Outline : Ricoeur's theory of productive imagination in previously unpublished lectures. The eminent philosopher Paul Ricoeur was devoted to the imagination. These previously unpublished lectures offer Ricoeur's most significant and sustained reflections on creativity as he builds a new theory of imagination through close examination, moving from Aristotle, Pascal, Spinoza, Hume, and Kant to Ry…
Outline: As the old jokes goes, if you find a perfect church you should't join it, because if you do it won't be perfect anymore. Whenever sinners work together in close quarters, whether in churches or in families, conflict and disappointment will arise. Regardless of flaws God designed us to need one another and for the church to need us. But how do you find a good church? What are the qualit…
Outline : Paul Helm breaks fertile ground in this survey of theological anthropology in the Reformed tradition. Acknowledging the rich patristic and medieval heritage available to Reformed theologians, Helm works through a representative range of authors and materials during the period 1550 to 1750 in order to identify certain ways of thinking as well as elements of development and change. Addr…
Outline: How people behave and think is largely determined by the social structure in which they live. Evangelism and church planting strategies, if they are to succeed, must take that group action into account. Incarnational Ministry describes the social-cultural settings of bands, tribes, peasantry, and urbanites. While urging planners not to use these general categories as simplistic pigeonh…
Outline: This volume deals with with the crucial subject in today's theological debate, the authority of Scripture. Editor Henry in the Preface speaks of this subject as "the watershed of theological conviction." Twenty-four international scholars, under the editorship of Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, Editor of Chritianity Today, give evangelical view on such phases of the subject a ..., inspiration, t…
Outline: Perjalanan yang harus ditempuh seorang hamba Tuhan adalah jalan yang mulia tetapi banyak durinya. Dari wajah para hamba Tuhan senior, kita dapat melihat di belakang senyuman ramahnya tersembunyi penderitaan yang sangat dan sulit diutarakan dengan kata-kata. Jika bukan karena pilihan, panggilan, dan rahmat Tuhan, siapakah yang sanggup bersandar pada kekuatan sendiri untuk menyelesaikan …
Outline: The Roman Catholic papacy has long been a thorny issue dividing the ecumenical church. In this book several outstanding Lutheran and Catholic theologians, known collectively as the Group of Farfa Sabina, present the results of their five-year dialogue, showing how the papal (Petrine) ministry might actually serve to unify the worldwide communion of churches. Offering biblical, historic…
Outline: A History of Biblical Interpretation provides detailed and extensive studies of the interpretation of the Scriptures by Jewish and Christian writers throughout the ages. Written by internationally renowned scholars, this multivolume work comprehensively treats the many different methods of interpretation, the many important interpreters from various eras, and the many key issues that h…
Outline: How does the New Testament echo the Old? Which versions of the Hebrew Scriptures were authoritative for New Testament writers? The appearance of concepts, images, and passages from the Old Testament in the books of the New raises important questions about textual versions, allusions, and the differences between ancient and modern meaning. Written by ten distinguished scholars, Hearing …
Outline: "Why can't I change?" Have you ever asked this? Maybe you want more discipline in your eating habits. Or perhaps you struggle to keep your spending under control or maintain daily Bible reading and prayer. Change is hard and our attempts often result in failure. This book explains that it is the gospel - what God has done for us - that is the key to change and empowers us to make chang…
Outline: Anger is widespread; it is even a major problem among professing Christians. While people express anger in different ways, it is a challenge for every Christian. Some feel powerless as anger rises. Others try to justify themselves. The question that must be addressed is how a sinfully angry person can become a person of grace. This mini-book provides the answer and gives us hope by dir…
Outline: Abuse is a growing problem and those who have been abused need help. This booklet equips the reader to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse. As well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way, it points to the victory possible in Jesus Christ, who was abused for His people and who has compassi…
Outline : When you say "I do," you begin the journey of a lifetime - and you have dreams of that journey being perfect. But it won't take long for expectations of the perfect marriage to fade away in the struggles of everyday life. A long-term, vibrant marriage needs to be grounded in something studier than romance - it needs the life-changing power of the gospel. In this rebranded edition of W…
Outline : The church needs good theology that engages the Head, Heart, and Hands. This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practically - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley unpack the doctrine of humanity (anthropology) and the doctrine of Christ (Christo…
Outline: The church needs good theology that engages the Head, Heart, and Hands. This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practically - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley examine the Holy Spirit (pneumatology) and salvation (soteriology), exploring the L…
