Outline: The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as a minister's friend and a student's guide. The New American Commentary assumes the inerrancy of Scripture, focuses on the intrinsic t…
Outline: The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people. whether in biblical times or for the church today. It is also a fully human book, written by different people in a variety of cultural settings. Knowledge of biblical language and society is essential if the meaning of the human writer is to be grasped fully. The Apollos Old Testament Commentary…
Outline: This volume contains a selection of forty-three sermons arranged in chronological order. Beginning with what may be Luther's earliest extant sermon and ending with the last he delivered before his death, this collection of sermons can give the reader a glimpse into the Reformer's development as a preacher. As Luther's insight into the meaning of the Gospel grew not only did he set asid…
Outline: Usaha sepanjang hayat mengenal Allah seharusnya menjadi ciri kehidupan kekristenan. Namun, menurut pakar teologi terkemuka, J. I. Packer, orang-orang Kristen telah terhipnotis oleh skeptisisme modern dan ikut dalam "konspirasi penyesatan besar" karena mereka telah salah menempatkan prioritas. Knowing God ditulis untuk mengarahkan perhatian kita kembali pada kebenaran mendalam dan seder…
Outline: Independent of his international renown as a humanitarian. Albert Schweitzer is well known as a great musicologist; a reputation that rests largely upon this book. Schweitzer's J. S. Bach is one of the great full-length studies of the composer, his life, and his work. Its influence on the subsequent performance of Bach's music was enormous, and there is scarcely a later work on Bach wh…
Outline: Kitab tiga serangkai dalam buku serial ini mengangkat kesaksian prinsip-prinsip alkitabiah tentang sejarah mula-mula Israel di tanah mereka. Menurut Graeme Auld, "kitab-kitab ini bercerita bagaimana di bawah Yosua tanah tersebut dikuasai oleh Israel dan kemudian dibagikan kepada suku-sukunya. Kitab-kitab ini berkisah bagaimana setelah Yosua, ada periode yang lama saat jatuh bangun, ada…
Outline: Pada abad-abad pertama pertama Masehi telah tercatat ratusan ribu martir Kristen, akibat penganiayaan kaisar-kaisar Romawi. Namun seberat apapun penganiayaan itu, tidak mungkin mampu menghapuskan kekristenan dari dunia ini. Sejauh sejarah merekam peristiwa dunia, khususnya setelah Reformasi, iman Kristen sejati telah menjadi motor pembaharuan dan kemajuan di segala bidang. Sekarang set…
Outline : Tantangan apakah yang Jemaat Tesalonika hadapi? Sebagai persekutuan yang menghidupi iman di dalam Yesus Kristus, mereka menghadapi penindasan karena keyakinan mereka. Fakta adanya sejumlah anggota jemaat yang telah wafat sebelum Tuhan Yesus datang kembali pun menimbulkan pertanyaan serius. Persoalan lain, sebagaimana tampak pada 2 Tesalonika, adalah tentang pemahaman yang keliru akan …
Outline: Kemajemukan Jemaat Kristen Korintus telah mendatangkan masalah tersendiri bagi mereka. Muncul persoalan-persoalan terkait hidup beriman tiap hari dari Jemaat Kristen Korintus. Persoalan-persoalan ini telah menimbulkan konflik di antara mereka sendiri. Beberapa persoalan, seperti rasa kesetiaan kepada para pemimpin tertentu, perilaku asusila, tuntutan di pengadilan, praktik Perjamuan Tu…
Outline: Umat Yahudi mengharapkan bahwa dengan pembebasan dari Babel pada tahun 438 sebelum Masehi itu Yerusalem akan segera diliputi oleh damai sejahtera di hadapan Allah; namun penduduknya mengalami berbagai-bagai kekurangan dan ketegangan, sehingga mereka pun "patah semangat". Dalam mengharapkan masyarakat adil dan makmur, baiklah kita juga di Indonesia ini memperhatikan firman yang Allah sa…
Outline: Yehuda, bangsa pilihan Allah itu, mengalami penistaan akibat serbuan bangsa Babel (Babilonia). Sang nabi prihatin akan umatnya. Ia bergumul bersama umat. Kapankah kondisi ini berakhir? Apakah Tuhan berdiam diri? Penghiburan apa yang dapat diberikan bagi umat yang terpuruk? Penghargaan seperti apa yang mampu menguatkan di tengah situasi yang buruk? Sang Nabi bergelut menemukan jawaban, …
Apakah pasal pertama Alkitab Kejadian memberikan gambaran yang akurat tentang bagaimana dunia tercipta, dan apakah itu benar? Jawaban yang lazim diberikan adalah dari sudut kewenangan Allah, yakni bahwa Allah memberitahu penulis Kejadian 1 bagaimana penciptaan terjadi, percaya atau tidak percaya! Apabila pertanyaan itu dijawab dari sudut apa makna kisah penciptaan, maka masalahnya menjadi berbe…
