Outline: Speaking the Truth in Love : The Theology of John M. Frame, is a festschrift honoring Professor Frame'a career in seminary teaching and publishing. Unlike many festschrifts, this book does not merely collect essays on subjects of interest to the honoree. Rather, it analyzes Frame's own work in the fields of theology, apologetics, ethics, worship, the church, and other areas. Containing…
Outline: The subject of Christ and Culture has occupied the church since its inception. Some emphasize the reality of redemption and the imperative of cultural transformation; others critize this approach because of the transient nature of this current life and the specific function of "kingdom" activity. This project focuses on the two competing compositions rooted in the Reformed tradition; n…
Outline: The Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference (EDC) takes place every second year. The Rutherford Centre for Reformed Theology, which runs the conference, has a present interest in studying the doctrine of the church (ecclesiology). After two years of pandemic, when most churches began to take new forms or develop new ways of meeting, many questions are being asked: What is the church, and what i…
Outline: A key refrain in Reformed theology is that God's Spirit trumpets the message of salvation through Jesus Christ into every book and cranny of the universe - but now? And in what way does this cosmic truth touch and shape the mundane reality of our lives and our world? In this distillation of his Warfield Lectures, delivered at Princeton Theological Seminary in spring 2014, leading Refor…
Outline: Theodore Beza's A Clear and Simple Treatise on the Lord's Supper (1559) advances a tireless defense of the Reformed perspective on the Lord's Supper, responding chapter by chapter to specific arguments raised against John Calvin by his Lutheran opponent Joachim Westphal. Beza makes great use of the concept of metonymy, or a figure of speech, in his interpretation of the words of instit…
Outline: Richard Gamble's three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. "He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology," Richard Pratt writes; not only that, he "penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that every beli…
Outline: In this collection of forty-six letters and writings of John Calvin, newly translated into English, the reformer gives advice to individuals and groups about theology, ethics, worship, politics, economics, and church practices. Topics discussed include dogmatics and polemics, changes (and the need for changes) in religion, the worship of images, ecclesiastical discipline, marriage, and…
Outline: In the biblical drama of the living God's works in creation and redemption, no theme is more lustrous than that of God's gracious intention to enjoy communion with humans who bear his image and whose lives have been broken through sin. Cornelis Venema summarizes and defends a broad consensus view of the doctrine of the covenants in the history of Reformed theology, clarifying areas of …
Outline: The Larger Catechism stands as one of the three major doctrinal standards produced by the Westminster Assembly. Ofter overshadowed by the Shorter Catechism and the Confession of Faith, the Larger Catechism exhibits the Assembly's most mature theological reflection and insight. In this remarkable volume, John Bower provides extensive historical background for the making of this colossal…
Outline: The Reformation was a time of tremendous upheaval, renewal, and vitality in the life of church. The challenge to maintain and develop faithful Christian belief and practice in the midst of great disruption was reflected in the theology of the sixteenth century. In this volume, which serves as a companion to IVP Academic's Reformation Commentary on Scripture series, theologian and churc…
Outline: Nineteen biblical scholars and theologians in this volume explore the notions of union and participation within Pauline theology, teasing out the complex web of meaning conveyed through Paul's theological vision of being "in Christ." With essays that investigate Pauline theology and exegesis, examine highlights from reception history, and offer deep theological reflection, this exempla…
Outline: This ecclesiological study argues that Reformed ecclesiology cannot be separated from Reformed Christology. The christological foundation of Reformed doctrine of the church will be examined as Reformed theology portrays the important ecclesiological topics in the light of its christological thoughts. This book offers potential for the future of the church with her pastoral concern. It …
Outlne: Not since the sixteenth century has the doctrine of justification stood so clearly "at the center of theological debate as it has in the last thirty years. This often polemical dialogue has been fueled particularly by discussions on the "New Perspective on Paul." In this important collection, Bruce McCormack draws together diverse voices, committed to an irenic engagement, to expolore t…
Outline: In the mid-seventeenth century, persons on both sides of the Atlantic wishing to join a Puritan church had to appear before all of its members and tell the story of their religious conversion - in effect, to give convincing verbal evidence that their souls were saved. New England's Puritans widely adopted this practice, and in this book Patricia Caldwell attempts to unravel the mystery…