In the first place, this book deals with Freud and not with psychoanalysis. This means there are two things lacking: analytic experience itself and a consideration of the post-Freudian schools. as for the first point, it is taking a gamble, no doubt, to write about Freud without being an analyst or having been analyzed and to treat his work as a monument of our culture, as a text in which our c…
Outline : We live in a deeply broken world... but there is hope. Sexuality is a fundamental part of what it means to be human-part of God's beautiful design when he created all things. And yet, sex in our world today looks nothing like the way that God intended it to be. Sexual brokenness surrounds us and, in one way or another, affects us all. This sexual brokenness reveals our deep need for…
Outline : "There simply is nothing like the love of God. It is the most powerful force in the universe." PAUL DAVID TRIPP Only God's love can satisfy the longing of our hearts. Through 40 daily meditations from his best-selling devotional New Morning Mercies, popular author and speaker Paul David Tripp explores the glorious beauty of God's love. Tripp encourages us not to put our hope in the i…
Outline : The Bible never discusses midlife,just like it never discusses teenagers. Yet the Bible is able to address any of life's experiences because it was written by the One who made them all. You will face things in midlife that beat at the borders of your faith, but you do not have to be lost in the middle of your story. You do not have to be paralyzed by regret, defeated by aging, and di…
Outline : bringing the hope of change to a broken world The How People Change Facilitator's Guide challenges and equips participants to live out the gospel in their everyday lives. This course helps people to understand the underlying motivations for their actions and gives them specific, practical help in changing long-standing patterns of behavior, so they grow in love for God and others. Ba…
Outline: Is Christ the center of your life? Is He really your source, your motive, your goal, and your hope? Is it possible that your Christianity may, in fact, exclude Christ? "There really is no place for Christ in many people's Christianity. Their faith is not actually in Christ; it is in Christianity and their own ability to live it out." Paul David Tripp expertly traverses the deepest rece…
Outline: MONEY. THE THOUGHT OF IT CAN BE OVERWHELMING,AND THE PURSUIT OF IT CAN BE ADDICTING. Our society constantly promises us that money will provide what we want-success, comfort, peace, and happiness leading our fickle hearts to trust money for things it was never intended to give us. Even if we think we know what the Bible says about money, there seems to be a gap between our theology an…
Outline: Best-selling author Paul David Tripp invites you into his personal reflections on his experience of God's ever-present grace through the ups and downs of his life. He shares his celebrations, disappointments, cries for help, confessions, and confusions in the form of 120 meditations that were written over many years through various joys and struggles. Vulnerable yet pastoral and wise, …
Outline: Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp skillfully help individuals and small groups identify the deeper issues that keep relationships less than they are designed to be. They give practical direction on how to resolve conflicts, have difficult conversations, grant forgiveness, overlook weakness, celebrate strengths, and grow casual relationships into deep friendships. Based on principles…
Outline : HUMANS ARE HARDWIRED FOR AWE. Our hearts are always captured by something-that's how God made us. But sin threatens to distract us from the glory of our Creator. All too often, we stand in awe of everything but God. Uncovering the lies we believe about all the earthly things that promise us peace, life, and contentment, Paul Tripp redirects our gaze to God's awe-inducing glory-showin…
Outline : Get to the heart of CHANGE in your life What does it take for lasting change to take root in your life? If you've ever tried, failed, and wondered why, you need How People Change. This book explains the biblical pattern for change in a clear, practical way you can apply to the challenges of daily life. But change involves more than a biblical formula: You will see how God is at work…
Outline: Lent is a time in the yearly Christian calendar when we mourn our sin and let go of worldly things that keep our hearts from experiencing God more fully. But how do reevaluate and recalibrate the values of our hears to match those of our suffering Savior? In this forty-day Lenten devotional, best-selling author Paul David Tripp invites us to set aside time from the busyness of our live…
Outline : The church is experiencing a leadership crisis. What can we do to prevent pastors from leaving the ministry? For every celebrity pastor exiting the ministry in the spotlight, there are many more lesser-known pastors leaving in the shadows. Pastor and best-selling author Paul David Tripp argues that lurking behind every pastoral failure is the lack of a strong leadership community. T…
Outline : This year, don't let Christmas sneak up on you again. The wonder and awe of the Christmas season can easily get overshadowed by lights, tinsel, bows, and paper - not to mention last-minute trips to the mall and visits to the in-laws. In all the hustle and bustle, we often lost sight of what's most important. This book of daily readings for the month of December by best-selling author …
Outline : WILL MY HEART EVER HEAL? In this short but powerful devotional book, author and pastor Paul Tautges shares the comfort and peace of Christ in fifty brief readings, helping those who are grieving find encouragement and healing. Get to know the Man of Sorrows, who is well acquainted with grief and sadness, and sit in the healing balm of God's Word.
