Outline : How can God be three and one? How can God take on a human nature? If God planned everything, how can I be responsible? Do my prayers make any difference in God's plan? Will we finally knows everything when we get to heaven? These are questions that recognize some of the mysterious tensions that Scripture presents to us. They are good questions, but wrong answers to good questions can …
Outline: It is appropriate that the first volume in this new series of interreligious documents is on relations between Christians and Muslims. Together they comprise the world's most populous religious traditions. The many occasions of their good relations have often been eclipsed by memories of rivalry, war and confrontation; and today in Africa, Asia, Europe, and America Christians and Musli…
Outline: In many parts of the world, Christians are struggling to understand their role in society. What is the mission of the church? Is it limited merely to the proclamation of the gospel? What is the relationship between Church and State? In Singapore, these questions are also being asked. These articles have been transcribed from talks that were given over the past two years. They are now p…
Outline: Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament brings together commentary features gathered together in one volume. Written by notable evangelical scholars, such volume treats the literary context and structure of the passage in the original Greek, and each author provides an original translation based on the literary structure. The …
Outline: Bonhoeffer's theological brilliance, committed discipleship, ecumenical insight and courageous participation in the struggle against Nazism have profoundly shaped contemporary Christian understanding and action. Although his early death at the hands of the Gestapo prevented him from providing us with a full and systematic theology, his writings are remarkably extensive and have become …
Outline: Menolong orang agar bebas dari keterikatan dosa dan bertumbuh dalam Kristus. Dibangun di atas konsep-konsep yang ditemukan dalam Victory over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, panduan pelayanan konseling dari Neil Andersons ini memberikan informasi yang jelas dan contoh-contoh yang bagus untuk membantu Anda memahami apa itu konseling kemuridan. Jika Anda seorang pendeta, konselor a…
Outline: Volume 4 of The Annotated Luther series presents an array of Martin Luther's writings related to pastoral work, including sermons, hymns, letters, writings on prayer and the Christian life, as well as his widely used Small Catechism. Prefaces to his own writings contain his reflections on his own reforming work. Each volume in The Annotated Luther series contains new introductions, ann…
Outline: "Pluralisme sekarang ini, seperti yang ditekankan oleh golongan postmodernis, adalah ciri khas masyarakat dewasa ini." "Seseorang tidak boleh menghakimi kelompok minoritas dengan menggunakan rumusan-rumusan universal tetapi mendengar mereka dari perbedaan yang mereka mau ungkapkan. Jadi hal yang ditonjolkan adalah pluralitas penalaran, bukan kesatuan penalaran." "Unsur-unsur dalam keny…
Outline : Because one death touches many lives, it is important for both those who are dying and those who love them to be prepared for the pain and grief that accompany it. Here Deborah Howard shares words of comfort and encouragement for everyone coping with suffering and death. Her compassion, firm faith in Christ, and years of working as a hospice nurse create a uniquely sensitive, experien…
Outline: Some Aspects of Malay Customs and Practices is written to enable non-Malay Singaporeans, especially community leaders, to have a better understanding and appreciation of Malay customs and practices. It also aims to provide some handy tips to non-Malay Singaporeans on how they can interact with the Malay community at large. The contents of the book are presented in a Question and Answer…
Outline: Asia is the continent where more than half of the world's population resides. This same continent contains millions of gods and goddesses of all the living religions that control the spiritual life of the masses. How can Christians in Asia effectively communicate the God of the Bible to other Asians who have different concepts of God in Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam? In th…
Outline: Buku ini dirancang untuk membantu para pemimpin dan penanggung jawab dalam lembaga-lembaga misi dan gereja-gereja pengutus dalam membuat rencana member care yang komprehensif bagi para utusan misi mereka. Sembilan bab dalam bagian pertama buku ini menguraikan secara komprehensif sebuah program member care. Sembilan bab berikutnya membahas topik-topik yang menjadi tantangan untuk para u…
Outline: KH. Ahmad Dahlan dan KH. Hasyim Asy'ari adalah sama-sama keturunan Sunan Giri (Syekh Maulana 'Ainul Yaqin), yang apabila ditarik garis ke atas, nasabnya sampai kepada Rasulullah Saw. Ketika keduanya lahir, oleh orang tua mereka masing-masing diberi nama depan yang sama, yaitu Muhammad. Nama kecil KH. Ahmad Dahlan adalah Muhammad Darwis, sedangkan nama kecil KH. Hasyim Asy'ari adalah Mu…
Outline: "Daniel," tulis D.S. Russell, "adalah buku paling mengagumkan yang berbicara lantang untuk masa kini seperti yang dilakukannya pada saat pertama kali ditulis. Pesannya dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa Tuhan Allah berkuasa mengendalikan bukan saja sejarah, tetapi juga akhir dari sejarah." Mempertunjukkan kepercayaan dan kesetiaan yang menggelora, Daniel menawarkan pesan positif tentang har…
Outline: Exploring the Personal and Social Effects - of this momentous upheaval - Perhaps no period in Christian history experienced such vast religious tumult and rapid social change as the European Reformation, when it quickly became apparent that social and political issues - finding deep resonance with the common people - were deeply entwined with religious ones raised by the Reformers. Led…
Outline: Bringing alive the lost world of the Middle Ages - From the fall of Rome and the conversion of the Germanic tribes to the dawn of the Reformation, here is a rich and concrete exploration of the religious life ways and spirituality of medieval peasants and artisans, warriors and clerics, wives and children, and even the dead, in their daily interactions with each other, the church, the …
Outline: The relationship between faith and culture has been the subject of many studies. When Christ the eternal Word was made flesh 2000 years ago, he demonstrated his willingness to take this world seriously. The writers in this book were given full freedom to express themselves. Some of their proposals may sound tentative: other aspects of their analyses many appear radical. In matters of c…
Outline: Where Do We Go From Here? provides help for those desiring to begin a cell group church, and describes many available equipping tools.
