Outline: An exploration of the church. What is the church? What is its nature as a community gathered around the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and his immediate disciples? How is it related to other topics of Christian dogmatics, such as the Trinity or redemption? How should we think and speak about the church today? The 2023-Los Angeles Theology Conference examined these and other questions r…
Outline: From Global to Local, the many faces of global Christianity - As they have from the very first century, the highly diverse and creative religious lives of ordinary Christians have decisively engaged the enormous developments of the twentieth century. However tentatively they can all be pieced together, these are some of their stories. Whether in the sugar cane fields of Central America…
Outline: Minat terhadap ajaran-ajaran John Calvin tidak berkurang sejak munculnya buku ini pada tahun 1939. Demikian juga kebutuhan akan theologi Calvin. Ketika kita memasuki abad ke-21, terbitnya buku yang memberikan ulasan ringkas tetapi pada tentang Calvinisme ini sangatlah tepat waktu. Dengan gaya yang lancar dan sistematis, Henry Meeter memberikan garis besar apa yang menjadi ciri-ciri yan…
Outline : The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the dynamic balance of the muscles―your physical being is knit according to a pattern of stunning purpose. Now Gold Medallion winners Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and In His Image have been completely revised and updated to offer a new audience timeless reflections …
Outline : This updated third edition of Old Testament Survey revises the original edition and greatly expands its attention to historical, methodological, and geographical topics. These are combined with the second edition’s focus on literature and narrative, and an increased number of improved maps are also included. In all, the book charts every major element that unifies the Old Testament,…
Outline : Every Sunday, there's a battle for your heart. You understand the importance of attending church, but you probably find your attention being pulled away from Sunday services by distractions of schedule, work, family, finances, or other competing priorities. With so much going on in your life, how will you prepare your heart and mind to offer God the worship he deserves? Christians und…
Outline : The bilingual, interdisciplinary volume offers groundbreaking contributors on social, economic, cultural, and church historical aspects of the early modern era in the Carpathian Basin. In doing so, it challenges and completely reevaluates previously held research opinions on the history of tolerance in Transylvania.
Outline : You are different, but that's not bad. It's beautiful. When the popular girls invite Kiki to try out for the school's talent show with them, she's excited to be part of their group. But after a successful audition, Mom tells Kiki she can't sing the song the girls chose. Now Kiki has a big choice to make: stay with her new friends and ignore the bad feeling in her stomach, or take a ri…
Outline : The Bible attractively displays the all-surpassing excellence of the good news of Jesus, The love of God compels this gospel to be heard, and Washer details its essential content, showing how it has remained the same throughout history and how the same gospel of Jesus Christ has preeminence in revelation, salvation, sanctification, study, proclamation, and our glory. While our human t…
Outline : Leading apologist and scholar Paul Copan examines challenging Old Testament texts, placing them in their larger historical and theological context to help readers reconcile the seemingly disconnected natures of God portrayed in the Old and New Testaments.