Outline : "Faith is breathing in the oxygen of God's grace, giving life to my once-dead heart." PAUL DAVID TRIPP As breath is to the body, so faith is to the Christian life. Through 40 daily meditations from his best-selling devotional New Morning Mercies, popular author and speaker Paul David Tripp explores how deep-seated trust in God and his word radically alters not only the way we think, …
Outline : "The language and drama of hope is splashed all over the pages of Scripture. The Bible is a narrative of hope shattered and hope restored." PAUL DAVID TRIPP Everyone places their hope in something. Through 40 daily meditations from his best-selling devotional New Morning Mercies, popular author and speaker Paul David Tripp explores the role of hope in a Christian's everyday life. Tri…
Outline : "Grace is more than just a story, it's more than just atheology, and it's more than just a powerful force-no, grace is a person, and his name is Jesus. Jesus is the grace of God." PAUL DAVID TRIPP There is nothing we can do to earn God's grace-it is a gift. Through 40 daily meditations from his best-selling devotional New Morning Mercies, popular author and speaker Paul David Tripp e…
Outline: DOMESTIC ABUSE How to Help Couples who publicly sit at peace in church pews can secretly be at war. How do you help the victim of domestic abuse? And doesn't the perpetrator of the violence also need our help? Three counselors reveal ways to clearly communicate God's grace to the victims of violence. They demonstrate how to minister with confidence and humility to the afflicted. They…
Outline: How hard it is to see God's goodness in the face of tragedy and suffering! Feeling abandoned, we cry out to him, question him, turn away from him, perhaps even curse him. It may seem like he's cheated us - we've done our part following him, but he's let us down. Paul David Tripp helps hurting people see their circumstances from an eternal perspective. Gently uncovering the wrong motive…
Outline: DISTORTED IMAGES of sex bombard our children from every angle. Where can they find a healthy view of their sexuality? How can parents and youth leaders teach kids the life-transforming truths that expose the counterfeits for what they are. Paul David Tripp unearths the premises that underlie popular views of sex and notes several characteristics that make teenagers especially vulnerabl…
Outline: Lompatan Tersingkat Jilid 2, karya Ally van den Herik ini, akan mencakup semua fakta inti yang terkait dengan pokok-pokok kepercayaan utama iman Kristen. Apabila jilid 1 meliputi bukti-bukti ilmiah, filsafat, sains untuk iman Kristen, Jilid 2 ini lebih tajam berfokus pada kebenaran Alkitab dan doktrin Kristen tentang Yesus Kristus. Kesaksian Alkitab tentang Yesus Kristus dan segala ses…
"Existentialism Is a Humanism" is a stenographer's uanscript, originally written in shorthand and scarcely altered by Sartre, of a lecture he gave in Paris on Monday, October 29, 1945. He was invited to speak by the Club Maintenant, which was founded during the Liberation by Jacques Caltny and Marc Beigbeder to promote "literary and intellectual discussion." The text of the lecture was publishe…
Outline: Menjelajah Perjanjian Baru Jilid 2 ditulis oleh tiga pakar yang memiliki pengalaman luas dalam mengajar Perjanjian Baru di perguruan tinggi teologi. Selain memberikan informasi, buku ini memungkinkan pembaca untuk berkelana ke dalam teks alkitabiah, sehingga tidak sekadar menjadi pembaca pasif. Buku ini menyediakan berbagai aktivitas dan tantangan untuk tingkat pengantar dan menengah. …
There is little doubt that Thomas Forsyth Torrance (1913–2007) is one of the most significant English-speaking theologians of the twentieth century. According to Alister McGrath, those outside of Great Britain generally regard Torrance “as the most significant British academic theologian of the twentieth century” and, in his view, “one of the most productive, creative and important theo…
This is a major study of the theological thought of John Calvin, which examines his central theological ideas through a philosophical lens, looking at issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Ethics. The study, the first of its kind, is concerned with how Calvin actually uses philosophical ideas in his work as a theologian and biblical commentator. The book also includes a careful examination o…
The present investigation has grown out of several preoccupations, some private, some professional, and others, finally, that I would call public. Private preoccupation: to say nothing of my gaze directed back now over a long life—Reflexion faite (looking back)—it is a question here of returning to a lacuna in the problematic of Time and Narrative and in Oneself as Another, where temporal e…
This book reconfigures the basic problem of Christian thinking or theological cognition as a twofold demand for integrity: integrity of reason and integrity of transcendence....
One of the general or catholic epistles near the end of the New Testament, this letter traditionally attributed to the apostle Peter contains important ideas and reveals a fascinating relationship to the surrounding literary world. The book shows what problems Christians faced at the time the epistle was written and how the author addressed them. The commentary discusses the Greek original, wit…
Explores the art of storytelling, discussing how to develop the skill of shaping a story so that listeners are able to relate to it on a personal level, looks at the key elements of storytelling, and includes an annotated list of stories, a bibliography of collections, and a brief list of recommendations for online sources.
In 'Systematic Theology' Paul Tillich restates the Christian faith for the twentieth century. Here complete between two covers are the three volumes of this monumental work-the summation of Tillich's thought-which appeared in 1951,1957, and 1963.