Outline: An Influencer motivates others to change. An Influencer replaces had behaviors with powerful new skills. An Influencer makes things happen. This is what it takes to be an Influencer. Whether you're a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with the people in your life. But most of us stop trying to make change happen be…
Outline: Richard Gamble's three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. "He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology," Richard Pratt writes; not only that, he "penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that every beli…
Outline: Apa yang terjadi dalam budaya kita sekarang, ketika keintiman dan keakraban dengan sesama semakin pudar, sementara kebrutalan dan kejahatan semakin meningkat? Mengapa banyak orang merasa sulit untuk benar-benar mengasihi orang lain, untuk berbahagia karena saling memiliki satu sama lain, untuk mengalami sukacita yang ditawarkan melalui anugerah Allah dan kehidupan dalam komunitas? Semu…
Outline: Kitab Ester menampilkan kisah perjuangan Ratu Ester. Ia adalah tokoh yang mengupayakan keselamatan umat Yahudi di bawah penindasan Haman dan menampilkan nilai perjuangan kaum perempuan dalam memperjuangkan hak kesetaraan gender. Namun, Kitab Ester bukan hanya menampilkan hal itu saja. Penulis Pertolongan dari Balik Layar : Tafsiran Kitab Ester berupaya untuk mengungkapkan hal-hal kontr…
Outline: Ada dua cara untuk mencoba memahami para nabi. Pertama, dengan cara meneliti tulisan-tulisan mereka dan mempelajarinya dengan bantuan buku tafsiran. Cara yang lain adalah dengan mencoba memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar dari nubuat Perjanjian Lama, latar belakang pelayanan mereka, dan ide-ide utama yang mereka akui. Dalam buku Penuntun ke dalam Nubuat Perjanjian Lama ini, kedua metode itu…
Outline: The office of deacon is God's gift to His church to ensure that all can share in the liberating joy of redemption, but today it is often undervalued, misunderstood, and perceived to be of little importance. In The Deacon, the author considers the Old Testament background for this calling, the deacon in New Testament times and in church history, and the current function of the office. Y…
Outline: John the apostle left a rich legacy in his three letters. Seeking to lead his readers to a deeper assurance of fath, John argued that we can know with confidence that we possess eternal life if we examine our theological, moral, and social beliefs and behaviors. Pastor-scholar Douglas Sean O'Donnell illustrates and applies three essential questions from John that we must ask ourselves …
Outline: Khotbah di Bukit dianggap sebagai ringkasan Injil dan Hukum Taurat Allah. Isinya merupakan kabar baik bagi orang-orang yang berbahagia dan memuat panggilan bagi mereka untuk menempuh hidup yang baru. Pengajaran Yesus di atas bukit ini telah berkali-kali dibicarakan, dibahas dan ditafsirkan oleh banyak orang. Akhirnya soal yang mencekam bagi kita ialah dapatkah Khotbah di Dunia ini dipr…
Outline: Asia is the birthplace of many great religions and spiritualities - spiritualities that draw wealth and meaning from the ancient past yet still address contemporary reality. Asian Christian Spirituality explores popular religious traditions in Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and India, emphasizing how these traditions foster a liberative Christian spirituality.…
Outline: Ketika para murid mendekati Tuhan berkenaan dengan masalah doa, mereka tidak berkata "Ajarilah kami cara berdoa," melainkan, "Ajarilah kami berdoa." Jelaslah bahwa bahkan orang-orang yang dekat dengan Kristus sendiri juga perlu belajar untuk berdoa. Termasuk kita. Di dalam buku ini, beberapa guru dan ekspositor Alkitab yang terbaik memberi instruksi mengenai doa, mulai dari mengapa per…
Outline: Empat puluh lima tahun silam, ketika modernitas yang diatasnamakan oleh televisi dan kendaraan bermotor mulai menyebarkan virusnya di Indonesia, perubahan budaya seketika terjadi dalam waktu sangat cepat. Warga desa kebingungan memutuskan apa yang menjadi prioritasnya. Membeli televisi yang hidup sepanjang hidup meski bahasanya tak mereka pahami, membeli kendaraan bermotor sekadar untu…
Outline: Recent events in London, Madrid, and elsewhere all dramatically point to the growing presence of militant Islam in the West. In this timely and incisive analysis, Olivier Roy argues that the revival of Islam among Muslim populations over the last twenty years has been incorrectly perceived as a backlash against Westernization. Islam fundamentalism is not a single-note reaction against…