Outline: In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity - principles that give us the security to adapt to change…
Outline: In recent years 'Abdolkarim Soroush has emerged as one of the leading revisionist thinkers of the Moslem world. Supporters and critics alike have called him the Martin Luther of Islam - a man whose ideas on religion and democracy could bridge the chasm between Moslem societies and the rest of the world. Soroush and his contemporaries in other Moslem countries are shaping what may becom…
Outline: To the people of Judah, distressed by changing political realities, it seemed that God had lost control of the situation. Zephaniah warned of imminent judgment and pointed to hope close at hand: God is both Judge and a Refuge from judgment. Haggai declared that God's struggling people needed to reorder their priorities and invest in building the Lord's house so that God's renewed prese…
Outline : Pangeran Diponegoro sering mengartikan namanya dengan istilah Sanskerta "dipa" (lampu). Buku Urip iku Urub ini merujuk kepada istilah Diponegoro sambil juga mengambil inspirasi dari pepatah Jawa "Urip iku urub, urub iku laras, laras iku respati, respati iku careming katentremaning" (hidup itu memancarkan cahaya yang selaras dengan rasa hari manusia yang indah yang mengarah kepada kete…
Outline: Apakah Yesus dilahirkan di kandang? Pertanyaan ini menggelitik dan menarik untuk disimak, mengingat bahwa kisah kelahiran Yesus yang kita dengar sejak Sekolah Minggu, bahkan hingga kita dewasa memang demikian adanya. Namun, sepintas lalu kita membaca Alkitab, kita tidak akan menemukan kemunculan satu kali saja kata 'kandang', dalam catatan tentang peristiwa Natal pertama. Lalu, jika d…
Outline: 15 engaging, dynamic, and creative lessons for children ages 8-11 corresponding to questions 21-35 of The New City Catechism. Question 21: What sort of Redeemer is needed to bring us back to God? Question 22: Why must the Redeemer by truly human? Question 23: Why must the Redeemer by truly God? Question 24: Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die? Question 25: Does C…
Dalam pengembaraannya, Cebolang dan abdinya menyinggahi beberapa tempat dan menimba berbagai ilmu dari para gurunya. Di antaranya, ilmu pengobatan jawa, pengetahuan silsilah Raja Demak, Pajang, dan Mataram, Jangka Jayabaya, kisah Jaka Tingkir, ilmu olah senggama, khasiat Asmaul Husna, dan Kisah Dewaruci. Hingga sampai di Desa Paricara, Nyai Demang Puspamadu terpesona dengan Cebolang dan berakhi…
Outline: Kosmologi adalah bidang ilmu yang mempelajari tentang struktur dan sejarah alam semesta berskala besar beserta misteri-misterinya. Menyajikan gagasan-gagasan paling penting dalam bidang kosmologi, seperti bintang-bintang dan galaksi-galaksi pertama, asal-usul elemen-elemen primordial, Teori Relativitas, Model Standar, Loop Quantum Gravity, dan Supersimetri, buku ini menjadi pengantar y…
Outline: Buku yang berisi tafsiran Amsal 22: 17 - 31: 31 ini merupakan lanjutan dari tafsiran Amsal 1: 1 - 9: 18 dan tafsiran Amsal 10: 1 - 22: 16 yang telah terbit sebelumnya. Pengajaran-pengajaran yang tersurat dalam Kitab Amsal menjadikan kitab ini sebagai kitab yang disukai dan dibaca oleh orang Kristen. Salah satu ciri khusus yang tampil pada pasal 22: 17 - 31: 31 ini adalah pengajarannya …
Outline: The authors of these essays examine the ways in which Muslims and Christians worldwide have encountered one another over 1,400 years and the ways in which they are engaged today, enlightening current interpolitical, intersocial, and intereconomic relationships. Covering geographical, historical, and methodological topics that range from medieval scripture to contemporary theological r…
Outline: Despite his alleged capture in Pakistan in late 2005, Abu Mus'ab al-Suri, a Syrian originally known as Mustafa Sethmarian Nassar, remains a potent political and ideological figure. One of the foremost theoreticians of the global jihadist movement, al-Suri trained a generation of young jihadis at al-Qaida's Afghan camps and helped to establish the organization's vast European networks.…
Outline: Crescent and Dove delves into the intellectual heritage of Islam to discuss historical examples of addressing conflict of Islam and exploring the practical challenges of contemporary peacemaking in Arab countries, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and Indonesia. These essays address both theory and practice, presenting possibilities for nonviolent interventions, peacemaking, the implementation o…
