Outline: This continuing series of studies in church history seeks to further the unity of the church. Contributors from many nations, races, and denominations offer fresch understanding of historical events in the light of the ecumenical movement.
Outline: Hermeneutika Pneumatologis adalah pendekatan penafsiran pada Alkitab dengan melihat teks-teks biblis sebagai Roh Allah yang dahulu telah dan sekarang masih berbicara dan berkarya bagi para pembacanya. Model hermeneutika pneumatologis dapat menjadi sebuah model bagi gereja manapun dalam memahami secara biblis forman dan karya Roh Allah dalam rangka menjawab pergumulan-pergumulan maupun …
Outline: Berbeda dengan karunia Roh, buah Roh merupakan hasil ketika seseorang hidup dituntun - dan menuruti kehendak - Roh Allah. Bila karunia didapatkan dengan cuma-cuma, berdasarkan anugerah Allah, buah Roh merupakan hasil hidup yang melekat kepada pokok anggur yang benar, yaitu Yesus (Yohanes 15: 1-17). Bila tinggal dan melekat kepada Yesus dan firmanNya, tanda yang didapatkan adalah hidup …
Outline: For years, William Gouge's Domestical Duties has stood as the foremost Puritan treatment of Christian family life. Yet due to its size and antiquated expression, it has become almost unknown among current generations of believers. To help revive the usefulness of this classic book, Scott Brown and Joel R. Beeke divided Gouge's work into three manageable volumes, updated the language to…
Outline: Ten American scholars sketch the contemporary relevance of evangelical Christianity in this sweeping survey of the present century of theological debate. Reaching into major spheres of life and thought - theology, philosophy, ethics, science, history, education, biblical studies, apologetics, evangelism and preaching - they discuss familiar fields with an eye on the theological turmoil…
Outline: Kepulauan Maluku adalah daerah yang mashyur akan keberagaman dan toleransinya. Sayangnya, pada periode 1999-2004, Maluku dilanda konflik horizontal yang menimbulkan korban jiwa dan kerugian harta benda. Budaya kekeluargaan yang selama ratusan tahun terpelihara lewat kearifan lokal pela dan gandong seolah tak tersisa. Beruntung, melalui berbagai upaya serius yang dilakukan banyak pihak,…
Outline: While the age of the Holy Spirit began with Pentecost, the twentieth century has seen as explosion in the Spirit's work through the remarkable growth of Pentecostalism and the changing face of global Christianity. The essays gathered in Spirit of God: Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith provide an ecumenical exploration of the Holy Spirit's person and work in biblical, historic…
Outline : Dalam The Story of Reality, Gregory Koukl membukakan kisah dunia kita melalui sudut pandang yang luas, menjelaskan bagaimana dunia ini bermula, mengapa dunia ini menjadi seperti sekarang, peran manusia dalam kisah ini, dan bagaimana seluruh alur kisah ini terselesaikan. Ini adalah kisah Alkitab yang lebih dari sekadar pandangan keagaamaan pribadi, relasi dengan Allah, ataupun sumber p…
Outline : How does the voice of God come to us in the text of scripture? Scholars from biblical studies and theology have recently been engaged in various ways in the project of theological interpretation of Scripture. Their work has raised issues about the theological content of the biblical material. authorial intention, the reception and formation of the Bible as Christian Scripture, the imp…
Outline: The Psalms are undeniably beautiful. They are also difficult, and readers often come away convinced that tremendous riches remain just beyond their grasp. In this book, W. Robert Godfrey invites us to accompany him on a journey into a greater understanding and love for these sacred poems. The timeless beauty of the Psalms, their depth of expression, and testimony to the greatness of Go…
Outline: Many approaches for interpreting the Bible have been put forth in recent years. All have their strengths - and their weaknesses. Various members of the Regent College faculty join forces here to articulate a multidisciplinary approach that will enrich our reading of the Bible. Following an introductory caveat lector from Eugene Peterson, Gordon Fee and Elmer Dyck discuss history and ca…
Outline : ALLAH MEMANGGIL ANDA. ALLAH PERTAMA-TAMA MEMANGGIL KITA KEPADA DIRI-NYA, untuk mengenal dan mengikuti-Nya, tetapi Ia juga memanggil kita kepada tujuan hidup yang spesifik, yakni alasan keberadaan kita. Panggilan kedua atau “vokasi” ini memiliki implikasi bukan hanya atas pekerjaan atau kehidupan kita, tetapi melibatkan juga talenta, kelemahan, dan komunitas kita, dan apa yang kita…
Outline: Muslim women, symbols of honour for their men, speak out in this timely and provocative book that takes us into the volatile heartland of Islam, the world's fastest growing religion. With a wide range of telling, often horrific stories about the ways in which Muslim women are abused and oppressed by their menfolk, PRICE OF HONOUR shows how restrictions on women act as a barometer for m…
Outline: "Pluralisme sekarang ini, seperti yang ditekankan oleh golongan postmodernis, adalah ciri khas masyarakat dewasa ini." "Seseorang tidak boleh menghakimi kelompok minoritas dengan menggunakan rumusan-rumusan universal tetapi mendengar mereka dari perbedaan yang mereka mau ungkapkan. Jadi hal yang ditonjolkan adalah pluralitas penalaran, bukan kesatuan penalaran." "Unsur-unsur dalam keny…
Outline : DUNIA BISA TERASA SANGAT GELAP TETAPI, ADA JALAN YANG DIPENUHI SUKACITA. Kita diajarkan, "Pastikan terlebih dahulu dirimu sendiri aman" dan "Orang baik tidak akan berhasil." Tetapi, jalan itu membuat kita merasa sendiri dan cemas, bahkan bisa membawa kita ke dalam kehancuran. Ini bukanlah perjalanan yang menakjubkan. Ada sebuah jalan untuk ditempuh di dalam Kerajaan Allah yang tidak…