Outline: The heart of the Sermon - Through careful attention to the structure of Matthew's Gospel and the place of the Sermon within it, keen sensitivity to the patterns and themes of Israelite prophecy, and judicious comparisons with other Jewish and rabbinic lierature, Jack R. Lundbom elucidates the meaning of the Sermon and its continuity with Israel's prophetic heritage as well as the best …
Outline : Tantangan apakah yang Jemaat Tesalonika hadapi? Sebagai persekutuan yang menghidupi iman di dalam Yesus Kristus, mereka menghadapi penindasan karena keyakinan mereka. Fakta adanya sejumlah anggota jemaat yang telah wafat sebelum Tuhan Yesus datang kembali pun menimbulkan pertanyaan serius. Persoalan lain, sebagaimana tampak pada 2 Tesalonika, adalah tentang pemahaman yang keliru akan …
Outline: Kemajemukan Jemaat Kristen Korintus telah mendatangkan masalah tersendiri bagi mereka. Muncul persoalan-persoalan terkait hidup beriman tiap hari dari Jemaat Kristen Korintus. Persoalan-persoalan ini telah menimbulkan konflik di antara mereka sendiri. Beberapa persoalan, seperti rasa kesetiaan kepada para pemimpin tertentu, perilaku asusila, tuntutan di pengadilan, praktik Perjamuan Tu…
Outline : According to the Christian faith, Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation not only of the nature of God the Creator but also of how God the Creator relates to the created order. The New Testament explicitly relates the act of creation to the person of Jesus Christ - who is also a participant within creation, and who is said, by his acts of participation, to have secured creation's ult…
Outline: This book comprehensively surveys the origin, production and reception of the canonical gospels in the early church. The discussion unfolds in three steps. Part One traces the origin of the 'gospel' of Jesus, its significance in Jewish and Hellenistic contexts of the first century, and its development from eyewitness memory to oral tradition and written text. Part Two then more specifi…
Outline: "Mengapa orang baik bisa menderita?" Itulah pertanyaan sepanjang masa. Ada yang menduga bahwa penyebabnya adalah dosa tersembunyi dari orang itu. Ada yang mempersalahkan orang-orang dianggap sebagai lawan, yang cemburu kepadanya. Ada yang mengaitkan dengan perselisihan dewa-dewi. Ada yang yakin penyebabnya adalah tatanan masyarakat yang tidak adil. Ada orang yang berpendirian bahwa mu…
Outline: How would your community change If Jesus Were Mayor? The local church is of pivotal importance to the welfare and development of its community. Jesus' agenda for community health and transformation is expressed and modeled through His church. How can local churches be equipped and mobilized? "The church," writes Bob Moffitt, "is far more important for the transformation of a society th…
Outline: Pengarang buku ini bertobat antara lain melalui literatur. Pelayanan pertamanya menggunakan literatur dan bahkan dimanapun dia berada tidak pernah terlepas dari literatur, baik sebagai bacan maupun untuk pelayanannya, sehingga dia sungguh-sungguh tahu dengan apa yang ditulisnya. 'Leader is reader' - bukan hanya para pemimpin, setiap orang Kristen yang ingin bertumbuh dalam iman dan pen…
Outline: Tidak zamannya lagi tabu membicarakan seks dengan anak! Cara lama orangtua membicarakan seks tidak lagi pas dipakai zaman kini. Satu kali percakapan besar tidak lagi cukup untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahu anak muda masa kini. Faktunya, google menjadi tempat nomor satu mereka mencari tahu tentang seks. Padahal, ada begitu banyak kebohongan tentang seks yang disampaikan kepada anak melalu…
Outline: Ada dua hal yang selalu mengemuka dalam tulisan-tulisan Agustinus Wibowo. Yaitu, perjalanan dan kepulangan. Dalam sebagian besar tulisannya, dia membawa serta para pembacanya pada pencarian identitas berupa perjalanan untuk mencari makna “rumah”. Tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi Agustinus bukanlah tempat-tempat yang nyaman, tenang, atau bahkan indah dalam kacamata tamasya. Tempat-temp…
Outline: The Christian does not live in a vacuum, says the author, but in a world of government, politics, labor, and marriage. Hence,. Christian ethics cannot exist in a vacuum; what the Christian needs is concrete instruction in a concrete situation. this is Dietrich Bonhoeffer's claim in this book. Although the author died before completing his work, the book is recognized as a major contrib…
