Outline: Each time God appears to his people throughout the Bible - in the form of a thunderstorm, a man, a warrior, a chariot, etc. - he comes to a specific person for a specific purpose. And each of these temporary appearances - called theophanies - helps us to better understand who he is, anticipating his climatic, permanent self-revelation in the incarnation of Christ. Describing the variou…
Overview: The Engaging Culture series is designed to help Christians respond with theological discernment to our contemporary culture. Each volume explores particular cultural expressions, seeking to discover God's presence in the world and to involve readers in sympathetic dialogue and active discipleship. These books encourage neither an uninformed rejection nor an uncritical embrace of cul…
Outline: Kerajaan Asyur (Assyria) merupakan suatu kekuatan yang sempat merajai dunia Timur Tengah kuno. Kekuatan dan kedahsyatannya menggentarkan bangsa-bangsa sehingga jenderal dan tentara Asyur kala itu digambarkan seperti sungai yang buas. Kerajaan Israel Utara sudah merasakan kebuasannya; Kerajaan Yehuda pun ikut merasakan tekanan yang berat di bawah kekuasaan dan kekejaman Asyur. Maka Nabi…
Outline: In a time of increased yet mainly critical interest in Islam this book which was written by one of the world's leading scholars of Islamic culture, addresses interested Western readers as well as Muslims who have received a Western education. While the book is an attempt to give contemporary answer to the critics of Islam, it is also firmly grounded in the Muslim tradition and it seeks…
Outline: Perspectives on Family Ministry makes the case that every church is called to some form of faamily ministry - but not just another program to add to an already packed schedule. According to Timothy Paul Jones, the most effective family ministries engage parents in the act of discipling their children, drawing family members together instead of pulling them apart. He writes here about t…
Outline: Birger A. Pearson surveys all the primary literary evidence for ancient Gnosticism, providing a clear and succint introduction to each individual writing (including the newly published Gospel of Judas from the Tchacos Codex), along with a judicious consideration of the historical origins of Gnosticism. The classic schools of Christian Gnosticism are discussed, along with Hermetic Gnosi…
Outline: "Compels us to rethink what we thought we knew about the New Testament" David Moffitt challenges reductive views of the atonement and offers new perspectives on the saving significance of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus in the New Testament.
Outline: In this collection of forty-six letters and writings of John Calvin, newly translated into English, the reformer gives advice to individuals and groups about theology, ethics, worship, politics, economics, and church practices. Topics discussed include dogmatics and polemics, changes (and the need for changes) in religion, the worship of images, ecclesiastical discipline, marriage, and…
Outline: Featuring more than 100 case studies, this timely volume explores ethical questions arising from real-world situations faced by health professionals, patients, and others. The most comprehensive and up-to-date collection of its kind, Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics : Decision-Making, Principles, and Cases, Second Edition, explores fundamental ethical questions arising from real situa…
Outline: Much attention has been paid to the words of the earlies Christian canonical and extracanonical texts, yet Larry Hurtado points out that an even more telling story is being overlooked - the story of the physical texts themselves. Widely recognized for his outstanding scholarship, Hurtado combines his comprehensive knowledge of Christian origins with an archivist's eye to make sense of …
Outline: The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi texts, and new Targums has greatly increased scholarly interest in the relationship between the New Testament and first-century Judaism. This critically acclaimed study by Richard Longenecker sheds light on this relationship by exploring the methods the earliest Christians used to interpret the Old Testament. By comparing the first…
Outline: Kapan saja kita membaca, berpikir, mendengar atau bicara tentang apa pun mengenai hidup dan tentang Allah, kita sedang berteologi. Namun teologi bukan hanya menyangkut pemikiran kita. Teologi berdampak pada siapa kita. Kelly Kapic menyajikan sebuah introduksi ringkas, padat, dan segar menantang tentang pentingnya teologi untuk mahasiswa teologi baru atau lama juga awam. Ia memperlihatk…
Outline: Salton adalah garam yang ceria dan memiliki banyak teman. Namun, sejak diumumkan adanya Festival Garam Terbaik Sedunia semuanya berubah. Salton menjadi tidak percaya diri dan membandingkan diri dengan garam lain yang tampak lebih istimewa. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi? Apakah Salton dapat memenangkan festival tersebut?