Outline: French Jesuit Henri de Lubac (1896 - 1991) was arguably the most revolutionary yet underacknowledged theologian of the twentieth century. He proposed that Western theology since the early modern period has lost sight of the key to intergrating faith and reason -- namely, the truth that all human beings are naturally oriented toward the supernatural. Originally published in 2005, The S…
Overview: A fresh, inviting text on the content of Christian faith in our contemporary context, this one- volume systematic theology offers a splendid, orthodox explication of the Christian faith for students, teachers, pastors, and serious lay readers alike. The autors not only cover all the traditional themes -- God, creation, sin, Jesus Christ, Scripture and so on -- but also relate those cl…
Outline: The author, a leader in the New Atheism movement and best-selling author, is one of the foremost proponents of a gene-centered approach to evolutionary science. Not only does he claim that materialism offers a satisfying purpose for life, but he has trenchantly critized those who accept the existence of a supernatural creator. The author has had a great impact on perceptions of scienc…
Outline: The Larger Catechism, so rich in biblical teaching, has been long neglected, even by conservative Prebyterians who embrace it as one of their three standards. This commentary, written in the mid-twentieth century, is being published in book-form for the first time, to encourage the catechism's increased use and study. Because the Larger Catechism supplements the Shorter Catechism on…
Outline: The author is well known for his incisive views on the intersection of culture and Christianity and for his efforts to make the thought of major Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper accessible to average Christians. In this volume the author provides the scholarly "backstory" to his popular books as the interprets, applies, expands on - and at times even corrects - Kuyper's remarkable visi…
Outline: Throughout history Christian thinkers have attempted to come to terms with the validity of views of scholars committed to non-Christian views of reality. This book gives twelve case studies of how important Christian thinkers in ancient, medieval and modern times have led the way in relating to non-Christian wisdom. The reader is given a sympathetic insight into the personal struggl…
Outline: This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practically - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiental approach. In this volume, the authors explore the first two of eight central themes of theology: revelation and God.
Outline: The church in America has been willingly taken captive. The captors are American culture and ideals: consumerism, pragmatism, self-sufficiency, individualism, positive thinking, personal prosperity, and nationalism. These are antithetical to the gospel, but we have neverthelss made them part and parcel with it. We are well on our way to a Christless Christianity. The result? The f…
Outline: In ordinary conversation, including among the "educated," the word "sin" rarely gets mentioned except when one is trying to be coy or facetious. As Thomas Mann once said, "sin" is nowadays "an amusing word used only when one is trying to get a laugh." But this small work will interpret sin in its true - that is, serious - meaning. What will emerge from its analysis is the discovery…
Overview: This book collects the paper presentations and seminar reports by these prominent international Calvin scholars: Heiko A. Oberman, James A. De Jong, James B. Torrance, Wilhelm H. Neuser, Paul E. Rorem, Richard C. Gamble, Richard Horcsik, Cornelis Augustijn, Luke Anderson, Erik A. de Boer, I. John Hesselink, Francis M. Higman, Nobuo Watanabe, Irene Backus, Adrianus D. Pont, Mitsuru Shi…
Outline: To see God is our heart's desire, our final purpose in life. But what does it mean to see God? And exactly how do we see God - with our phsysical eyes or with the mind's eye? In this informed study of the beatific vision, the author focuses on "vision" as a living metaphor and shows how the vision of God is not just a future but a present reality. This book is both a historical …
Outline: We've all heard sermons that sound more like a lecture, filling the head but not the heart. And we've all heard sermons tailored to produce an emotional experience, filing the heart but not the head. But biblical preaching both informs minds and engages hearts - giving it the power to transform lives. By the Spirit's grace, biblical preaching brings truth home from the heart of the …
Outline: What happens after death to Jesus and to those who follow him? This book offers a constructive theology that seeks to answer that very question, carefully considering both Jesus' descent into hell and eventual resurrection as integral parts of a robust vision of the Christian bodily resurrection. Taking on the claims of N. T. Wright and Richard B. Hays, the author draws strongly upo…
Outline: This book provides a critical reading of the history of major atonement theories, offering an in-depth analysis of the legal and political contexts within which they arose. The book engages the latest work in atonement theory and serves as a helpful resource for contemporary discussions.
