Outline: A History of Biblical Interpretation provides detailed and extensive studies of the interpretation of the Scriptures by Jewish and Christian writers throughout the ages. Written by internationally renowned scholars, this multivolume work comprehensively treats the many different methods of interpretation, the many important interpreters from various eras, and the many key issues that h…
Outline: How do you as a parent continue to relate to a child who refuses to cooperate, responds in persistent anger or hatred toward you, or rejects the Christian faith? When Good Kids Make Bad Choices offers thoughtful encouragement and guidance based on the firsthand experiences of the authors and those whom they've counseled. While the path is a difficult one for any parent to walk, there a…
Outline: How does the New Testament echo the Old? Which versions of the Hebrew Scriptures were authoritative for New Testament writers? The appearance of concepts, images, and passages from the Old Testament in the books of the New raises important questions about textual versions, allusions, and the differences between ancient and modern meaning. Written by ten distinguished scholars, Hearing …
Outline : The Landmark Book That Changed Us All. "The founder of L'Abri... shows how evangelism of modern man must begin with the reality of God." Leighton Ford. If you want to understand your world, The God Who Is There is the place to begin. We are constantly bombarded with conflicting ideas about God, religion and what our future holds. Where did these views come from? Where are they going? …
Outline : Today's pastors -- often expected to be multitasking marvels who can make their churches "successful" -- are understandably confused about their role. Craig Barnes contends that the true calling of a pastor is to help others become fully alive in Christ, to be a "minor poet," or poet of the soul. As such, pastors are to read the major poets of Scripture and history in light of the dus…
Outline: Nach der Reformation waren Regeln für den Umgang mit Anders- gläubigen, Nonkonformisten und Glaubensgegnern erforderlich. Wer als Ketzer galt, war nach Sebastian Castellio eine Frage der Perspektive. Die Konkordanz der Glaubenssysteme, die von römisch-katholischen Intellektuellen angestrebt wurde, setzte zwar Kenntnisse des Islams und des Judentums voraus, schien aber nur durch Miss…
Outline: Augustinus ist mit seiner Sünden- und Gnadenlehre einer der wichtigsten Referenzpunkte der frühneuzeitlichen Theologie in allen Konfessionen gewesen. Den hier versammelten Beiträgen gelingt es, nicht nur das Wissen um Augustins Rezeptionsgeschichte für kontroverstheologische Absichten zu bereichern, sondern auch die Interferenzen von theo-logischen Methoden und Diskursen - den zwis…
Outline: Cybulski and Rutkovska study secular and religious writings of secular authors as well as those belonging to the clergy and religious orders. Their main interest lies in exploring the different genres of early modern Polish and Lithuanian sermons and novels, and in tracing this heritage to its social and literary context. They also give insights into the origins or vernacular translati…
Outline : Der Prozess der Durchsetzung eines konfessionellen Luthertums unter den Siebenbürger Sachsen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert war alles andere als eindeutig. Dieser „Uneindeutigkeit (Edit Szegedi) geht dieses Werk nach, indem es einen bestim- menden Factor der konfessionellen Uniformierung genauer betrachtet: das geistliche Buch. Die deutsche F römmigkeitsliteratur stammte fast ausschli…
Outline: Frances Luttikhuizen traces Constantino de la Fuente's religious experience from the Erasmian influence at Alcala de Henares during his university days in the 1520s to being the main spokesperson for the evangelistic tendencies emerging in Spain in the 1550s. His theology shows strong parallels with the renovating current within the Catholic Church of the first half of the 15th century…
Outline : Im 16. Jahrhundert war Wittenberg die wichtigste Universität der Protestanten Ungarns. Bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts weilten hier etwa 1.200 Studenten, 430 von ihnen waren direkte Schüler Melanchthons. Die Natio (Coetus) entstand am 24. Juni 1555, als sich die Wittenberger Universität in ihrer Blütezeit befand. Dieses Werk enthält neben ausführlichen Hintergrundinformationen vor…
Outline: This original work of scholarship clarifies how, in light of Matthew's Gospel, the first Christians understood and claimed Israel's messianic mission to people of every ethnic group immediately after Jesus' death and resurrection. In Part 1 James LaGrand examines the Hebrew Bible and other ancient documents to uncover the meaning in Matthew's time of the terms 'Israel' and 'the nations…
Outline: Systematic Theology is the culmination and creative synthesis of John Frame's writing on, teaching about, and studying of the Word of God. This magisterial opus - at once biblical, clear, cogent, readable, accessible, and practical - summarize the mature thought of one of the most important and original Reformed theologians of the last hundred years. It will enable you to see clearly h…
Outline : Recent years have seen renewed interest in divine action, but much of the literature tends to focus on the science-theology discussion. Resulting from the multiyear work of the Scripture and Doctrine Seminar, part of the Kirby Laing Centre's Scripture Collective, this book explores the many different ways in which divine action is foregrounded and portrayed in one major biblical text,…
Outline: Genesis is a book of origins - the origin of the universe, the origin of life and the origin of man. It places man in his cosmic settling, shows his particular uniqueness, explains his wonder and his flaw, and begins to trace the flow of human history through space and time. Many today, however, view this book as a collection of myths, useful for understanding the Hebrew mind, perhaps,…
Outline: No greater contrast can be found in all of the Bible than that between the future prospects of the redeemed and the unrepentant. On one hand, the awe-inspiring promise of eternal comfort in the presence of Jesus Christ; on the other hand, the terror and dread of eternal comfort in the presence of Jesus Christ; on the other hand, the terror and dread of eternal separation in that place …
Outline: Rasul Paulus memperjelas kebenaran utama dalam ajaran Kristiani. Namun adakalanya hal itu teta membingungkan kita. Sama seperti kata Petrus: "Surat Paulu berisi sesuatu yang sulit untuk dimengerti." Apakah hukum itu baik? Manakah yang lebih baik, menika atau tidak menikah? Apakah Allah benar-benar adil? Apa yan akan terjadi terhadap bangsa Yahudi ? Haruskah wanit diperbolehkan mengaja…
Outline: Read the Old Testament from a Biblical-Theological Perspective. Featuring contributions from thirteen respected evangelical scholars, this gospel-centered introduction to the Old Testament will help anyone who teaches or studies Scripture to better see the initial outworking of God's plan to redeem the world through Jesus Christ.