Outline : Accessible and comprehensive, Contemporary Theology: An Introduction by professor and author Kirk R. MacGregor provides a chronological survey of the major thinkers and schools of thought in modern theology in a manner that is both approachable and intriguing. Unique among introductions to contemporary theology, MacGregor includes: - Evangelical perspectives alongside mainline and li…
Outline: The essays in this volume are a modest attempt to come to terms with the complexity of being church in a changing and dynamic society. They reflect the contemporary concerns of some Christians in Malaysia. Current concern about plans to apply hudud laws makes the piece of Christian Order and The Civil Order very relevant reading. The assortment of subjects itself reflects the fact that…
Outline: Buku ini dirancang untuk membantu para pemimpin dan penanggung jawab dalam lembaga-lembaga misi dan gereja-gereja pengutus dalam membuat rencana member care yang komprehensif bagi para utusan misi mereka. Sembilan bab dalam bagian pertama buku ini menguraikan secara komprehensif sebuah program member care. Sembilan bab berikutnya membahas topik-topik yang menjadi tantangan untuk para u…
Outline: The Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference (EDC) takes place every second year. The Rutherford Centre for Reformed Theology, which runs the conference, has a present interest in studying the doctrine of the church (ecclesiology). After two years of pandemic, when most churches began to take new forms or develop new ways of meeting, many questions are being asked: What is the church, and what i…
Outline: Apakah dampak dari ide-ide Calvin dalam bidang bisnis/ekonomi/keuangan/perdagangan? Apa yang kita percaya mengenai ekonomi merefleksikan bagaimana kita berpikir mengenai Allah, masyarakat, dan orang lain. Dalam buku ini Calvin dapat mengartikulasikan ide-ide ekonomi dengan cara yang secara mengejutkan sungguh jelas, berdasarkan pada Alkitab dan, dengan demikian, menyebabkan revolusi ek…
Outline: The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people. whether in biblical times or for the church today. It is also a fully human book, written by different people in a variety of cultural settings. Knowledge of biblical language and society is essential if the meaning of the human writer is to be grasped fully. The Apollos Old Testament Commentary…
Outline: Exploring the Personal and Social Effects - of this momentous upheaval - Perhaps no period in Christian history experienced such vast religious tumult and rapid social change as the European Reformation, when it quickly became apparent that social and political issues - finding deep resonance with the common people - were deeply entwined with religious ones raised by the Reformers. Led…
Outline: Sesuai dengan judulnya Kiat Sukses Menyelenggarakan Pesta Perkawinan Adat Sunda, maka buku ini disusun sebagai upaya untuk memberikan masukan kepada siapa pun yang ingin menyelenggarakan pesta perkawinan adat, khususnya bagi masyarakat Sunda. Sebagai buku kiat, buku ini memuat secara rinci bagaimana menyiapkan pesta perkawinan adat Sunda secara utuh. Sejak menentukan jodoh yang tepat, …
Outline: Formal and contemplative services in vast cathedrals are as much a part of Christian worship today as casual and boisterous services in refurbished warehouses. Yet this very diversity raises the question, Are all forms of worship equally pleasing of God? Worship wars have erupted over so many issues - musical styles and liturgical formats, as well as more serious concerns like whether …
Outline: 52 Short Questions & Answers to Help Children Better Understand God, Humanity, Sin, & Salvation.
Outline: Devotions on the journey to the first Easter - Journey to the Empty Tomb, from the best-selling author Paula Gooder, open up the best of biblical scholarship. It focuses on the events leading up to the first Easter - the Gospel accounts of the death and resurrection of Jesus that are at the very heart of the Christian faith. Beginning with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and ending …
Outline: Understanding the Bible isn't for the few, the gifted, the scholarly. The Bible is accessible. It's meant to be read and comprehended by everyone from armchair readers to seminary students. A few essential insights into the Bible can clear up a lof of misconceptions and help you grasp the meaning of Scripture and its application to your twenty-first-century like. More than half a milli…
Outline: The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people. whether in biblical times or for the church today. It is also a fully human book, written by different people in a variety of cultural settings. Knowledge of biblical language and society is essential if the meaning of the human writer is to be grasped fully. The Apollos Old Testament Commentary…
Outline: 15 engaging, dynamic, and creative lessons for children ages 8-11 corresponding to questions 21-35 of The New City Catechism. Question 21: What sort of Redeemer is needed to bring us back to God? Question 22: Why must the Redeemer by truly human? Question 23: Why must the Redeemer by truly God? Question 24: Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die? Question 25: Does C…
Outline: The Gentle Answer is a scholarly to a claim that many Muslims have made in relation to non-Muslims for mote than 1200 years; that the text of the Bible is corrupt and/or falsified. Since critical writing on the Bible is more abundant and has a longer history, Muslim polemicists have selectively used Western biblical criticism in an attempt to support the traditional Muslim accusation o…
Outline: This resource book features 52 reproducible graphics and activities connected to lessons in The New City Catechism Curriculum.