Outline: Why has the twenty-first century been rocked by a new religious rebellion? From al Qaeda to Christian militias to insurgents in Iraq, a strident new religious activism has seized the imaginations of political rebels around the world. Building on his groundbreaking book, The New Cold War? Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State, Mark Juergensmeyer here provides an up-to-date r…
Outline: "Wah, kita punya beberapa petualangan menarik," kata Philip Yancey kepada istrinya di atas pesawat. Ia mengutarakan hal ini setelah ia harus membatalkan kegiatan tur buku di Mumbai, India, tahun2008, setelah sekelompok teroris menyerang hotel tempatnya menginap dan 10 tempat berbeda di sana. Kota tersebut berada dalam kondisi siaga setelah 165 orang tewas. Philip Yancey pun mulai membu…
Outline: One of the twentieth century's greatest authorities on revival, Leonard Ravenhill gives a non-compromise call to the principles of the biblical revival. The heart of his message to the church is in this volume. Appalled by the disparity between the New Testament church and the church today, his message is drastic, fearless and often radical. As timely call to revival today as when publ…
Outline: Millions of Muslims and Christians are neighbors and worship the same God. Yet they seldom witness to each other. In this book a Muslim and a Christian attempt to witness and listen. The issues they deal with are profound. The authors open up the basic questions of the human situation and confront similarities and differences in the Muslim and Christian responses. In recent years Musli…
Outline: Serious Bible readers all recognize that there are differences between accounts of the same events in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and no responsible reader can simply sweep these differences under the rug. But can each unique account still be reconciled with a belief in biblical inerrancy? Responding to the questions surrounding the Gospel narratives, New Testament scholar Vern Poyt…
Outline: Each time God appears to his people throughout the Bible - in the form of a thunderstorm, a man, a warrior, a chariot, etc. - he comes to a specific person for a specific purpose. And each of these temporary appearances - called theophanies - helps us to better understand who he is, anticipating his climatic, permanent self-revelation in the incarnation of Christ. Describing the variou…
Overview: The Engaging Culture series is designed to help Christians respond with theological discernment to our contemporary culture. Each volume explores particular cultural expressions, seeking to discover God's presence in the world and to involve readers in sympathetic dialogue and active discipleship. These books encourage neither an uninformed rejection nor an uncritical embrace of cul…
Outline: Kerajaan Asyur (Assyria) merupakan suatu kekuatan yang sempat merajai dunia Timur Tengah kuno. Kekuatan dan kedahsyatannya menggentarkan bangsa-bangsa sehingga jenderal dan tentara Asyur kala itu digambarkan seperti sungai yang buas. Kerajaan Israel Utara sudah merasakan kebuasannya; Kerajaan Yehuda pun ikut merasakan tekanan yang berat di bawah kekuasaan dan kekejaman Asyur. Maka Nabi…
Outline: In a time of increased yet mainly critical interest in Islam this book which was written by one of the world's leading scholars of Islamic culture, addresses interested Western readers as well as Muslims who have received a Western education. While the book is an attempt to give contemporary answer to the critics of Islam, it is also firmly grounded in the Muslim tradition and it seeks…
Outline: Perspectives on Family Ministry makes the case that every church is called to some form of faamily ministry - but not just another program to add to an already packed schedule. According to Timothy Paul Jones, the most effective family ministries engage parents in the act of discipling their children, drawing family members together instead of pulling them apart. He writes here about t…
Outline: Birger A. Pearson surveys all the primary literary evidence for ancient Gnosticism, providing a clear and succint introduction to each individual writing (including the newly published Gospel of Judas from the Tchacos Codex), along with a judicious consideration of the historical origins of Gnosticism. The classic schools of Christian Gnosticism are discussed, along with Hermetic Gnosi…
Outline: "Compels us to rethink what we thought we knew about the New Testament" David Moffitt challenges reductive views of the atonement and offers new perspectives on the saving significance of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus in the New Testament.