Outline: You may have lost a loved one or friend to suicide. Maybe at some time in your life you were suicidal, or you know someone who is depressed. In these pages you'll find stories shares by people who have walked where you are now. These are ordinary people who have overcome the darkness that invaded their lives. Once again light shines for them, and it can for you too. - Real-life stori…
Overview: Setelah lama menjadi buku pengantar standar untuk hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan gereja mula-mula, karya penulis buku ini telah diperbarui. Buku ini menyelidiki dan menganalisa secara detail berbagai lara belakang politis, sosial. keagamaan, dan latar belakang filosofis baik Roma, Yunani maupun Yahudi yang penting untuk mengerti Perjanjian Baru dan gereja mula-mula. Dalam edisi ini …
Outline: Gunakan kemampuan berpikir kreatif untuk menjadi pribadi yang menarik dalam mengembangkan pikiran Anda! Kita menghabiskan banyak uang untuk membeli pakaian, kosmetik, untuk melakukan diet dan olah raga, bahkan operasi, untuk membuat tubuh kita semakin menarik. Kita jarang mempertimbangkan satu hal penting yang akan menarik perhatian orang lain. Satu hal yang tidak membutuhkan biaya dan…
Outline : The work of the Spirit of God is a vibrant and much discussed topic in many contemporary Christian communities worldwide. Apparently, the Spirit is moving. Theological reflection on this phenomenon has even given rise to what is often called a 'pneumatological renaissance'. This volume not only takes stock of these remarkable developments, but also probes some of their hidden aspects …
Outline : All social structures are essentially power structures dependent on energy. The concept of power and the role of energy in social organization are crucial and timely concerns, especially in light of the current apprehension about future energy resources. In Energy and Structure, Richard N. Adams argues that social power affects humanity's approach to ecological, economic, and politica…
Outline: Kitab Kejadian pada umumnya dibaca sebagai sejarah purbakala atau asal-usul langit dan bumi, manusia dan kebudayaannya. Banyak pembaca kitab ini yang memahaminya sebagai laporan pandangan mata. Pendekatan seperti ini justru tidak tepat. Sebenarnya cerita di dalam kitab ini berisi renungan dari umat Israel tentang masalah-masalah konkret yang mereka hadapi. Refleksi iman itu mereka ungk…
Outline: - This book invites thoughtful readers of all persuasions to journey together in mutual understanding toward the goal of al fully realized humanity - Restoring the dignity of women - liberated, responsible, and equal before God - is vital to the spiritual reawekening of the Community of the Message. - Muslims and non-Muslims alike will profil from this frank examination of Islamic h…
Outline: In popular perception, Wisdom literature is a "self-help" or "philosophy" section of the Old Testament library - the odd and interesting bits of canonical mortar between History and Prophets. But Old Testament scholarship has come to see the wisdom of the wise as reflecting as aspect of the Israelite worldview. The covenant beliefs are presupposed, even if rarely rising to the surface.…
Outline: Four months after Raffles landed in Singapore, he granted a piece of land of London Missionary Society to commence activity. Five months later, the first missionary arrived. Since then, the church has grown at a rather uneven pace, depending upon various sociopolitical events as well as the spiritual calibre of her leaders. This book not only seeks to chronicle the major events that bo…
Outline: The Larger Catechism stands as one of the three major doctrinal standards produced by the Westminster Assembly. Ofter overshadowed by the Shorter Catechism and the Confession of Faith, the Larger Catechism exhibits the Assembly's most mature theological reflection and insight. In this remarkable volume, John Bower provides extensive historical background for the making of this colossal…
Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat: Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab: Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Melalui kurik…