Outline: ... "Dalam wayang kita melihat bahwa setiap golongan - dewa, brahmana, satria, punakawan dan lain-lain - mempunyai norma-normanya sendiri. Lebih dari itu, masing-masing pribadi pun entah itu Bima, Kresna, Karna, real Bisma, Destarata atau pun Sengkuni, mempunyai tugas tersendiri yang ditentukan para dewa, masing-masing memainkan peranannya entah luhur entah rendah karena justru itulah …
Outline: To many, Christianity appears as a Western religion, and missionaries were sent only to export a certain form of Western culture, and not religion or God. In this title, the authors do not claim to have found out answers to all the questions, but they have tried to present the cases of two large world religions - Christianity and Islam. This explicitly, in their historical and theologi…
Outline: In this addition to the expanding Church Growth Series, Alan Tippett spells out the biblical basis for the concept of church growth held by Dr. McGavran and his colleagues at the School of World Mission and the Institute of Church Growth at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena. The author draws from the promises of God given to Israel in the Old Testament and the messages given to the Church in…
Outline: Kota-kota Surabaya, Situbondo, & Tasikmalaya belum lama ini mengalami huru-hara yang mencekam yang menghanguskan banyak gedung-gedung gereja, bahkan ada beberapa orang meninggal dunia karena terbakar. Pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh umat Kristen adalah 'setelah Surabaya, Situbondo & Tasikmalaya, lalu yang mana lagi? Sebelum kita bertanya-tanya lebih lanjut, buku ini mengajak kita untuk m…
Outline: Di zaman post-modern ini, pikiran manusia khususnya Kristen, sangat mudah dikacaukan oleh pendapat dan cara hidup yang sangat berbeda dari zaman-zaman yang telah berlalu. Pada saat mengambil keputusan, kita mungkin dipengaruhi oleh pandangan umum. Setan, si pencoba manusia, juga tidak tinggal diam dan berusaha untuk mengacaukan pikiran kita serta menjatuhkan hidup kita dalam dosa. Dala…
Outline: The Malay Ideals, basically revolves around the Malays, their religion, lifestyle, thoughts and their attitude and it focuses on, what the Malays have been, what they ought to be and what their influence would do to Malaysia, in directing its future development and progress. The actual and current situation of the Malays are seriously viewed in this book. Some of the topics discussed i…
Outline: This is the book for you if you are serious about communicating the truth of the gospel of Muslims. It is thorough, it is authoritative, it is written by a third-world Christian whose father was a convert from Islam. It is the contention of the author that an effective evangelistic approach to the adherents of Islam must be based upon a study of Christ as He is found in both Scripture …
Outline: The strength of Puritan character and life lay in prayer and meditation. In this practice the spirit of prayer was regarded as of first importance and the best form of prayer, for living prayer is the characteristic of genuine spirituality. Yet prayer is also vocal and may therefore on occasions be written. Consequently in the Puritan tradition there are many written prayers and medita…
Outline: Cara kita memandang Yesus ikut ditentukan oleh banyak faktor. Di antaranya pandangan tentang Dia dari orang yang pernah mengabarkan Injil kepada kita serta kebudayaan dari bangsa yang menerima pesan Inji. Kedua faktor tersebut saling mempengaruhi, sehingga menghasilkan gambar Yesus yang khas. Demikianlah agama Kristen di Amerika Latin sangat dipengaruhi oleh gambar Kristus, sebagai yan…
Outline: The Dayaks of Borneo have the reputation of a savage and primitive people, addicted to the gruesome practice of hanging the skulls of their enemies from the rafters of the "headhouses" where their young warriors sleep. Dr. Geddes spent two years, after the end of World War II, in a Land Dayak village a hundred miles inland from Kuching in Sarawak. He shared in the villagers' concerns a…
Outline: In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi recounted his dramatic journey, describing his departure from Islam and his decision to follow Christ. In the decade that followed, he realized that the world's two largest religions are far more different than they initially appeared. In this anticipated follow-up book, Nabeel reveals what he discovered, providing a thorough and careful …