Outline: In this collection of forty-six letters and writings of John Calvin, newly translated into English, the reformer gives advice to individuals and groups about theology, ethics, worship, politics, economics, and church practices. Topics discussed include dogmatics and polemics, changes (and the need for changes) in religion, the worship of images, ecclesiastical discipline, marriage, and…
Outline: Featuring more than 100 case studies, this timely volume explores ethical questions arising from real-world situations faced by health professionals, patients, and others. The most comprehensive and up-to-date collection of its kind, Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics : Decision-Making, Principles, and Cases, Second Edition, explores fundamental ethical questions arising from real situa…
Outline: Much attention has been paid to the words of the earlies Christian canonical and extracanonical texts, yet Larry Hurtado points out that an even more telling story is being overlooked - the story of the physical texts themselves. Widely recognized for his outstanding scholarship, Hurtado combines his comprehensive knowledge of Christian origins with an archivist's eye to make sense of …
Outline: The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi texts, and new Targums has greatly increased scholarly interest in the relationship between the New Testament and first-century Judaism. This critically acclaimed study by Richard Longenecker sheds light on this relationship by exploring the methods the earliest Christians used to interpret the Old Testament. By comparing the first…
Outline: Kapan saja kita membaca, berpikir, mendengar atau bicara tentang apa pun mengenai hidup dan tentang Allah, kita sedang berteologi. Namun teologi bukan hanya menyangkut pemikiran kita. Teologi berdampak pada siapa kita. Kelly Kapic menyajikan sebuah introduksi ringkas, padat, dan segar menantang tentang pentingnya teologi untuk mahasiswa teologi baru atau lama juga awam. Ia memperlihatk…
Outline: Salton adalah garam yang ceria dan memiliki banyak teman. Namun, sejak diumumkan adanya Festival Garam Terbaik Sedunia semuanya berubah. Salton menjadi tidak percaya diri dan membandingkan diri dengan garam lain yang tampak lebih istimewa. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi? Apakah Salton dapat memenangkan festival tersebut?
Outline: Encountering the World of Islam guides you on a journey into the lives of Muslims around the world and in your neighborhood. Through this comprehensive collection, you will learn about Muhammad and the history of Islam, gain insight into today's conflicts, and dispel fears and myths. You will also discover the frustrations and desires of Muslims and learn how to pray for and befriend t…
Outline: What does worship look like? Is there just one truly right way to worship? Are there any wrong ways? To what extent should our unity as believers manifest itself in unified public worship? Sadly, disagreement over how we should worship our loving God has sparked some most unloving attitudes among Christians. Exploring the Worship Spectrum seeks to correct this. It provides a forum for …
Outline: Many Christians live a faith that is "nowhen." They are disconnected from the past or imagine they are somehow "above" the flux of history, immune to it, as if self-starters from clean states in every generation. They lack an awareness of time and the effects of history - both personal and collective - and thus are naive about current issues, prone to nostalgia, and fixated on the end …
Outline: Serene Jones takes a fresh look at the Institutes of the Christian Religion as she draws a compelling portrait of Calvin as a Christian teacher engaged in the classical art of rhetoric. According to Jones, this art was used knowingly and skillfully by Calvin to persuade and challenge his diverse audiences. Thus, she offers a theological-rhetoric reading of the first three chapters of C…
Outline: Edisi bahasa Inggris dari judul ini pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1955 dan telah dicetak ulang berkali-kali. Karya John Murray, Penggenapan dan Penerapan Penebusan ini secara sistematis menjelaskan dua sisi dari penebusan, yaitu penggenapannya melalui pendamaian Kristus dan penerapannya pada hidup orang percaya. Dalam karya theologis klasik ini, John Murray menggali keniscayaan, …