas such as evolution, divine action in the world, and the scientific study of religion-and he considers claim by Daniel Dennett, Ric…