Outline: RZIM's goal is to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In keeping with this goal, the purpose of his line of booklets is to give a succinct, popular-level response to frequently-asked questions about the Christian faith. In Ravi Zacharias' works, "What I believe in my heart must make sense in my mind,"
Outline: Perjuangan bangsa Indonesia belumlah berakhir. Meskipun kemerdekaan dari penjajahan bangsa asing sudah tidak lagi kita rasakan, namun harus kita sadari masih adanya penjajahan berupa kecemburuan, iri hati dan ketidakpuasan. Gereja Tuhan dan juga beberapa sekolah kristiani yang merupakan aset bangsa Indonesia menjadi sasaran pelampiasan kemarahan karena kecemburuan, iri hati dan ketidak…
Outline: Sixteen internationally recognized church historians here examine Martin Luther in an uncommon way - not as Reformer or theologian but as pastor. After first introducing the pastoral Luther, including his theology of the cross, these chapters discuss Luther's preaching and use of language (including humor), investigate his teaching ministry in depth, especially in light of the catechis…
Outline: 'Puritan' was originally a term of contempt, and 'Puritanism" has often been stereotyped by critics and admirers alike. As a distinctive and particularly intense variety of early modern Reformed Protestantism, it was a product of acute tensions within the post-Reformation Church of England. But it was never monolithic or purely oppositional, and its impact reverberated far beyond seve…
Outline : This new Handbook edited by Herman Selderhuis and written by renowned catholic and protestant church historians presents the latest results in research. Full attention is given to the coherence of social, political, cultural and ecclesiastical developments in the history of Christianity in the Netherlands. The Handbook is written for use as an academic textbook but is also accessible …
Outline: Abuse is a growing problem and those who have been abused need help. This booklet equips the reader to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse. As well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way, it points to the victory possible in Jesus Christ, who was abused for His people and who has compassi…
Outline: Melalui pendekatan naratif, buku Atlas dan Sejarah Alkitab ini memaparkan banyak hal menarik, mulai dari sejarah terbentuknya Alkitab (Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru), cerita awal mula penciptaan, bapa-bapa leluhur, sampai kisah rasul-rasul Kristus (terutama Rasul Paulus), dan lahirnya Gereja Perdana. Dengan menggunakan temuan-temuan mutakhir dari sejarawan dan arkeolog sebagai su…
Outline: Who wouldn't want to be an all-around better preacher? Here are vital tips and ideas that are great for new pastors, seminary students, or any pastor who is feeling overwhelmed!
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: The voice of God is a heartbeat away. In Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey revealed how God's voice is encoded in the very structure of our bodies. In His Image takes up where its predecessor left off, beckoning us once again inward and onward to fresh exploration and discovery. Brand and Yancey show how accurately and intricately the human body portrays th…
Outline: Dalam teologi Kristen dosa dan anugerah saling terkait erat. Dosen dan konselor Mark McMinn, percaya bahwa konseling Kristen harus memperhitungkan dosa manusia dan anugerah Allah. Baik dosa maupun anugerah akan terdistorsi bila yang satu ditekankan sambil yang lain diabaikan. Buku ini bertujuan untuk melengkapi para penyuluh dan pembina mengoperasikan kebenaran Injil ke dalam beragam p…
Outline: Resonant Witness gathers together a wide, harmonious chorus of voices from across the musical and theological spectrum to show that music and theology can each learn much from the other - and that the majesty and power of both are profoundly amplified when they do. With essays touching on J. S. Bach, Hildegard of Bingen, Martin Luther, Karl Barth, Oliver Messiaen, jazz improvisation, S…
Outline : Helping Others Change and Grow Paul David Tripp designed this interactive small group resource using the principles fromahis best-selling book, Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands. Formerly published as Helping Others Change, this updated and reformatted Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands Study Guide offers a comprehensive, hands-on overview of the process of biblical change that wi…
Outline: Do you know who you are? In this Scripture-saturated devotional, pastor and biblical counselor Paul Tautges provides 90 meditations on your complete identity before God in Christ as saint, sinner, and sufferer. Day by day, center your thoughts and affections on the Savior and stay on God's good path as you live in a broken world.