Outline: Why Chicken BULLY? Hampir setiap hari kita mendengar ada anak yang diejek, dipukul. dikucilkan, dan mendapat email menyakitkan dari temannya hingga mogok sekolah atau depresi. Masalah bullying seperti ini semakin parah dan semakin mendesak untuk ditangani oleh semua orang. Buku ini mengajak kita untuk mengenali MENGAPA anak- anak (dan bahkan orang dewasa!) mem-bully, juga perbedaan an…
Outline: This book is a collection of scholarly essays that place Dietrich Bonhoeffer in conversation with Dietrich Bonhoeffer in conversation with the Dutch Neo-Calvinist tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck. The essays engage in theological ethics and historical theology in an effort to frame ongoing dialogue in relation to issue of public theology. While Bonhoeffer and Neo-Calvinis…
Outline: Neo-Calvinism critically advances Reformed orthodoxy for the sake of modern life. Birthed in the Netherlands at the turn to the 20th century, initiated by Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) and Herman Bavinck (1854-1921), it argued that a life before God entailed the leavening of faith over all human existence. While the movement originated in the Netherlands, the tradition now has a global re…
Outline: Have you ever looked at your anxious or depressed teenage son or daughter and wondered, Why is my teenager feeling like this? In this companion guide to his book for teens Why Am / Feeling Like This?, pastor and counselor David Murray offers spiritual encouragement and practical direction for parents and other adults who want to help but don't know where to start. Structured around eig…
Outline : YOUR BATTLE AGAINST PORNISN'T ABOUTPORN. IT'SABOUT HOPE. Pornography may seem inescapable, but God can free us from its destructive power. The gospel replaces the dehumanizing lies of pornography with this surprising truth: God created us as royalty. How then can we reclaim our God-given identity to take a stand against-and ultimately starve-the predatory porn industry? In The Death …
Outline : If you have experienced anxiety or depression, you may have asked yourself, Why am I feeling like this? You are not alone. Pastor and counselor David Murray introduces you to the personal accounts of eighteen teens who have struggled with different types of anxiety or depression. This guide will help you discover not only the common causes but also the keys to unlock their chains. By …
Peter Heslam has provided a fine synopsis of the leading themes in Abraham Kuyper’s political thought. Kuyper’s positive commitments to divine sovereignty and sphere sovereignty, his sharp distinction between State and society, his value-charged rhetoric of “organic” and “mechanical,” and his suspicions of both popular- and State-sovereignty are the coin of this particular realm, an…
Algorithms have become near mystical beings. Here on earth they make their users happy and their creators very rich. Every minute a few algorithms manipulate millions of Uber drivers and their customers. It turned Garrett Camp, the Canadian inventor of the Uber algorithm and co-founder of the company, into the transcendental choirmaster of the ride-sharing world and a billionaire to boot. Curre…
An emphasis on democracy is typical of action research. Therefore, theories of modern democracy can be applied within the field of school development through action research. According to Jürgen Habermas, the promotion of democratic will-formation requires the promotion of free and rational communicative action that is as free from manipulation as possible. Under ideal communicative conditions…
Outline : Parenting can be a challenge. Sometimes it seems like all we do is give directions and all children do is disobey. How can we promote good behavior and a peaceful home without becoming harsh drill sergeant son the one hand or passive pushovers on the other? This book aims to help you better understand loving correction through clear steps and practical tips aimed at transforming not o…
Outline: The Place of Children in the Church is something of an enigma among Christians. Are the children of believers part of the covenant community, with privileges and responsibilities that accompany that status? Or are they simply unbelievers, like children in the non-Christian world? What promise does God give believing parents and their children? What place did children have in the Old Te…
Outline: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth familiarized itself with Christian Hebraism in the first half of the 16th century. So far, this theme has not been explored in English and is almost unknown to the international scholarly community. The author presents the development of modern Hebrew studies in Western Europe, describes the academic and religious level of scholarship of Hebrew in the…
Outline : Augustine is widely considered to be the most influential theologian in church history after the apostle Paul. Dramatically converted from a life of licentiousness to one of wholehearted devotion to Christ, the humble North African pastor quickly established himself as a leading figure within the ancient church. In Augustine on the Christian Life, historian Gerald Bray explores the ri…
Shinto as one of traditional beliefs of Japanese people unconsciously gives much influence in the cultural activities of Japanese people. Therefore, the authors had examined the existence of Shinto in Shogatsu by distributing questionnaires to the 20 respondents of Osaka University students. The article clarifies the intensity level and purpose of Japanese people in carrying out Shogatsu, in re…
Christians believe and confess that God in His chosen time sent His son incarnated in human flesh for the salvation of humans and all creation. This 'carnation’ idea has been equated with the Indian Hindu religious idea of ‘Avatar’ by Indian Christians to inculturate the Gospel message in Indian terms. The Hindus, on the other hand, have used it to challenge Gospel proclamation. The autho…
Outline : "The most important and, indeed, exciting bookon the resurrection to have emerged in half a century" In this book, Murray Rae explains that the resurrection is the turning point of history and the decisive clue to what is going on in the world. Rae investigates what it means to participate in the resurrection life made possible through encounter with the risen Lord.
