Outline: Sixteen internationally recognized church historians here examine Martin Luther in an uncommon way - not as Reformer or theologian but as pastor. After first introducing the pastoral Luther, including his theology of the cross, these chapters discuss Luther's preaching and use of language (including humor), investigate his teaching ministry in depth, especially in light of the catechis…
Outline: Do Trauma and Abuse have the last word? After forty years of counseling abuse survivors around the world, Dr. Diane Langberg, a world-renowned trauma expert, remains certain that what trauma destroys, Christ can and does restore.
Outline: The second coming of Christ is a matter of sharp disagreement among Christians. Many hold to premillennialism; that Christ's return will be followed by 1,000 years before the final judgement, a belief popularized in the best-selling Left Behind novels. However, premillennialism is not the only options for Christians. In this important new book, Sam Storms provides a biblical rationale …
Outline: This is John Flavel's classic work on union and fellowship with God. In a comprehensive and helpful manner Flavel helps us understand better what 'keeping the heart' means. He tells us why we should take this commission seriously and speaks about there being particular times when we need to be especially wary of being distracted from our goal. He then shows how we can go on to develop …
Outline: Like no other before it, Charts for a Theology of Evangelism compiles ninety-three unique visual learning aids based on Thomas P. Johnston's more than twenty years of practicing and teaching personal evangelism. Each chart - from "The Urgencies that Drive Evangelism" to "Five Interpretations of 'Salt' in Matthew 5 -13" to "Biblical Sages in Theological Drift" - includes a contextual se…
Outline: "An Honest, Well Experienced Heart" introduces us to the life and writings of Puritan preacher and author John Flavel (1627 - 1691). In his brief, introductory biography, Adam Embry discusses Flavel's background, ministry, and theology of keeping the heart, which, for Flavel, "is the great business of a Christian's life." Embry guides us through forty-two short passages from Flavel's w…
Outline: Encounter North American Evangelism from the great awakening to the present day. A History of Evangelism in North America guides readers on a tour through circuit riders and tent meetings to college outreach and online ministries. Academica research is combined with gospel faithfulness and love for the lost in this historical survey of evangelism methodologies and legacies from the ear…
Outline: This second edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament integrates and interacts with recent developments in Old Testament scholarship. Several distinctives set it apart from other introductions to the Old Testament: - It is thoroughly evangelical in its perspective - It emphasizes "special introduction" - the study of individual books - It interacts in an irenic spirit with th…
Outline : Pietism is the religious-theological movement which formed a bridge between the Reformations of the sixteenth century and the Enlightenment. This introduction to the Pietist theologians demonstrates the influence that this movement had on the religious, cultural, and social life of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and examines its lasting effects on modern culture and modern…
Outline: 'Puritan' was originally a term of contempt, and 'Puritanism" has often been stereotyped by critics and admirers alike. As a distinctive and particularly intense variety of early modern Reformed Protestantism, it was a product of acute tensions within the post-Reformation Church of England. But it was never monolithic or purely oppositional, and its impact reverberated far beyond seve…
Outline: Who better to face the greatest evil of the 20th century than a humble man of faith? As Adolf Hitler and the Nazis seduced a nation, bullied a continent, and attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe, a small number of dissidents and saboteurs worked dismantle the Third Reich from the Inside. One of these was Dietrich Bonhoeffer - a pastor and author. In this New York bestselling bio…
Outline: The Bible and ethics in a critical time. The planet is changing rapidly, and these disruptions are throwing the globe further into crisis. The future of Christianity depends on whether it is able to face these challenges with a hopeful but urgent moral and social vision. Christianity continues to break away from its Western center as churches in Asia, Africa, and Latin America experien…
Outline : This new Handbook edited by Herman Selderhuis and written by renowned catholic and protestant church historians presents the latest results in research. Full attention is given to the coherence of social, political, cultural and ecclesiastical developments in the history of Christianity in the Netherlands. The Handbook is written for use as an academic textbook but is also accessible …
Outline: This book is the most comprehensive survey of early American Christian theology ever written and a major contribution to American intellectual history. It encompasses scores of American theological traditions, schools of thought, and thinkers active from 1636 to 1865 and considers the social and institutional settings for religious thought during this period.