Outline: 20 engaging, dynamic, and creative lessons for children ages 8-11 corresponding to questions 1-20 of The New City Catechism. Question 1: What is our only hope in life and death? Question 2: What is God? Question 3: How many persons are there in God? Question 4: How and why did God create us? Question 5: What else did God create? Question 6: How can we glorify God? Question 7: Wh…
Outline: 17 engaging, dynamic, and creative lessons for children ages 8-11 corresponding to questions 36-52 of The New City Catechism. Question 36: What do we believe about the Holy Spirit? Question 37: How does the Holy Spirit help us? Question 38: What is prayer? Question 39: With what attitude should we pray? Question 40: What should we pray? Question 41: What is the Lord's Prayer? Qu…
Outline: Taiwanese author cartoonist, Tsai Chih Chung, has enlivened the sayings of Confusius through lively cartoons and simple dialogue, much to the delight of Chinese readers. Now Asiapac brings to you, as part of the Chinese Philosophers in Comics Series, as English translation by Goh Beng Choo featuring events in the life of Confucius, selected sayings from Lun Yu (The Analects) and some o…
Outline: Kemunculan wabah Covid-19 telah menjadi ancaman bagi dunia. Setiap orang tenggelam dalam rasa takut dan khawatir akan penderitaan yang mereka alami. Jumlah korban yang terinfeksi virus kian bertambah, parahnya hingga menyebabkan kematian. Di tengah pergumulan tersebut, tidak sedikit dari umat Kristen mempertanyakan keberadaan Allah. Mengapa wabah ini harus menimpa mereka? Buku ini akan…
Outline: Kartunis Larry Gonick dan professor biologi Dave Wessner berkolaborasi membuat kartun lengkap dan lucu mengenai berbagai topik dalam biologi. Apa kamu pingsan waktu disuruh membedah kodok di sekolah? Apa kamu anggap kegunaan DNA hanya menentukan siapa anaknya siapa? Apa kamu masih percaya penggolongan kehidupan cuma "hewan, tumbuhan, manusia"? Jika jawabanmu "ya" untuk pertanyaan-perta…
Outline: There is little doubt that in recent years the nature of the Genesis narrative has sparked much debate among Christians, Genesis : History, Fiction, or Neither? introduces three prominent interpretive genres and their implications for biblical understanding. Each contributor identifies his position on the genre of Genesis 1-11, addressing why it is appropriate to the text, and contribu…
Outline: Buku Kalkulus bergambar yang enak dibaca dan lengkap. Larry Gonick, kartunis yang lulusan matematika, menyajikan buku pelajaran kalkulus bergambar tingkat kuliah tahun pertama yang menjelaskan dunia fungsi, limit, turunan, dan integral. Menggunakan ilustrasi jelas dan membantu - serta humor untuk membuat ringan bahasan berat - Gonick mengajarkan dasar kalkulus, dengan banyak contoh dan…
Outline: Pernahkan kamu bertanya pada diri sendiri: - Apakah menyambung gen sama seperti menjahit jenas Levis? - Apakah Watson dan Crick kawan Sherlock Holmes? - Hubungan seksual pada tumbuhan? Bisakah mereka melakukannya? - Apakah Mutasi Genetik nama satu kelompok musik rock? Jika ya, maka kamu perlu Kartun Genetika ini untuk menjelaskan konsep-konsep penting dalam ilmu genetika modern d…
Outline: You may have lost a loved one or friend to suicide. Maybe at some time in your life you were suicidal, or you know someone who is depressed. In these pages you'll find stories shares by people who have walked where you are now. These are ordinary people who have overcome the darkness that invaded their lives. Once again light shines for them, and it can for you too. - Real-life stori…
Outline: A distinguished group of scholars here introduces and illustrates the array of strategies and methods used in New Testament study today. Standard approaches - text criticism, historical methods, etc. - appear side by side with newer approaches - narrative criticism, Latino-Latina hermeneutics, theological interpretation of the New Testament, and more. First published in 1995, Hearing t…
Outline: Kamu tidak perlu menjadi ilmuwan untuk mengerti berbagai soal berikut ini atau pun gagasan lain yang lebih rumit, karena Kartun Fisika telah menjabarkan semua bahasan ini: kecepatan, percepatan, ledakan, listrik dan magnet, rangkaian - bahkan yang sedikit berbau teori relativitas, dan banyak lagi, secara sederhana, jernih, dan tentu saja, dengan ilustrasi yang lucu. Ilmu fisika jadi ta…