Outline: A journey through the intriguing, fascinating, and oftentimes startling world of primitive psychiatric practices. Discover how exorcism of a devil spirit takes place, secret fraternities help the mentally ill to recuperate, sorcerers summon the spirit of the dead to cleanse the evil from the living. Magic, Faith, and Healing explores the beliefs, rituals, and such diverse cultures as t…
Outline: Home Grown Leaders aims at providing an approach for the development of Christian leaders whether they be small group leaders, supervisors of multiple small groups or pastors. It relies on both a biblical foundation and contemporary leadership theory. It seeks to introduce both well-informed lay leaders as well as pastors to the process of developing Christian leaders in context. The b…
Outline: Recently there has been keen interest in Islam from the non-Muslim world as well as a pusch for improved Muslim - Christian relations. This timely book makes and important contribution on both of these fronts by telling the story of Islam in Southeast Asia - a region of the world now drawing increased international attention. Although Muslims of the Malay race are the largest ethnic co…
Outline: Buku ini membahas bentuk-bentuk pemikiran dan tingkah laku dari sebuah kelompok etnis, yang terbesar di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Sebuah percobaan untuk menjembatani jurang antara etnografi pedesaan yang padat dengan proses karakterisasi kebudayaan secara keseluruhan dari masyarakat Indonesia modern. Sejak proklamasi kemerdekaan tahun 1945 sampai sekarang, gerakan kebatinan telah menyebar…
Outline: The relationship between faith and culture has been the subject of many studies. When Christ the eternal Word was made flesh 2000 years ago, he demonstrated his willingness to take this world seriously. The writers in this book were given full freedom to express themselves. Some of their proposals may sound tentative: other aspects of their analyses many appear radical. In matters of c…
Outline: One hundred years ago Roland Allen authored his landmark study Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours? The 2012 annual conference of the Evangelical Missiological Society celebrated this centennial by addressing this ever relevant topic. The present volume brings to readers insights from that conference examining the theological foundations, historical predence, and practical challenge…
Outline: In Strategy to Multiply Rural Churches we have intermingled three elements needed for successful propagation of the Christian Faith: a) A purpose in harmony with God's unaswering purpose to save men and women. b) Activities intelligently designed to achieve that purpose. c) An honest accounting of how well the intention was achieved. Stated in theological language, this book tells…
Outline: Where Do We Go From Here? provides help for those desiring to begin a cell group church, and describes many available equipping tools.
Outline: Isi buku ini adalah sebagian dari desertasi beliau yang berjudul "MAN IN THE PRESENT JAVANESE MYSTICISM" yang telah dirobah dan disempurnakan. Membicarakan sistem ajaran Kebatinan dan sistem ajaran Injil, sekedar untuk memperbandingkannya. Ajaran Kebatinan yang diuraikan di sini disusun berdasarkan sumber-sumber Kebatinan itu sendiri, seberapa yang dapat diketahui Pengarang, yang tertu…
Outline: Daniel J. Adams pernah melayani sebagai misionari Barat di Cina dan Korea. Wawasan ini dijadikannya sebagai wahana untuk menjelajahi model-model dan sumber-sumber bagi pengembangan kehidupan teologis masa kini, terutama di Asia. Ia menilik teologi dari perspektif litas budaya yang didasarkan pada pengalamannya. Metode pendekatannya sunguh-sungguh baru dalam bidang Teologi Sistematika; …
Outline: Make your teaching matter! For every parent, teacher, pastor, leader, coach, and mentor. Whether you are an "official" instructor or one who shares wisdom and knowledge off-the-cuff, make the most of your opportunities to inspire, to instruct, and to positively and permanently impact others with Teaching to Change Lives. This now-classic volume, written by one of the most effective and…
Outline: Division. Polarization. Strife. That's life-as-usual in today's world. But it shouldn't describe the church. It's time for Christians to listen, reach out, and work together for the common good. But how can God's people achieve true unity in a fallen world? What sort of cooperation is actually possible? Luder Whitlock has an answer - a good one - and an appeal. He shows how we can lear…