Outline: This book explores the many areas in which the worldview of Muslims differs from that of Westerners. It is only as we begin to understand how our Muslim neighbour thinks that we can present the Gospel in a way that will allow him or her to react to our message - and not just the messenger. Dr Musk investigates a number of key themes, such as male and female, family and individual, hono…
Outline: Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world, It comprises more than 17,000 islands inhabited by 230 million people who speak over 300 different languages. Now the world's largest Muslim nation, Indonesia remains extraordinarily heterogeneous due to the waves of immigration - Buddhist, Hindu, Arab, and European - that defined the region's history. Fifty years after the collapse…
Outline: Hingga hari ini, wacana seputar relasi agama dan teori sosial masih menjadi penggalan pendek dari sejarah panjang peradaban manusia. Sejumlah pernak-pernik dari grand wacana hubungan panjang dan tak pernah berujung antara agama dan perubahan sosial ini dapat kita lihat secara jelas, misalnya dengan adanya fundamentalisme agama, konflik antaragama, dan lain sebagainya. Lantas, dimanakah…
Outline : "Thomas Aquinas," says Jean Porter, "gets justice right." In this book she shows that Aquinas offers us a cogent and illuminating account of justice as a personal virtue rather than predominantly a virtue of social institutions. For Aquinas, justice is more about interpersonal morality than civic or social obligations, and Porter masterfully draws out the contemporary significance of …
Outline: Written by two philosophers and a theologian, 101 Key Terms provides easy access to key terms in philosophy and how they are understood and used in theology. The focused entries discuss what the terms have meant in classical and contemporary philosophy and then shift to what these philosophical understandings have meant in the history of Christian theology to the present day. The resul…
Outline : The first major study of the movement leaders of neo-evangelicalism, Awakening the Evangelical Mind draws upon untapped resources to tell the story of how evangelicalism developed as an intellectual movement in the middle of the twentieth century. In Awakening the Evangelical Mind, Owen Strachan provides an accessible historical survey of "neo-evangelicalism," tracing the rise of a mo…
Outline: With all of the different religions, sects, denominations, and belief systems out there, it can be difficult to separate fact from mere opinion, especially if we are relying solely on online sources that often have an ideological or political slant. How can we truly understand if we cannot even be sure we are getting the facts straight? In this comprehensive resource, more than seventy…
Outline: Those inside and outside of the biblical counseling movement recognize growing differences between the foundational work of Jay Adams and that of current thought leaders such as David Powlison. But, as any student or teacher of the discipline can attest, those differences have been ill-defined and largely anecdotal until now. Heath Lambert, the first scholar to analyze the movement's d…
Outline: Given the unique religious climate of the twenty-first century and the challenges to Christian mission it poses, Christianity Encountering World Religions proposes a new model for interacting with people of other faiths. The authors term this model "giftive mission," since it is based on the metaphor of free gift. They suggest that seeing mission activity as giving the greatest gift po…
Outline : The controversy rages ... The Bible Words of God? or Words of men? Is there enough evidence to support the BIble as the inspired Word of God? When Josh McDowell published his first powerful defense of the Bible, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, it became a national bestseller within a matter of months. Now John McDowell follows that impressive defense with Evidence That Demands a Verd…
Outline: Christians today face growing challenges to show that their faith is both relevant and credible. Josh McDowell's New Evidence That Demands a Verdict combines the two original best-selling volumes into one, maintaining their classic defense of the faith, yet answering new questions posed by today's culture. Special features include: - New research and documentation of archaeologica…