Outline: The Cambridge History of Christianity offers a comprehensive chronological account of the development of Christianity in all its aspects - theological, intellectual, social, political, regional, global - from its beginnings to the present day. Each volume makes a substantial contribution in its own right to the scholarship of its period and the complete History constitutes a major work…
Outline : JANJI TENTANG PERUBAHAN NYATA Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa Anda mengendalikan segalanya... jika ternyata tidak. Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa hubungan terbaik Anda sangat memuaskan...jika ternyata tidak. Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa pergumulan Anda melawan dosa sudah lewat...jika ternyata tidak."Hanya orang-orang Kristenlah yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk tidak pe…
Outline : Ricoeur's theory of productive imagination in previously unpublished lectures. The eminent philosopher Paul Ricoeur was devoted to the imagination. These previously unpublished lectures offer Ricoeur's most significant and sustained reflections on creativity as he builds a new theory of imagination through close examination, moving from Aristotle, Pascal, Spinoza, Hume, and Kant to Ry…
Outline: As the old jokes goes, if you find a perfect church you should't join it, because if you do it won't be perfect anymore. Whenever sinners work together in close quarters, whether in churches or in families, conflict and disappointment will arise. Regardless of flaws God designed us to need one another and for the church to need us. But how do you find a good church? What are the qualit…
Outline : Paul Helm breaks fertile ground in this survey of theological anthropology in the Reformed tradition. Acknowledging the rich patristic and medieval heritage available to Reformed theologians, Helm works through a representative range of authors and materials during the period 1550 to 1750 in order to identify certain ways of thinking as well as elements of development and change. Addr…
Outline: How people behave and think is largely determined by the social structure in which they live. Evangelism and church planting strategies, if they are to succeed, must take that group action into account. Incarnational Ministry describes the social-cultural settings of bands, tribes, peasantry, and urbanites. While urging planners not to use these general categories as simplistic pigeonh…
Outline: This volume deals with with the crucial subject in today's theological debate, the authority of Scripture. Editor Henry in the Preface speaks of this subject as "the watershed of theological conviction." Twenty-four international scholars, under the editorship of Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, Editor of Chritianity Today, give evangelical view on such phases of the subject a ..., inspiration, t…
Outline: Perjalanan yang harus ditempuh seorang hamba Tuhan adalah jalan yang mulia tetapi banyak durinya. Dari wajah para hamba Tuhan senior, kita dapat melihat di belakang senyuman ramahnya tersembunyi penderitaan yang sangat dan sulit diutarakan dengan kata-kata. Jika bukan karena pilihan, panggilan, dan rahmat Tuhan, siapakah yang sanggup bersandar pada kekuatan sendiri untuk menyelesaikan …
Outline: The Roman Catholic papacy has long been a thorny issue dividing the ecumenical church. In this book several outstanding Lutheran and Catholic theologians, known collectively as the Group of Farfa Sabina, present the results of their five-year dialogue, showing how the papal (Petrine) ministry might actually serve to unify the worldwide communion of churches. Offering biblical, historic…
Outline: A History of Biblical Interpretation provides detailed and extensive studies of the interpretation of the Scriptures by Jewish and Christian writers throughout the ages. Written by internationally renowned scholars, this multivolume work comprehensively treats the many different methods of interpretation, the many important interpreters from various eras, and the many key issues that h…
Outline: How does the New Testament echo the Old? Which versions of the Hebrew Scriptures were authoritative for New Testament writers? The appearance of concepts, images, and passages from the Old Testament in the books of the New raises important questions about textual versions, allusions, and the differences between ancient and modern meaning. Written by ten distinguished scholars, Hearing …
Outline: "Why can't I change?" Have you ever asked this? Maybe you want more discipline in your eating habits. Or perhaps you struggle to keep your spending under control or maintain daily Bible reading and prayer. Change is hard and our attempts often result in failure. This book explains that it is the gospel - what God has done for us - that is the key to change and empowers us to make chang…
Outline: Anger is widespread; it is even a major problem among professing Christians. While people express anger in different ways, it is a challenge for every Christian. Some feel powerless as anger rises. Others try to justify themselves. The question that must be addressed is how a sinfully angry person can become a person of grace. This mini-book provides the answer and gives us hope by dir…
Outline : When you say "I do," you begin the journey of a lifetime - and you have dreams of that journey being perfect. But it won't take long for expectations of the perfect marriage to fade away in the struggles of everyday life. A long-term, vibrant marriage needs to be grounded in something studier than romance - it needs the life-changing power of the gospel. In this rebranded edition of W…
Outline : The church needs good theology that engages the Head, Heart, and Hands. This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practically - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley unpack the doctrine of humanity (anthropology) and the doctrine of Christ (Christo…
Outline: The church needs good theology that engages the Head, Heart, and Hands. This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practically - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley examine the Holy Spirit (pneumatology) and salvation (soteriology), exploring the L…