Outline: Menguatnya Islam sinkretik, sebagai format penting perluasan Islam ke wilayah Nusantara di Jawa, mendorong lahirnya gerakan pembaharuan Islam di Indonesia awal abad ke-20. Muhammadiyah adalah salah satu gerakan pembaharuan Islam terkemuka yang gigih memberantas Islam sinkretik yang tumbuh subur di daerah pedesaan. Bagaimana Muhammadiyah direspon petani dan respon Muhammadiyah terhadap …
Outline: Walau begitu banyak orang masa kini membaca Alkitab setiap hari, namun masih banyak di antaranya yang tidak memahami 'Buku Tua' itu, yang telah berumur lebih dari 2000 tahun, yakni ALKITAB. Barangsiapa membaca sebuah kitab yang terdapat dalam Alkitab, pada awalnya akan banyak menghadapi kesulitan untuk memahaminya, karena adanya perbedaan situasi zaman penulisan kitab itu dengan masa k…
Outline: A Diary of Private Prayer is not an anthology of previously published prayers; Dr. Baillie has himself written each one-and each has that rare quality of seeming to have been written for the reader personally, to fit his own special needs. The book is thoroughly devotional; it compels a deep searching of our inner life. Here is an understanding of the aspects of God's relation to man a…
Outline: Leadership. Where do leader come from? What does it take to be a leader? When does leadership begin? The answers to these questions may surprise you. Leadership is not confined to position, title, or training, nor it is limited by experience. In fact, these things sometimes cloud the real issues of leadership. In The Making of a Leader,, Dr. Robert Clinton identifies the patterns God u…
Outline: "We have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the writtn code" (Romans 7: 6). That's a promise from God to you - and it can revolutionize your life. It's the promise of a New Way of life. What is this New Way? In The Pressure's Off Larry Crabb reveals ... - what this New Way isn't, explaining the misconceptions and confus…
Outline: Examining a series of processes (islamization, arabization, africanization) and case studies from North, West, and East Africa, this book gives snapshots of Muslim societies in Africa over the last 1000+ years. In contrast to traditions that suggest that Africa is not Muslim, or that Islam did not take root in Africa, author David Robinson shows the complex struggles of Muslims in the…
Outline: Theodicy attempts to resolve how a good God and an evil world can coexist. The neo-atheist side of this debate has dominated twenty-first-century bestseller lists with books like The God Delusion, God Is Not Great, and The End of Faith. Their popularity illuminates a changing mental environment in which people are asking harder questions about divine goodness. Suprisingly, these books …
Outline: Global missions is in the midst of multiple paradigm shifts that affect everything done in the name of missions. Trends and issues presents the major shifts in the way the task of world evangelism is taking place in the 21st century. Nine issues that need to be understood to stay current in missions today: - Brief history of trends in missions - Holism : serving the whole person - T…
Outline: His converson is one of the most dramatic in the New Testament. His inspired writings were a critical foundation for Augustine and Martin Luther. The meaning of his writings and the shape of his legacy continue to be debated to this day. Perhaps more than anyone besides Jesus Himself, the Apostle Paul has left a profound imprint on the Christian faith. And yet, many Christians today kn…
Outline: How much did the theological arguments of the church affect the copying of the New Testament text? Focusing on issues of textual criticism, this inaugural volume of the Text and Canon of the New Testament series offers some answers to that question and responds to some of Bart Ehrman's views about the transmission of the New Testament text. Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testamen…
Outline: The heart of the Sermon - Through careful attention to the structure of Matthew's Gospel and the place of the Sermon within it, keen sensitivity to the patterns and themes of Israelite prophecy, and judicious comparisons with other Jewish and rabbinic lierature, Jack R. Lundbom elucidates the meaning of the Sermon and its continuity with Israel's prophetic heritage as well as the best …
Outline: Alkitab diberikan agar setiap orang percaya mengenal Dia dan mengetahui segenap kehendak-Nya, sebagai landasan bagi pengajaran dan pelayanan gereja-Nya, serta sebagai tuntutan bagi setiap umat-Nya. Akan tetapi, beragamnya pengajaran yang saling bertolak belakang, dan maraknya fenomena-fenomena "spiritualime" dan kultur populer dalam kehidupan bergereja, memunculkan pertanyaan apakah Al…