Outline : Institutio Christianae Religionis, yang merupakan magnum opus John Calvin, terbitpertama kali pada tahun 1536 sebagai buku ringkas untuk menjelaskan iman Kristenyang alkitabiah dan mendasar. Sejak kemunculannya, Institutio menjadi buku yangmenentukan di dalam Reformasi dan pilar dari theologi Protestan dan segeraditerjemahkan ke dalam berbagai bahasa. Calvin memperluas isi Institutio …
Outline : Institutio Christianae Religionis, yang merupakan magnum opus John Calvin, terbitpertama kali pada tahun 1536 sebagai buku ringkas untuk menjelaskan iman Kristenyang alkitabiah dan mendasar. Sejak kemunculannya, Institutio menjadi buku yangmenentukan di dalam Reformasi dan pilar dari theologi Protestan dan segeraditerjemahkan ke dalam berbagai bahasa. Calvin memperluas isi Institutio …
Corona virus is a virus capable of mutating very quickly and many other viruses that arise due to mutations of this virus. To find out the location of corona virus mutations of one type to another, DNA sequences can be aligned using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. Corona virus data was taken from Genbank National Center for Biotechnology Information from 1985-1992. The Needleman-Wunsch algorith…
Pandangan orang Jepang terhadap agama adalah sebagai ikatan budaya dan tradisi. Memiliki dua atau lebih agama dalam kehidupan seseorang adalah sesuatu yang wajar, dan hal tersebut menjadikan salah satu karakteristik agama Jepang. Dalam sejarahnya yang panjang, agama telah mengalami perkembangan, agama asli tetap dipertahankan walaupun muncul agama-agama baru, agama asli tetap hidup dengan harmo…
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menjelaskan makna gambar Allah menurut Kejadian 1:26-28 dan implikasinya terhadap pengembangan Artificial Intelligence. Adapun metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif dengan metode hermeneutik. Adapun metode hermeneutik yang dugunakan ialah hermeneutik terhadap Alkitab sebagai salah satu komponen teologi dalam mempelajari penafsiran A…
Reformed epistemology has reclaimed for contemporary apologetics not only Calvin’s notion of sensus divinitatis) but also its negative counterpart—the idea of the corruption of human intellectual capacities through original sin. But while Alvin Plantinga’s retrieval of the concept finds some support in Calvin’s Institutes, it does not do foil justice to the exegetically determined histo…
Outline: Lompatan Tersingkat Jilid 2, karya Ally van den Herik ini, akan mencakup semua fakta inti yang terkait dengan pokok-pokok kepercayaan utama iman Kristen. Apabila jilid 1 meliputi bukti-bukti ilmiah, filsafat, sains untuk iman Kristen, Jilid 2 ini lebih tajam berfokus pada kebenaran Alkitab dan doktrin Kristen tentang Yesus Kristus. Kesaksian Alkitab tentang Yesus Kristus dan segala ses…
The Greek East in the Roman period abounded in fictions.In Fiction as History: Nero to Julian (1994), G. Bowersock has written memorably of what he characterizes as an explosion in the production of ancient fictions in the Roman empire,beginning in the reign of Nero (54–68 c.e.),and of the paradoxical character of some of these fictions.
DARK AS THE SEVEN CENTURIES SPANNED BY THE selections in this volume are commonly supposed to have been, those who investigate them more than superficially will discover that in this period the church of Christ was ever endeavoring to lift aloft a light which the darkness did not overcome.
The present collection consists of a string of different ‘Introductions’ that Hegel wrote for each of his major works, beginning with the famous (and infamous) Preface to his Phenomenology of Spirit, which celebrated its second centenary in 2007 (it first appeared in 1807, when Hegel was 37 years old).