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline : Ron Gleason, a leading authority on Herman Bavinck’s life and ideas, offers the English-speaking world the first full biography of the great Dutch theologian’s life. Gleason highlights the breadth of Herman Bavinck’s experience in theology and politics and brings to light Bavinck’s rich family heritage—contending that this heritage played a crucial role in the development of…
Outline: Unshakable Truth in an unsteady world. In an age that is increasingly conflicted about evangelical identity and theological truth, Christians need a foundation for navigating the shifting culture. Although forgotten by some, twentieth-century theologian Carl F. H. Henry stands as one of the most influential leaders of modern evangelicalism. In this collection of essays written by leadi…
Outline: In this prize-winning book Nathan O. Hatch offers a provocative reassessment of religion and culture in the early days of the American republic, arguing that during this period American Christianity was democratized and common people became powerful actors on the religious scene. Hatch examines live distinct traditions or mass movements that emerged early in the nineteenth century - th…
Outline: If that sounds like you, here is the help you've been looking for. Richard L. Pratt, Jr., knows the burdens many of us carry because of inadequate prayer lives. In this instructive yet often entertaining book, he offers clear biblical direction on how to pray more effectively. With remarkable care and balance he discusses key issues: from fascination with God to honest confession of ou…
Outline : What is the purpose of studying the New Testament, and how is it best approached? Esteemed professor C. Kavin Rowe explores these questions in sixteen incisive essays covering a range of topics, including: - the state of New Testament studies as a field - the relationship between historical criticism and theological reading - interdisciplinary methodology - comparative religion an…
Outline: The differences and discrepancies in the Gospels constitute one of the foremost objections to their reliability and the credibility of their message. Some have tried to resolve Gospels contradictions with strained harmonization efforts. Others conclude that the Gospels are hopelessly contradictory and, therefore, historically unreliable accounts of Jesus. In Jesus, Contradicted, New Te…
Outline: In Charles Colson's first book, Born Again, the former presidential aide recounted his conversion to faith in Jesus Christ. His second book, Life Sentences, chronicled his own growth as a Christian and his first years of prison ministry. His third book. Loving God, issued a compelling call to Christian discipleship and action. In the same vein, Who Speaks for God? reveals specific impl…
Outline : Psikoterapi, Kesehatan mental, Psikologi & Psikiatri; Agama & Pelayanan Pendampingan Pastoral; Pernikahan dan Keluarga Buku ini berisikan materi pelayanan konseling berikut kasus, catatan, kegiatan, dan pekerjaan rumah yang sangat membantu pemulihan klien Anda Orang Kristen dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah yang juga dialami oleh orang lain di sekitamya. The Christian Therapist's Not…
Outline: Abuse is a growing problem and those who have been abused need help. This booklet equips the reader to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse. As well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way, it points to the victory possible in Jesus Christ, who was abused for His people and who has compassi…
Outline: This series is designed to address particular themes in the New Testament that are of concern to Christians today. Written in a style easily accessible to ministers, students, and laypeople by contributors who are proven experts in their fields of study, these volumes reflect the best of current biblical scholarship while also speaking directly to the pastoral needs of people in toda…
Outline : Matthew's Gospel is the first document in the New Testament - a suitable location considering some scholars' opinions (for example, Theodor Zahn and Ernest Renan) that it is the pre-eminent piece of literature in antiquity. What sort of book is it? Who is its author, and why did he write it? What historical, literary and theological contexts influence it? Matthew's Gospel also tells a…
Outline: Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International (STEMI) telah mengadakan Seminar Pembinaan Iman Kristen (SPIK) bertemakan Kristologi selama 3 tahun berselang secara serial dan merupakan seminar theologi Kristen yang paling penting dan banyak dihadiri oleh masyarakat Kristen di Indonesia. Buku ini berupaya untuk menghadirkan tema-tema Kristologi dalam seminar tersebut dalam bentuk t…
Outline: Setiap profesi memiliki kode etik, tidak terkecuali pelayan jemaat atau pendeta. Namun sering kali kode etik itu tidak tertuang dalam bentuk tertulis, sehingga lebih dipahami sebagai sesuatu yang setiap orang sudah tahu dan paham, selanjutnya masing-masing pelayan akan mengaplikasikannya secara sendiri-sendiri pula. Buku ini mencoba menguraikan pokok-pokok yang perlu diperhatikan oleh …
Outline: In this book, addressed to the "Western, white evangelical community," Professor Conn drives home the need for a radical reevaluation of our Western models for theology and missions. The rise of non-Western and nonwhite theologies and the changes in our understanding of language, culture, and religions force upon us the realization of the inadequacy of our ethnocentric, abstracting app…
Apa artinya mengajar agama di dalam suatu konteks yang majemuk secara agama? Apakah itu berarti mengajarkan bahwa agama sendiri adalah yang paling benar sementara agama lain palsu? Apakah itu berarti mengajarkan bahwa semua agama adalah sama saja? Realitas kemajemukan di Asia—terutama terkait dengan agama—membuat para pendidik agama perlu mencari strategi dan pendasaran teologis yang kokoh …
Outline: Ucapan apakah yang keluar dari mulut Yesus Kristus ketika Dia terpaku di atas kayu salib? Bukan caci maki, balas dendam, kutukan, tangisan, ataupun jeritan kesakitan yang menyayat. Sejarah mencatat Tujuh Perkataan Salib yang keluar dari mulut Juruselamat adalah: Ya Bapa, ampunilah mereka. Hari ini juga engkau akan bersama Aku di Firdaus. Ibu. lihatlah anakmu! ... Lihatlah ibumu. Al…
Outline: Melalui pendekatan naratif, buku Atlas dan Sejarah Alkitab ini memaparkan banyak hal menarik, mulai dari sejarah terbentuknya Alkitab (Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru), cerita awal mula penciptaan, bapa-bapa leluhur, sampai kisah rasul-rasul Kristus (terutama Rasul Paulus), dan lahirnya Gereja Perdana. Dengan menggunakan temuan-temuan mutakhir dari sejarawan dan arkeolog sebagai su…
Overview: The author bequeathed to humanity a legacy of theological creativity and spirituality that continues to intrigue people from a variety of backgrounds. This book gathers the author's 1938 reflections on the character of Christian community, based on the common life that the author and his seminarians experienced at the Finkenwalder Seminary. Using the acclaimed Dietrich Bonhoeffer W…
Outline: Kitab 1 dan 2 Samuel menampilkan sejarah umat Israel pada waktu kerajaan didirikan dan raja-raja pertama memerintah. Tokoh-tokoh dalam kisah itu digambarkan secara hidup dan mengesankan. Pembaca diundang untuk memahami pikiran serta emosi para raja, pegawainya, panglima tentara, dan seterusnya. Orang-orang itu sering melakukan kesalahan, bahkan dosa yang berat; mereka tidak selalu menj…
Outline: The Worlds of the Preacher helps students and pastors understand the worlds - biblical, cultural, and personal - that influence their preaching. Contributors include Victor D. Anderson, Jeffrey Arthurs, Patricia M. Batten, Scott M. Gibson, Matthew D. Kim, Duane Litfin, Steveb D. Mathewson, Haddon W. Robinson, Donald R. Sunukjian, and Scott Wenig.