Outline: The Pentecostal Manifestos series aims to speak for and to a rising, outward-looking generation of Pentecostal scholarship. Written by both established and newly emerging scholars, the various "manifestos" volumes are to be creative statements, marked by rigorous theological scholarship, reflecting a distinctly Pentecostal engagement with wider themes and concerns in Christian thought…
Outline: Among the smiling faces in church on Sunday mornings are those who long for deeper, more genuine relationships within their local congregations - active, intentional relationships that nurture the soul, and foster spiritual growth. Drawing on decades of experience in spiritual direction, congregational ministry, and seminary teaching, this book offers a clear and rich introduction to …
Outline: How did early Christians remember Jesus - and how did they develop their own Christian identities and communities? In this revelatory book, the author explores how transgression contributed to early Christian identity in the Gospels, Acts, Letters of Paul, and Revelation. Examining Jesus as a friend of sinners, challenger of purity laws, transgressor of conventional masculine values…
Outline: What would happen if Christians and a Muslim at a university talked and disagreed, but really tried to understand each other? What would they learn? This is the intriguing question the author seeks to answer in these imaginative conversations on issues ranging from prayer and worship to evolution and abortion, from war and politics to the nature of spiritual struggle and spiritual s…
Overview: This comprehensive treatment of Christian doctrine was first issued in 1909 under the title The Wonderful Works of God. It has served well as a synopsis of Bavinck's larger, four-volume Dogmatics, for it presents in clear perspective all the fundamental doctrines of the Bible. Above all, the author was a thoroughly Scriptural theologian - he was always guided by the Bible as he syste…
Overview: The Puritans have gotten bad press for their supposed lack of teaching on the doctrine of spiritual adoption. In this book, the auhor dispels thris caricature and shows that the Puritan era did more to advance the idea that every true Christia is God's adopted child than any other age of church history. This little book lets the Puritans speak for themselves, showing how they recogniz…
Overview: This book examines the thinking of several Reformed theologians on theological issues that are, historically or by content, related to philosophy. Three Dutch autors from succesesive generations are considered in particular: Gisbertus Voetius (1589 - 1676), Petrus van Mastricht (1630 - 1706), and Anthonius Driessen (1684 - 1748). A diversity of issues in Christian doctrine is discusse…
Outline: The author presents a major study of the key elements of John Owen's writings and his theology. Presenting his theology in its historical context, the author explores the significance of Owen's work in ongoing debates on seventeenth-century theology, and examines the contexts within which Owen's theology was formulated and the shape of his mind in relation to the intellectual culture …
Overview: In honor of esteemed scholar Edward A. Dowey Jr., this book covers important aspects of the teaching of John Calvin and other leaders of the Reformed tradition. It looks at the distinct characteristics of Reformed Christianity and examines its foundation and contribution to Christian history and thought. The book includes thoughtful and provocative articles by twenty-one leading sch…
Overview: Dedicated to Norman Kretzmann - a major figure within medieval philosophy and a leader in the redifinition of philosophy of religion - this book presents important new essays by fourteen eminent philosophers. Examining aspects of the rationality of faith or bringing philosophical techniques to bear on particular religious texts or doctrines, each chapter deepens our understanding of …