Outline: Encountering the World of Islam guides you on a journey into the lives of Muslims around the world and in your neighborhood. Through this comprehensive collection, you will learn about Muhammad and the history of Islam, gain insight into today's conflicts, and dispel fears and myths. You will also discover the frustrations and desires of Muslims and learn how to pray for and befriend t…
Outline: What does worship look like? Is there just one truly right way to worship? Are there any wrong ways? To what extent should our unity as believers manifest itself in unified public worship? Sadly, disagreement over how we should worship our loving God has sparked some most unloving attitudes among Christians. Exploring the Worship Spectrum seeks to correct this. It provides a forum for …
Outline: Many Christians live a faith that is "nowhen." They are disconnected from the past or imagine they are somehow "above" the flux of history, immune to it, as if self-starters from clean states in every generation. They lack an awareness of time and the effects of history - both personal and collective - and thus are naive about current issues, prone to nostalgia, and fixated on the end …
Outline: Serene Jones takes a fresh look at the Institutes of the Christian Religion as she draws a compelling portrait of Calvin as a Christian teacher engaged in the classical art of rhetoric. According to Jones, this art was used knowingly and skillfully by Calvin to persuade and challenge his diverse audiences. Thus, she offers a theological-rhetoric reading of the first three chapters of C…
Outline: Edisi bahasa Inggris dari judul ini pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1955 dan telah dicetak ulang berkali-kali. Karya John Murray, Penggenapan dan Penerapan Penebusan ini secara sistematis menjelaskan dua sisi dari penebusan, yaitu penggenapannya melalui pendamaian Kristus dan penerapannya pada hidup orang percaya. Dalam karya theologis klasik ini, John Murray menggali keniscayaan, …
Outline: Dunia suka berpikir bahwa kekristenan telah dibentuk sesuai dengan pandangan dunia Barat dan tepat sebagaimana kebenaran yang diungkapkan dalam Alkitab. Pada kenyataannya, kekristenan telah berkembang selama kurun waktu 2000 tahun yang terjalin dengan pemikiran Barat. Akibatnya, ajaran Kristen sering kali disebut Kekristenan Barat. Ketika kelompok-kelompok orang dari kebudayaan lain me…
Outline: In the biblical drama of the living God's works in creation and redemption, no theme is more lustrous than that of God's gracious intention to enjoy communion with humans who bear his image and whose lives have been broken through sin. Cornelis Venema summarizes and defends a broad consensus view of the doctrine of the covenants in the history of Reformed theology, clarifying areas of …
Outline: In his study of the Greek cults of the Roman emperor in Asia Minor, Simon Price attempts to discover why the Roman emperor was treated like a god. He contends that ever since the emergence of Christianity within the Roman empire the problem has been misinterpreted; a Christianizing distinction between religion and politics has led to the cult being considered simply as a form of politi…
Outline: One of the paradoxes about psychiatry is that we have never known more about and better treated mental disorders, yet there exists so much unease about the practice of mental healthcare. Patients feel still stigmatized, psychiatrists are struggling with their roles in a rapidly changing system of healthcare, there is lack of consensus about what mental disorders are and what the focus …
Outline: Masih di ibukota Mataram, Cebolang belajar berbagai macam ilmu. Di antaranya, Sastra Jendra Hayuningrat, ilmu nepton, dan petungan dengan aksara Jawa. Cebolang juga berguru pada pertapa dari Gunung Merapi, belajar perhitungan hari menurut petungan dan pasaran, ilmu bermain kartu, menilai dan memilih wanita, ilmu asmaragama, sejarah ilmu makrifat Jawa, juga sejarah Islam di Jawa. Di Pra…
Outline: The Larger Catechism stands as one of the three major doctrinal standards produced by the Westminster Assembly. Ofter overshadowed by the Shorter Catechism and the Confession of Faith, the Larger Catechism exhibits the Assembly's most mature theological reflection and insight. In this remarkable volume, John Bower provides extensive historical background for the making of this colossal…
Outline: The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people. whether in biblical times or for the church today. It is also a fully human book, written by different people in a variety of cultural settings. Knowledge of biblical language and society is essential if the meaning of the human writer is to be grasped fully. The Apollos Old Testament Commentary…
Outline: Di sepanjang sejarah gereja Kristen, Injil Matius telah dipandang sebagai potret terpenting dari kehidupan dan pesan Yesus. Dengan Khotbah di Bukit dan koleksi perumpamaan yang limpah, di antara banyak hal lainnya, Injil Matius telah memberikan kontribusi utama kepada gereja di sepanjang abad dan telah memiliki banyak hal untuk disampaikan kepada gereja pada masa kini. Tafsiran ini men…
Outline: Kitab Nabi-nabi adalah salah satu dari enam buku pelajaran yang membahas Perjanjian Lama dan Baru, yang semuanya ditulis oleh pengajar-pengajar Teologi berpengalaman. Buku ini mengajak mahasiswa untuk berinteraksi dengan teks Alkitab secara langsung dan tidak menjadi pembelajar pasif. Buku ini menyediakan aktivitas dan tantangan belajar pada tingkat pengantar dan lanjutan, dan ide-ide …
Outline: The Reformation was a time of tremendous upheaval, renewal, and vitality in the life of church. The challenge to maintain and develop faithful Christian belief and practice in the midst of great disruption was reflected in the theology of the sixteenth century. In this volume, which serves as a companion to IVP Academic's Reformation Commentary on Scripture series, theologian and churc…
Outline: The second volume in the series, The Bible as Book, deals with the effect of early printing on the text, format and use of the Bible, and investigates the unique features of various editions of fifteenth-century printed Bibles as well as the social, political, and technological circumstances under which these publications were produced. This volume represents a gathering of research by…
Outline: Millions of Muslims have migrated to Europe and North America in the last fifty years. Their arrival has ignited fierce public debates on both series of the Atlantic about religious freedom and tolerance, terrorism and security, gender and race, and much more. How can Christians best respond to this situation? In this book theologians and ethicist Matthew Kaemingk offers a thought-prov…
Outline: Second Edition with Study and Application Questions by Eowyn Jones Stoddard, the author's granddaughter. Hove you ever wondered what Christ said to his disciples to make their hearts burn on the Emmaus road? Follow Ed Clowney through the Old Testament as he shows how all the Scriptures point to Christ. As you explore Old Testament characters and events, you'll inspired by the many spec…
Outline: The essays in this book demonstrate that a theology shaped by the biblical narratives and grounded in the practices of the Christian community can provide resources to enable people to regain a public voice in a pluralistic culture. Ronald Thiemann challenges us to develop a public theology that remains based in the particulars of Christian faith while addressing issues of public signi…